0) { $captchaInput = getRequestParameter($_SESSION['CAPTCHA_FIELD']); $captchaValid = false; if (empty($captchaInput) == false) { $captchaValid = $captcha->validateCaptcha($captchaInput); } if ($captchaValid == true) { $shortId = $urlShortener->shortenUrl($longurl, $plain); if ($shortId == NULL) { $msgError = "The given URL could not be shortened."; } else { $msgShort = SERVICE_BASE_URL . $shortId; $msgLong = $longurl; $longurl = ""; } } else { $msgError = "Captcha invalid. Are sure you're not a bot?"; } } $displayCaptcha = $captcha->generateAndUseCaptcha(); $statsOverview = $urlShortener->getStatisticsOverview(); echo "<" . "?xml version=\"1.0\"?".">\n"; ?> URL Shortener
URL Shortener
Short URL:
Original URL:
URL to shorten
" class="biginput contentwidth" />
Please answer:
Key features:
  • API and data structure compatible to urlShort (by mavrev.org)
  • extended API with different output formats like XML, JSON, plain text and even QR-Code images
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