Bart Van Der Meerssche 3a28838b29 change repository layout
2010-07-07 16:37:03 +02:00

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-- XML-RPC over HTTP.
-- See Copyright Notice in license.html
-- $Id: http.lua,v 1.5 2007/03/30 04:17:14 tomas Exp $
local error, tonumber, tostring, unpack = error, tonumber, tostring, unpack
local ltn12 = require"ltn12"
local request = require"socket.http".request
local string = require"string"
local table = require"table"
local xmlrpc = require"xmlrpc"
-- Call a remote method.
-- @param url String with the location of the server.
-- @param method String with the name of the method to be called.
-- @return Table with the response (could be a `fault' or a `params'
-- XML-RPC element).
function call (url, method, ...)
local request_sink, tbody = ltn12.sink.table()
local request_body = xmlrpc.clEncode(method, ...)
local err, code, headers, status = request {
url = url,
method = "POST",
source = ltn12.source.string (request_body),
sink = request_sink,
headers = {
["User-agent"] = "LuaXMLRPC",
["Content-type"] = "text/xml",
["content-length"] = tostring (string.len (request_body)),
local body = table.concat (tbody)
if tonumber (code) == 200 then
return xmlrpc.clDecode (body)
error (tostring (err or code).."\n\n"..tostring(body))