<%# LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2008 Steven Barth Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id: dialzones.htm 4353 2009-03-21 04:36:08Z jow $ -%> <%+header%> <% local uci = luci.model.uci.cursor_state() local ast = require("luci.asterisk") function digit_pattern(s) return "%s" % s end function rowstyle(i) return "cbi-rowstyle-%i" %{ ( i % 2 ) == 0 and 2 or 1 } end local function find_trunks() local t = { } uci:foreach("asterisk", "sip", function(s) if uci:get_bool("asterisk", s['.name'], "provider") then t[#t+1] = { "SIP/%s" % s['.name'], "SIP: %s" % s['.name'] } end end) uci:foreach("asterisk", "iax", function(s) t[#t+1] = { "IAX/%s" % s['.name'], "IAX: %s" % s.extension or s['.name'] } end) return t end %>
" enctype="multipart/form-data">

Dial Zone Management

" class="cbi-title-ref">Back to dialplan overview

Here you can manage your dial zones. The zones are used to route outgoing calls to the destination. Each zone groups multiple trunks and number matches to represent a logical destination. Zones can also be used to enforce certain dial restrictions on selected extensions.
<% for i, rule in pairs(ast.dialzone.zones()) do %> <% end %>

Dialzone Overview

Name Prepend - Match Trunk Description
<%=rule.name%> <% for _ in ipairs(rule.matches) do %> <%=rule.addprefix and digit_pattern(rule.addprefix)%> 
<% end %>
<% for _, m in ipairs(rule.matches) do %> <%=rule.localprefix and "%s " % digit_pattern(rule.localprefix)%> <%=digit_pattern(m)%>
<% end %>
<%=ast.tools.hyperlinks( rule.trunks, function(v) return luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "asterisk", "trunks", "%s") % v:lower() end )%> <%=rule.description or rule.name%> Edit entry Delete entry

Create a new dialzone

The name is required and must be unique. It may only contain the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and _ .
You can specifiy multiple number matches by separating them with spaces.
<%- if create_error then %>
Invalid name given!
<% end -%>
