%% @author Justin Sheehy %% @author Andy Gross %% @copyright 2007-2008 Basho Technologies %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. -module(webmachine_perf_logger). -author('Justin Sheehy '). -author('Andy Gross '). -behaviour(gen_server). -export([start_link/1]). -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -export([log/1, refresh/0]). -include("webmachine_logger.hrl"). -record(state, {hourstamp, filename, handle}). alog_path(BaseDir) -> filename:join(BaseDir, "perf.log"). start_link(BaseDir) -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [BaseDir], []). init([BaseDir]) -> defer_refresh(), FileName = alog_path(BaseDir), DateHour = datehour(), filelib:ensure_dir(FileName), Handle = log_open(FileName, DateHour), {ok, #state{filename=FileName, handle=Handle, hourstamp=DateHour}}. refresh() -> refresh(now()). refresh(Time) -> gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {refresh, Time}). log(#wm_log_data{}=D) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, {log, D}). handle_call({log, LogData}, _From, State) -> NewState = maybe_rotate(State, now()), Msg = format_req(LogData), log_write(NewState#state.handle, Msg), {reply, ok, NewState}. handle_cast({refresh, Time}, State) -> {noreply, maybe_rotate(State, Time)}. handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. log_open(FileName, DateHour) -> LogName = FileName ++ suffix(DateHour), io:format("opening log file: ~p~n", [LogName]), {ok, FD} = file:open(LogName, [read, write, raw]), {ok, Location} = file:position(FD, eof), fix_log(FD, Location), file:truncate(FD), {?MODULE, LogName, FD}. log_write({?MODULE, _Name, FD}, IoData) -> file:write(FD, lists:flatten(IoData)). log_close({?MODULE, Name, FD}) -> io:format("~p: closing log file: ~p~n", [?MODULE, Name]), file:close(FD). maybe_rotate(State, Time) -> ThisHour = datehour(Time), if ThisHour == State#state.hourstamp -> State; true -> defer_refresh(), log_close(State#state.handle), Handle = log_open(State#state.filename, ThisHour), State#state{hourstamp=ThisHour, handle=Handle} end. format_req(#wm_log_data{resource_module=Mod, start_time=StartTime, method=Method, peer=Peer, path=Path, version=Version, response_code=ResponseCode, response_length=ResponseLength, end_time=EndTime, finish_time=FinishTime}) -> Time = fmtnow(), Status = integer_to_list(ResponseCode), Length = integer_to_list(ResponseLength), TTPD = webmachine_util:now_diff_milliseconds(EndTime, StartTime), TTPS = webmachine_util:now_diff_milliseconds(FinishTime, EndTime), fmt_plog(Time, Peer, atom_to_list(Method), Path, Version, Status, Length, atom_to_list(Mod), integer_to_list(TTPD), integer_to_list(TTPS)). %% Seek backwards to the last valid log entry fix_log(_FD, 0) -> ok; fix_log(FD, 1) -> {ok, 0} = file:position(FD, 0), ok; fix_log(FD, Location) -> case file:pread(FD, Location - 1, 1) of {ok, [$\n | _]} -> ok; {ok, _} -> fix_log(FD, Location - 1) end. defer_refresh() -> {_, {_, M, S}} = calendar:universal_time(), Time = 1000 * (3600 - ((M * 60) + S)), timer:apply_after(Time, ?MODULE, refresh, []). datehour() -> datehour(now()). datehour(Now) -> {{Y, M, D}, {H, _, _}} = calendar:now_to_universal_time(Now), {Y, M, D, H}. zeropad_str(NumStr, Zeros) when Zeros > 0 -> zeropad_str([$0 | NumStr], Zeros - 1); zeropad_str(NumStr, _) -> NumStr. zeropad(Num, MinLength) -> NumStr = integer_to_list(Num), zeropad_str(NumStr, MinLength - length(NumStr)). suffix({Y, M, D, H}) -> YS = zeropad(Y, 4), MS = zeropad(M, 2), DS = zeropad(D, 2), HS = zeropad(H, 2), lists:flatten([$., YS, $_, MS, $_, DS, $_, HS]). fmt_plog(Time, Ip, Method, Path, {VM,Vm}, Status, Length, Mod, TTPD, TTPS) -> [fmt_ip(Ip), " - ", [$\s], Time, [$\s, $"], Method, " ", Path, " HTTP/", integer_to_list(VM), ".", integer_to_list(Vm), [$",$\s], Status, [$\s], Length, " " , Mod, " ", TTPD, " ", TTPS, $\n]. month(1) -> "Jan"; month(2) -> "Feb"; month(3) -> "Mar"; month(4) -> "Apr"; month(5) -> "May"; month(6) -> "Jun"; month(7) -> "Jul"; month(8) -> "Aug"; month(9) -> "Sep"; month(10) -> "Oct"; month(11) -> "Nov"; month(12) -> "Dec". zone() -> Time = erlang:universaltime(), LocalTime = calendar:universal_time_to_local_time(Time), DiffSecs = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(LocalTime) - calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(Time), zone((DiffSecs/3600)*100). %% Ugly reformatting code to get times like +0000 and -1300 zone(Val) when Val < 0 -> io_lib:format("-~4..0w", [trunc(abs(Val))]); zone(Val) when Val >= 0 -> io_lib:format("+~4..0w", [trunc(abs(Val))]). fmt_ip(IP) when is_tuple(IP) -> inet_parse:ntoa(IP); fmt_ip(undefined) -> ""; fmt_ip(HostName) -> HostName. fmtnow() -> {{Year, Month, Date}, {Hour, Min, Sec}} = calendar:local_time(), io_lib:format("[~2..0w/~s/~4..0w:~2..0w:~2..0w:~2..0w ~s]", [Date,month(Month),Year, Hour, Min, Sec, zone()]).