--- kind: pipeline type: docker name: default steps: - name: fetch ips image: cburki/mosquitto-clients commands: - #mosquitto_sub -h raum.ctdo.de -t "homie/blinky1/\$localip" -C 1 - rm -f lastknownhostips - cat hosts - for h in $(cat hosts); do echo $h; echo $h; done - for h in $(cat hosts); do mosquitto_sub -h raum.ctdo.de -t "homie/$h/\$localip" -C 1; done >lastknownips - for h in $(cat hosts); do echo -n "$h," >>lastknownhostips; mosquitto_sub -h raum.ctdo.de -t "homie/$h/\$localip" -C 1 >>lastknownhostips; done - cat lastknownhostips - cat lastknownips - name: build image: suculent/platformio-docker-build commands: # Build images - platformio run --environment d1_mini - | chmod u+x ./configurefs.sh chmod u+x ./uploadfs.sh ./configurefs.sh - name: upload image image: curlimages/curl commands: # Upload image with espota-gateway # All hosts receive the identical image - | cat lastknownips for thisip in $(cat lastknownips) do echo "Current IP to upload is $thisip" curl -m 180 --insecure --no-progress-meter --fail-with-body --request POST --url "https://espota.ctdo.de/" --header "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" --form ip="$thisip" --form firmware=@.pio/build/d1_mini/firmware.bin --no-buffer done - name: upload configs image: curlimages/curl commands: - ls -lA . - ls -lA /bin - ./uploadfs.sh environment: IOTSSID: from_secret: iotssid iotpwd: from_secret: iotpwd