# panellum_generator Configuration generator for Panellum Panorama Viewer. https://pannellum.org/ ## Usage python panoconfig.py input.txt -o pannellum/index.htm put index.htm in panellum folder together with images inside images/ folder. ## input config file format FromFile,ToFile,Pitch,Yaw,TargetYaw|i ## overlay Pitch and Yaw run overlaylatLong.sh with .jpg files in same directory. This will create an "overlay" directory with the fotos and a lat long overlay. ## Workflow * Add .jpg equirectengular 360 photos in a directory with overlayLatLong.sh and the Rasteroverlay.png. * Run overlayLatLong.sh * create a file (for example input.txt) * Add clickable hotspots in every line * Example: from kitchen.jpg to livingroom.jpg at pitch=0 and yaw=-30 (coordinats in from picture). > kitchen,livingroom,0,-30,i (i for autocalculate yaw viewpoint in target photo) * Use images in overlay directory for pitch and yaw reference. Every image in the "to" field has to exist at least once as "from". Download pannellum and put pannellum folder in directory next to the python file. Run "python panoconfig.py input.txt -o pannellum/index.htm" to create index.htm with config in it. ## Start Webserver copy runWebserver.bat to pannellum folder an run. Or manually run python -m http.server in pannellum folder. Navigate to http://localhost:8000