The firmware allows now to set higher currents than 15 A/motor. NOTE: You can change this limit at your own risk. I do not take any responsability if your boards gets damaged.
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* File: BLDC_controller_data.c
* Code generated for Simulink model 'BLDC_controller'.
* Model version : 1.1199
* Simulink Coder version : 8.13 (R2017b) 24-Jul-2017
* C/C++ source code generated on : Sun Nov 3 12:28:16 2019
* Target selection: ert.tlc
* Embedded hardware selection: ARM Compatible->ARM Cortex
* Emulation hardware selection:
* Differs from embedded hardware (MATLAB Host)
* Code generation objectives:
* 1. Execution efficiency
* 2. RAM efficiency
* Validation result: Not run
#include "BLDC_controller.h"
/* Constant parameters (auto storage) */
const ConstP rtConstP = {
/* Computed Parameter: z_commutMap_M1_table
* Referenced by: '<S6>/z_commutMap_M1'
{ -1, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, -1 },
/* Computed Parameter: r_sin_M1_Table
* Referenced by: '<S32>/r_sin_M1'
{ 8192, 8682, 9162, 9630, 10087, 10531, 10963, 11381, 11786, 12176, 12551,
12911, 13255, 13583, 13894, 14189, 14466, 14726, 14968, 15191, 15396, 15582,
15749, 15897, 16026, 16135, 16225, 16294, 16344, 16374, 16384, 16374, 16344,
16294, 16225, 16135, 16026, 15897, 15749, 15582, 15396, 15191, 14968, 14726,
14466, 14189, 13894, 13583, 13255, 12911, 12551, 12176, 11786, 11381, 10963,
10531, 10087, 9630, 9162, 8682, 8192, 7692, 7182, 6664, 6138, 5604, 5063,
4516, 3964, 3406, 2845, 2280, 1713, 1143, 572, 0, -572, -1143, -1713, -2280,
-2845, -3406, -3964, -4516, -5063, -5604, -6138, -6664, -7182, -7692, -8192,
-8682, -9162, -9630, -10087, -10531, -10963, -11381, -11786, -12176, -12551,
-12911, -13255, -13583, -13894, -14189, -14466, -14726, -14968, -15191,
-15396, -15582, -15749, -15897, -16026, -16135, -16225, -16294, -16344,
-16374, -16384, -16374, -16344, -16294, -16225, -16135, -16026, -15897,
-15749, -15582, -15396, -15191, -14968, -14726, -14466, -14189, -13894,
-13583, -13255, -12911, -12551, -12176, -11786, -11381, -10963, -10531,
-10087, -9630, -9162, -8682, -8192, -7692, -7182, -6664, -6138, -5604, -5063,
-4516, -3964, -3406, -2845, -2280, -1713, -1143, -572, 0, 572, 1143, 1713,
2280, 2845, 3406, 3964, 4516, 5063, 5604, 6138, 6664, 7182, 7692, 8192 },
/* Computed Parameter: r_cos_M1_Table
* Referenced by: '<S32>/r_cos_M1'
{ 14189, 13894, 13583, 13255, 12911, 12551, 12176, 11786, 11381, 10963, 10531,
10087, 9630, 9162, 8682, 8192, 7692, 7182, 6664, 6138, 5604, 5063, 4516,
3964, 3406, 2845, 2280, 1713, 1143, 572, 0, -572, -1143, -1713, -2280, -2845,
-3406, -3964, -4516, -5063, -5604, -6138, -6664, -7182, -7692, -8192, -8682,
-9162, -9630, -10087, -10531, -10963, -11381, -11786, -12176, -12551, -12911,
-13255, -13583, -13894, -14189, -14466, -14726, -14968, -15191, -15396,
-15582, -15749, -15897, -16026, -16135, -16225, -16294, -16344, -16374,
-16384, -16374, -16344, -16294, -16225, -16135, -16026, -15897, -15749,
-15582, -15396, -15191, -14968, -14726, -14466, -14189, -13894, -13583,
-13255, -12911, -12551, -12176, -11786, -11381, -10963, -10531, -10087,
-9630, -9162, -8682, -8192, -7692, -7182, -6664, -6138, -5604, -5063, -4516,
-3964, -3406, -2845, -2280, -1713, -1143, -572, 0, 572, 1143, 1713, 2280,
2845, 3406, 3964, 4516, 5063, 5604, 6138, 6664, 7182, 7692, 8192, 8682, 9162,
9630, 10087, 10531, 10963, 11381, 11786, 12176, 12551, 12911, 13255, 13583,
13894, 14189, 14466, 14726, 14968, 15191, 15396, 15582, 15749, 15897, 16026,
16135, 16225, 16294, 16344, 16374, 16384, 16374, 16344, 16294, 16225, 16135,
16026, 15897, 15749, 15582, 15396, 15191, 14968, 14726, 14466, 14189 },
/* Computed Parameter: iq_maxSca_M1_Table
* Referenced by: '<S35>/iq_maxSca_M1'
{ 65535U, 65523U, 65484U, 65418U, 65326U, 65207U, 65062U, 64890U, 64691U,
64465U, 64211U, 63930U, 63620U, 63281U, 62913U, 62516U, 62088U, 61630U,
61140U, 60618U, 60062U, 59473U, 58848U, 58187U, 57489U, 56752U, 55974U,
55155U, 54291U, 53381U, 52422U, 51413U, 50349U, 49227U, 48043U, 46792U,
45470U, 44069U, 42581U, 40997U, 39307U, 37494U, 35541U, 33422U, 31105U,
28540U, 25655U, 22323U, 18304U, 12974U },
/* Computed Parameter: vec_hallToPos_Value
* Referenced by: '<S9>/vec_hallToPos'
{ 0, 2, 0, 1, 4, 3, 5, 0 }
P rtP_Left = {
/* Variable: dV_openRate
* Referenced by: '<S36>/dV_openRate'
/* Variable: dz_cntTrnsDetHi
* Referenced by: '<S16>/dz_cntTrnsDet'
/* Variable: dz_cntTrnsDetLo
* Referenced by: '<S16>/dz_cntTrnsDet'
/* Variable: r_errInpTgtThres
* Referenced by: '<S3>/r_errInpTgtThres'
/* Variable: z_maxCntRst
* Referenced by:
* '<S11>/Counter'
* '<S11>/z_maxCntRst'
* '<S11>/z_maxCntRst2'
* '<S11>/UnitDelay3'
* '<S16>/z_counter'
/* Variable: cf_speedCoef
* Referenced by: '<S16>/cf_speedCoef'
/* Variable: t_errDequal
* Referenced by: '<S3>/t_errDequal'
/* Variable: t_errQual
* Referenced by: '<S3>/t_errQual'
/* Variable: cf_idKp
* Referenced by: '<S40>/cf_idKp1'
/* Variable: cf_iqKp
* Referenced by: '<S39>/cf_iqKp'
/* Variable: cf_nKp
* Referenced by: '<S38>/cf_nKp'
/* Variable: Vd_max
* Referenced by:
* '<S35>/Vd_max1'
* '<S14>/Vd_max'
/* Variable: Vq_max_M1
* Referenced by: '<S35>/Vq_max_M1'
{ 14400, 14396, 14386, 14368, 14343, 14311, 14271, 14225, 14171, 14109, 14040,
13963, 13879, 13786, 13685, 13576, 13459, 13333, 13198, 13053, 12900, 12736,
12562, 12377, 12181, 11973, 11753, 11520, 11273, 11011, 10733, 10438, 10124,
9790, 9433, 9051, 8640, 8196, 7713, 7184, 6597, 5935, 5170, 4245, 3019, 0 },
/* Variable: Vq_max_XA
* Referenced by: '<S35>/Vq_max_XA'
{ 0, 320, 640, 960, 1280, 1600, 1920, 2240, 2560, 2880, 3200, 3520, 3840, 4160,
4480, 4800, 5120, 5440, 5760, 6080, 6400, 6720, 7040, 7360, 7680, 8000, 8320,
8640, 8960, 9280, 9600, 9920, 10240, 10560, 10880, 11200, 11520, 11840,
12160, 12480, 12800, 13120, 13440, 13760, 14080, 14400 },
/* Variable: i_max
* Referenced by:
* '<S35>/i_max'
* '<S14>/i_max'
/* Variable: id_fieldWeak_M1
* Referenced by: '<S32>/id_fieldWeak_M1'
{ 0, 80, 240, 560, 1040, 1680, 2400, 3040, 3520, 3840, 4000, 4000 },
/* Variable: n_commAcvLo
* Referenced by: '<S11>/n_commDeacv'
/* Variable: n_commDeacvHi
* Referenced by: '<S11>/n_commDeacv'
/* Variable: n_fieldWeakAuthHi
* Referenced by: '<S32>/n_fieldWeakAuth'
/* Variable: n_fieldWeakAuthLo
* Referenced by: '<S32>/n_fieldWeakAuth'
/* Variable: n_max
* Referenced by:
* '<S35>/n_max1'
* '<S14>/n_max'
/* Variable: n_stdStillDet
* Referenced by: '<S11>/n_stdStillDet'
/* Variable: r_fieldWeak_XA
* Referenced by: '<S32>/r_fieldWeak_XA'
{ 9120, 9600, 10080, 10560, 11040, 11520, 12000, 12480, 12960, 13440, 13920,
14400 },
/* Variable: cf_currFilt
* Referenced by: '<S31>/cf_currFilt'
/* Variable: cf_idKi
* Referenced by: '<S40>/cf_idKi1'
/* Variable: cf_iqKi
* Referenced by: '<S39>/cf_iqKi'
/* Variable: cf_iqKiLimProt
* Referenced by: '<S38>/cf_iqKiLimProt'
/* Variable: cf_nKi
* Referenced by: '<S38>/cf_nKi'
/* Variable: cf_iqKpLimProt
* Referenced by: '<S45>/cf_iqKpLimProt'
/* Variable: cf_nKpLimProt
* Referenced by: '<S46>/cf_nKpLimProt'
/* Variable: z_ctrlTypSel
* Referenced by: '<S1>/z_ctrlTypSel1'
/* Variable: b_diagEna
* Referenced by: '<S1>/b_diagEna'
/* Variable: b_fieldWeakEna
* Referenced by: '<S32>/b_fieldWeakEna'
/* Variable: b_selPhaABCurrMeas
* Referenced by: '<S30>/b_selPhaABCurrMeas'
}; /* Modifiable parameters */
* File trailer for generated code.
* [EOF]