PI controller integrator is now working correctly.
3351 lines
104 KiB
3351 lines
104 KiB
* File: BLDC_controller.c
* Code generated for Simulink model 'BLDC_controller'.
* Model version : 1.1296
* Simulink Coder version : 8.13 (R2017b) 24-Jul-2017
* C/C++ source code generated on : Tue Oct 20 17:29:57 2020
* Target selection: ert.tlc
* Embedded hardware selection: ARM Compatible->ARM Cortex
* Emulation hardware selection:
* Differs from embedded hardware (MATLAB Host)
* Code generation objectives:
* 1. Execution efficiency
* 2. RAM efficiency
* Validation result: Not run
#include "BLDC_controller.h"
/* Named constants for Chart: '<S5>/F03_02_Control_Mode_Manager' */
#define IN_ACTIVE ((uint8_T)1U)
#define IN_NO_ACTIVE_CHILD ((uint8_T)0U)
#define IN_OPEN ((uint8_T)2U)
#define IN_SPEED_MODE ((uint8_T)1U)
#define IN_TORQUE_MODE ((uint8_T)2U)
#define IN_VOLTAGE_MODE ((uint8_T)3U)
#define OPEN_MODE ((uint8_T)0U)
#define SPD_MODE ((uint8_T)2U)
#define TRQ_MODE ((uint8_T)3U)
#define VLT_MODE ((uint8_T)1U)
#ifndef UCHAR_MAX
#include <limits.h>
#if ( UCHAR_MAX != (0xFFU) ) || ( SCHAR_MAX != (0x7F) )
#error Code was generated for compiler with different sized uchar/char. \
Consider adjusting Test hardware word size settings on the \
Hardware Implementation pane to match your compiler word sizes as \
defined in limits.h of the compiler. Alternatively, you can \
select the Test hardware is the same as production hardware option and \
select the Enable portable word sizes option on the Code Generation > \
Verification pane for ERT based targets, which will disable the \
preprocessor word size checks.
#if ( USHRT_MAX != (0xFFFFU) ) || ( SHRT_MAX != (0x7FFF) )
#error Code was generated for compiler with different sized ushort/short. \
Consider adjusting Test hardware word size settings on the \
Hardware Implementation pane to match your compiler word sizes as \
defined in limits.h of the compiler. Alternatively, you can \
select the Test hardware is the same as production hardware option and \
select the Enable portable word sizes option on the Code Generation > \
Verification pane for ERT based targets, which will disable the \
preprocessor word size checks.
#if ( UINT_MAX != (0xFFFFFFFFU) ) || ( INT_MAX != (0x7FFFFFFF) )
#error Code was generated for compiler with different sized uint/int. \
Consider adjusting Test hardware word size settings on the \
Hardware Implementation pane to match your compiler word sizes as \
defined in limits.h of the compiler. Alternatively, you can \
select the Test hardware is the same as production hardware option and \
select the Enable portable word sizes option on the Code Generation > \
Verification pane for ERT based targets, which will disable the \
preprocessor word size checks.
#if ( ULONG_MAX != (0xFFFFFFFFU) ) || ( LONG_MAX != (0x7FFFFFFF) )
#error Code was generated for compiler with different sized ulong/long. \
Consider adjusting Test hardware word size settings on the \
Hardware Implementation pane to match your compiler word sizes as \
defined in limits.h of the compiler. Alternatively, you can \
select the Test hardware is the same as production hardware option and \
select the Enable portable word sizes option on the Code Generation > \
Verification pane for ERT based targets, which will disable the \
preprocessor word size checks.
#if 0
/* Skip this size verification because of preprocessor limitation */
#error Code was generated for compiler with different sized ulong_long/long_long. \
Consider adjusting Test hardware word size settings on the \
Hardware Implementation pane to match your compiler word sizes as \
defined in limits.h of the compiler. Alternatively, you can \
select the Test hardware is the same as production hardware option and \
select the Enable portable word sizes option on the Code Generation > \
Verification pane for ERT based targets, which will disable the \
preprocessor word size checks.
uint8_T plook_u8s16_evencka(int16_T u, int16_T bp0, uint16_T bpSpace, uint32_T
uint8_T plook_u8u16_evencka(uint16_T u, uint16_T bp0, uint16_T bpSpace, uint32_T
int32_T div_nde_s32_floor(int32_T numerator, int32_T denominator);
extern void Counter_Init(DW_Counter *localDW, int16_T rtp_z_cntInit);
extern int16_T Counter(int16_T rtu_inc, int16_T rtu_max, boolean_T rtu_rst,
DW_Counter *localDW);
extern void Low_Pass_Filter_Reset(DW_Low_Pass_Filter *localDW);
extern void Low_Pass_Filter(const int16_T rtu_u[2], uint16_T rtu_coef, int16_T
rty_y[2], DW_Low_Pass_Filter *localDW);
extern void Counter_b_Init(DW_Counter_b *localDW, uint16_T rtp_z_cntInit);
extern void Counter_n(uint16_T rtu_inc, uint16_T rtu_max, boolean_T rtu_rst,
uint16_T *rty_cnt, DW_Counter_b *localDW);
extern void either_edge(boolean_T rtu_u, boolean_T *rty_y, DW_either_edge
extern void Debounce_Filter_Init(DW_Debounce_Filter *localDW);
extern void Debounce_Filter(boolean_T rtu_u, uint16_T rtu_tAcv, uint16_T
rtu_tDeacv, boolean_T *rty_y, DW_Debounce_Filter *localDW);
extern void I_backCalc_fixdt_Init(DW_I_backCalc_fixdt *localDW, int32_T
extern void I_backCalc_fixdt_Reset(DW_I_backCalc_fixdt *localDW, int32_T
extern void I_backCalc_fixdt(int16_T rtu_err, uint16_T rtu_I, uint16_T rtu_Kb,
int16_T rtu_satMax, int16_T rtu_satMin, int16_T *rty_out, DW_I_backCalc_fixdt *
extern void PI_clamp_fixdt_Init(DW_PI_clamp_fixdt *localDW);
extern void PI_clamp_fixdt_Reset(DW_PI_clamp_fixdt *localDW);
extern void PI_clamp_fixdt(int16_T rtu_err, uint16_T rtu_P, uint16_T rtu_I,
int32_T rtu_init, int16_T rtu_satMax, int16_T rtu_satMin, int32_T
rtu_ext_limProt, int16_T *rty_out, DW_PI_clamp_fixdt *localDW);
extern void PI_clamp_fixdt_d_Init(DW_PI_clamp_fixdt_m *localDW);
extern void PI_clamp_fixdt_b_Reset(DW_PI_clamp_fixdt_m *localDW);
extern void PI_clamp_fixdt_l(int16_T rtu_err, uint16_T rtu_P, uint16_T rtu_I,
int16_T rtu_init, int16_T rtu_satMax, int16_T rtu_satMin, int32_T
rtu_ext_limProt, int16_T *rty_out, DW_PI_clamp_fixdt_m *localDW);
extern void PI_clamp_fixdt_f_Init(DW_PI_clamp_fixdt_g *localDW);
extern void PI_clamp_fixdt_g_Reset(DW_PI_clamp_fixdt_g *localDW);
extern void PI_clamp_fixdt_k(int16_T rtu_err, uint16_T rtu_P, uint16_T rtu_I,
int16_T rtu_init, int16_T rtu_satMax, int16_T rtu_satMin, int32_T
rtu_ext_limProt, int16_T *rty_out, DW_PI_clamp_fixdt_g *localDW);
uint8_T plook_u8s16_evencka(int16_T u, int16_T bp0, uint16_T bpSpace, uint32_T
uint8_T bpIndex;
uint16_T fbpIndex;
/* Prelookup - Index only
Index Search method: 'even'
Extrapolation method: 'Clip'
Use previous index: 'off'
Use last breakpoint for index at or above upper limit: 'on'
Remove protection against out-of-range input in generated code: 'off'
if (u <= bp0) {
bpIndex = 0U;
} else {
fbpIndex = (uint16_T)((uint32_T)(uint16_T)(u - bp0) / bpSpace);
if (fbpIndex < maxIndex) {
bpIndex = (uint8_T)fbpIndex;
} else {
bpIndex = (uint8_T)maxIndex;
return bpIndex;
uint8_T plook_u8u16_evencka(uint16_T u, uint16_T bp0, uint16_T bpSpace, uint32_T
uint8_T bpIndex;
uint16_T fbpIndex;
/* Prelookup - Index only
Index Search method: 'even'
Extrapolation method: 'Clip'
Use previous index: 'off'
Use last breakpoint for index at or above upper limit: 'on'
Remove protection against out-of-range input in generated code: 'off'
if (u <= bp0) {
bpIndex = 0U;
} else {
fbpIndex = (uint16_T)((uint32_T)(uint16_T)((uint32_T)u - bp0) / bpSpace);
if (fbpIndex < maxIndex) {
bpIndex = (uint8_T)fbpIndex;
} else {
bpIndex = (uint8_T)maxIndex;
return bpIndex;
int32_T div_nde_s32_floor(int32_T numerator, int32_T denominator)
return (((numerator < 0) != (denominator < 0)) && (numerator % denominator !=
0) ? -1 : 0) + numerator / denominator;
/* System initialize for atomic system: '<S13>/Counter' */
void Counter_Init(DW_Counter *localDW, int16_T rtp_z_cntInit)
/* InitializeConditions for UnitDelay: '<S18>/UnitDelay' */
localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE = rtp_z_cntInit;
/* Output and update for atomic system: '<S13>/Counter' */
int16_T Counter(int16_T rtu_inc, int16_T rtu_max, boolean_T rtu_rst, DW_Counter *
int16_T rtu_rst_0;
int16_T rty_cnt_0;
/* Switch: '<S18>/Switch1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S18>/Constant23'
* UnitDelay: '<S18>/UnitDelay'
if (rtu_rst) {
rtu_rst_0 = 0;
} else {
rtu_rst_0 = localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE;
/* End of Switch: '<S18>/Switch1' */
/* Sum: '<S16>/Sum1' */
rty_cnt_0 = (int16_T)(rtu_inc + rtu_rst_0);
/* MinMax: '<S16>/MinMax' */
if (rty_cnt_0 < rtu_max) {
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S18>/UnitDelay' */
localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE = rty_cnt_0;
} else {
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S18>/UnitDelay' */
localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE = rtu_max;
/* End of MinMax: '<S16>/MinMax' */
return rty_cnt_0;
/* System reset for atomic system: '<S50>/Low_Pass_Filter' */
void Low_Pass_Filter_Reset(DW_Low_Pass_Filter *localDW)
/* InitializeConditions for UnitDelay: '<S56>/UnitDelay1' */
localDW->UnitDelay1_DSTATE[0] = 0;
localDW->UnitDelay1_DSTATE[1] = 0;
/* Output and update for atomic system: '<S50>/Low_Pass_Filter' */
void Low_Pass_Filter(const int16_T rtu_u[2], uint16_T rtu_coef, int16_T rty_y[2],
DW_Low_Pass_Filter *localDW)
int32_T rtb_Sum3_g;
/* Sum: '<S56>/Sum2' incorporates:
* UnitDelay: '<S56>/UnitDelay1'
rtb_Sum3_g = rtu_u[0] - (localDW->UnitDelay1_DSTATE[0] >> 16);
if (rtb_Sum3_g > 32767) {
rtb_Sum3_g = 32767;
} else {
if (rtb_Sum3_g < -32768) {
rtb_Sum3_g = -32768;
/* Sum: '<S56>/Sum3' incorporates:
* Product: '<S56>/Divide3'
* Sum: '<S56>/Sum2'
* UnitDelay: '<S56>/UnitDelay1'
rtb_Sum3_g = rtu_coef * rtb_Sum3_g + localDW->UnitDelay1_DSTATE[0];
/* DataTypeConversion: '<S56>/Data Type Conversion' */
rty_y[0] = (int16_T)(rtb_Sum3_g >> 16);
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S56>/UnitDelay1' */
localDW->UnitDelay1_DSTATE[0] = rtb_Sum3_g;
/* Sum: '<S56>/Sum2' incorporates:
* UnitDelay: '<S56>/UnitDelay1'
rtb_Sum3_g = rtu_u[1] - (localDW->UnitDelay1_DSTATE[1] >> 16);
if (rtb_Sum3_g > 32767) {
rtb_Sum3_g = 32767;
} else {
if (rtb_Sum3_g < -32768) {
rtb_Sum3_g = -32768;
/* Sum: '<S56>/Sum3' incorporates:
* Product: '<S56>/Divide3'
* Sum: '<S56>/Sum2'
* UnitDelay: '<S56>/UnitDelay1'
rtb_Sum3_g = rtu_coef * rtb_Sum3_g + localDW->UnitDelay1_DSTATE[1];
/* DataTypeConversion: '<S56>/Data Type Conversion' */
rty_y[1] = (int16_T)(rtb_Sum3_g >> 16);
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S56>/UnitDelay1' */
localDW->UnitDelay1_DSTATE[1] = rtb_Sum3_g;
* System initialize for atomic system:
* '<S25>/Counter'
* '<S24>/Counter'
void Counter_b_Init(DW_Counter_b *localDW, uint16_T rtp_z_cntInit)
/* InitializeConditions for UnitDelay: '<S30>/UnitDelay' */
localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE = rtp_z_cntInit;
* Output and update for atomic system:
* '<S25>/Counter'
* '<S24>/Counter'
void Counter_n(uint16_T rtu_inc, uint16_T rtu_max, boolean_T rtu_rst, uint16_T
*rty_cnt, DW_Counter_b *localDW)
uint16_T rtu_rst_0;
/* Switch: '<S30>/Switch1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S30>/Constant23'
* UnitDelay: '<S30>/UnitDelay'
if (rtu_rst) {
rtu_rst_0 = 0U;
} else {
rtu_rst_0 = localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE;
/* End of Switch: '<S30>/Switch1' */
/* Sum: '<S29>/Sum1' */
*rty_cnt = (uint16_T)((uint32_T)rtu_inc + rtu_rst_0);
/* MinMax: '<S29>/MinMax' */
if (*rty_cnt < rtu_max) {
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S30>/UnitDelay' */
localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE = *rty_cnt;
} else {
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S30>/UnitDelay' */
localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE = rtu_max;
/* End of MinMax: '<S29>/MinMax' */
* Output and update for atomic system:
* '<S21>/either_edge'
* '<S20>/either_edge'
void either_edge(boolean_T rtu_u, boolean_T *rty_y, DW_either_edge *localDW)
/* RelationalOperator: '<S26>/Relational Operator' incorporates:
* UnitDelay: '<S26>/UnitDelay'
*rty_y = (rtu_u != localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE);
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S26>/UnitDelay' */
localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE = rtu_u;
/* System initialize for atomic system: '<S20>/Debounce_Filter' */
void Debounce_Filter_Init(DW_Debounce_Filter *localDW)
/* SystemInitialize for IfAction SubSystem: '<S21>/Qualification' */
/* SystemInitialize for Atomic SubSystem: '<S25>/Counter' */
Counter_b_Init(&localDW->Counter_n1, 0U);
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S25>/Counter' */
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S21>/Qualification' */
/* SystemInitialize for IfAction SubSystem: '<S21>/Dequalification' */
/* SystemInitialize for Atomic SubSystem: '<S24>/Counter' */
Counter_b_Init(&localDW->Counter_e, 0U);
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S24>/Counter' */
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S21>/Dequalification' */
/* Output and update for atomic system: '<S20>/Debounce_Filter' */
void Debounce_Filter(boolean_T rtu_u, uint16_T rtu_tAcv, uint16_T rtu_tDeacv,
boolean_T *rty_y, DW_Debounce_Filter *localDW)
uint16_T rtb_Sum1_n;
boolean_T rtb_RelationalOperator_g;
/* Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<S21>/either_edge' */
either_edge(rtu_u, &rtb_RelationalOperator_g, &localDW->either_edge_p);
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S21>/either_edge' */
/* If: '<S21>/If2' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S24>/Constant6'
* Constant: '<S25>/Constant6'
* Inport: '<S23>/yPrev'
* Logic: '<S21>/Logical Operator1'
* Logic: '<S21>/Logical Operator2'
* Logic: '<S21>/Logical Operator3'
* Logic: '<S21>/Logical Operator4'
* UnitDelay: '<S21>/UnitDelay'
if (rtu_u && (!localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE)) {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S21>/Qualification' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S25>/Action Port'
/* Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<S25>/Counter' */
Counter_n(1U, rtu_tAcv, rtb_RelationalOperator_g, &rtb_Sum1_n,
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S25>/Counter' */
/* Switch: '<S25>/Switch2' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S25>/Constant6'
* RelationalOperator: '<S25>/Relational Operator2'
*rty_y = ((rtb_Sum1_n > rtu_tAcv) || localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE);
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S21>/Qualification' */
} else if ((!rtu_u) && localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE) {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S21>/Dequalification' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S24>/Action Port'
/* Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<S24>/Counter' */
Counter_n(1U, rtu_tDeacv, rtb_RelationalOperator_g, &rtb_Sum1_n,
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S24>/Counter' */
/* Switch: '<S24>/Switch2' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S24>/Constant6'
* RelationalOperator: '<S24>/Relational Operator2'
*rty_y = ((!(rtb_Sum1_n > rtu_tDeacv)) && localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE);
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S21>/Dequalification' */
} else {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S21>/Default' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S23>/Action Port'
*rty_y = localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE;
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S21>/Default' */
/* End of If: '<S21>/If2' */
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S21>/UnitDelay' */
localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE = *rty_y;
* System initialize for atomic system:
* '<S83>/I_backCalc_fixdt'
* '<S83>/I_backCalc_fixdt1'
* '<S82>/I_backCalc_fixdt'
void I_backCalc_fixdt_Init(DW_I_backCalc_fixdt *localDW, int32_T rtp_yInit)
/* InitializeConditions for UnitDelay: '<S90>/UnitDelay' */
localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE_m = rtp_yInit;
* System reset for atomic system:
* '<S83>/I_backCalc_fixdt'
* '<S83>/I_backCalc_fixdt1'
* '<S82>/I_backCalc_fixdt'
void I_backCalc_fixdt_Reset(DW_I_backCalc_fixdt *localDW, int32_T rtp_yInit)
/* InitializeConditions for UnitDelay: '<S88>/UnitDelay' */
localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE = 0;
/* InitializeConditions for UnitDelay: '<S90>/UnitDelay' */
localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE_m = rtp_yInit;
* Output and update for atomic system:
* '<S83>/I_backCalc_fixdt'
* '<S83>/I_backCalc_fixdt1'
* '<S82>/I_backCalc_fixdt'
void I_backCalc_fixdt(int16_T rtu_err, uint16_T rtu_I, uint16_T rtu_Kb, int16_T
rtu_satMax, int16_T rtu_satMin, int16_T *rty_out,
DW_I_backCalc_fixdt *localDW)
int32_T rtb_Sum1_o;
int16_T rtb_DataTypeConversion1_gf;
/* Sum: '<S88>/Sum2' incorporates:
* Product: '<S88>/Divide2'
* UnitDelay: '<S88>/UnitDelay'
rtb_Sum1_o = (rtu_err * rtu_I) >> 4;
if ((rtb_Sum1_o < 0) && (localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE < MIN_int32_T - rtb_Sum1_o))
rtb_Sum1_o = MIN_int32_T;
} else if ((rtb_Sum1_o > 0) && (localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE > MAX_int32_T
- rtb_Sum1_o)) {
rtb_Sum1_o = MAX_int32_T;
} else {
rtb_Sum1_o += localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE;
/* End of Sum: '<S88>/Sum2' */
/* Sum: '<S90>/Sum1' incorporates:
* UnitDelay: '<S90>/UnitDelay'
rtb_Sum1_o += localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE_m;
/* DataTypeConversion: '<S90>/Data Type Conversion1' */
rtb_DataTypeConversion1_gf = (int16_T)(rtb_Sum1_o >> 12);
/* Switch: '<S91>/Switch2' incorporates:
* RelationalOperator: '<S91>/LowerRelop1'
* RelationalOperator: '<S91>/UpperRelop'
* Switch: '<S91>/Switch'
if (rtb_DataTypeConversion1_gf > rtu_satMax) {
*rty_out = rtu_satMax;
} else if (rtb_DataTypeConversion1_gf < rtu_satMin) {
/* Switch: '<S91>/Switch' */
*rty_out = rtu_satMin;
} else {
*rty_out = rtb_DataTypeConversion1_gf;
/* End of Switch: '<S91>/Switch2' */
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S88>/UnitDelay' incorporates:
* Product: '<S88>/Divide1'
* Sum: '<S88>/Sum3'
localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE = (int16_T)(*rty_out - rtb_DataTypeConversion1_gf) *
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S90>/UnitDelay' */
localDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE_m = rtb_Sum1_o;
/* System initialize for atomic system: '<S63>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
void PI_clamp_fixdt_Init(DW_PI_clamp_fixdt *localDW)
/* InitializeConditions for Delay: '<S77>/Resettable Delay' */
localDW->icLoad = 1U;
/* System reset for atomic system: '<S63>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
void PI_clamp_fixdt_Reset(DW_PI_clamp_fixdt *localDW)
/* InitializeConditions for UnitDelay: '<S74>/UnitDelay1' */
localDW->UnitDelay1_DSTATE = false;
/* InitializeConditions for Delay: '<S77>/Resettable Delay' */
localDW->icLoad = 1U;
/* Output and update for atomic system: '<S63>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
void PI_clamp_fixdt(int16_T rtu_err, uint16_T rtu_P, uint16_T rtu_I, int32_T
rtu_init, int16_T rtu_satMax, int16_T rtu_satMin, int32_T
rtu_ext_limProt, int16_T *rty_out, DW_PI_clamp_fixdt
boolean_T rtb_LowerRelop1_c0;
boolean_T rtb_UpperRelop_f;
int32_T rtb_Sum1_p0;
int32_T q0;
int32_T tmp;
int16_T tmp_0;
/* Sum: '<S74>/Sum2' incorporates:
* Product: '<S74>/Divide2'
q0 = rtu_err * rtu_I;
if ((q0 < 0) && (rtu_ext_limProt < MIN_int32_T - q0)) {
q0 = MIN_int32_T;
} else if ((q0 > 0) && (rtu_ext_limProt > MAX_int32_T - q0)) {
q0 = MAX_int32_T;
} else {
q0 += rtu_ext_limProt;
/* Delay: '<S77>/Resettable Delay' */
if (localDW->icLoad != 0) {
localDW->ResettableDelay_DSTATE = rtu_init;
/* Switch: '<S74>/Switch1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S74>/Constant'
* Sum: '<S74>/Sum2'
* UnitDelay: '<S74>/UnitDelay1'
if (localDW->UnitDelay1_DSTATE) {
tmp = 0;
} else {
tmp = q0;
/* End of Switch: '<S74>/Switch1' */
/* Sum: '<S77>/Sum1' incorporates:
* Delay: '<S77>/Resettable Delay'
rtb_Sum1_p0 = tmp + localDW->ResettableDelay_DSTATE;
/* Product: '<S74>/Divide5' */
tmp = (rtu_err * rtu_P) >> 11;
if (tmp > 32767) {
tmp = 32767;
} else {
if (tmp < -32768) {
tmp = -32768;
/* Sum: '<S74>/Sum1' incorporates:
* DataTypeConversion: '<S77>/Data Type Conversion1'
* Product: '<S74>/Divide5'
tmp = (((rtb_Sum1_p0 >> 16) << 1) + tmp) >> 1;
if (tmp > 32767) {
tmp = 32767;
} else {
if (tmp < -32768) {
tmp = -32768;
/* RelationalOperator: '<S78>/LowerRelop1' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S74>/Sum1'
rtb_LowerRelop1_c0 = ((int16_T)tmp > rtu_satMax);
/* RelationalOperator: '<S78>/UpperRelop' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S74>/Sum1'
rtb_UpperRelop_f = ((int16_T)tmp < rtu_satMin);
/* Switch: '<S78>/Switch1' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S74>/Sum1'
* Switch: '<S78>/Switch3'
if (rtb_LowerRelop1_c0) {
*rty_out = rtu_satMax;
} else if (rtb_UpperRelop_f) {
/* Switch: '<S78>/Switch3' */
*rty_out = rtu_satMin;
} else {
*rty_out = (int16_T)tmp;
/* End of Switch: '<S78>/Switch1' */
/* Signum: '<S76>/SignDeltaU2' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S74>/Sum2'
if (q0 < 0) {
q0 = -1;
} else {
q0 = (q0 > 0);
/* End of Signum: '<S76>/SignDeltaU2' */
/* Signum: '<S76>/SignDeltaU3' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S74>/Sum1'
if ((int16_T)tmp < 0) {
tmp_0 = -1;
} else {
tmp_0 = (int16_T)((int16_T)tmp > 0);
/* End of Signum: '<S76>/SignDeltaU3' */
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S74>/UnitDelay1' incorporates:
* DataTypeConversion: '<S76>/DataTypeConv4'
* Logic: '<S74>/AND1'
* Logic: '<S76>/AND1'
* RelationalOperator: '<S76>/Equal1'
localDW->UnitDelay1_DSTATE = ((q0 == tmp_0) && (rtb_LowerRelop1_c0 ||
/* Update for Delay: '<S77>/Resettable Delay' */
localDW->icLoad = 0U;
localDW->ResettableDelay_DSTATE = rtb_Sum1_p0;
/* System initialize for atomic system: '<S61>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
void PI_clamp_fixdt_d_Init(DW_PI_clamp_fixdt_m *localDW)
/* InitializeConditions for Delay: '<S67>/Resettable Delay' */
localDW->icLoad = 1U;
/* System reset for atomic system: '<S61>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
void PI_clamp_fixdt_b_Reset(DW_PI_clamp_fixdt_m *localDW)
/* InitializeConditions for UnitDelay: '<S65>/UnitDelay1' */
localDW->UnitDelay1_DSTATE = false;
/* InitializeConditions for Delay: '<S67>/Resettable Delay' */
localDW->icLoad = 1U;
/* Output and update for atomic system: '<S61>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
void PI_clamp_fixdt_l(int16_T rtu_err, uint16_T rtu_P, uint16_T rtu_I, int16_T
rtu_init, int16_T rtu_satMax, int16_T rtu_satMin, int32_T
rtu_ext_limProt, int16_T *rty_out, DW_PI_clamp_fixdt_m
boolean_T rtb_LowerRelop1_l;
boolean_T rtb_UpperRelop_l;
int32_T rtb_Sum1_ni;
int32_T q0;
int32_T tmp;
int16_T tmp_0;
/* Sum: '<S65>/Sum2' incorporates:
* Product: '<S65>/Divide2'
q0 = rtu_err * rtu_I;
if ((q0 < 0) && (rtu_ext_limProt < MIN_int32_T - q0)) {
q0 = MIN_int32_T;
} else if ((q0 > 0) && (rtu_ext_limProt > MAX_int32_T - q0)) {
q0 = MAX_int32_T;
} else {
q0 += rtu_ext_limProt;
/* Delay: '<S67>/Resettable Delay' */
if (localDW->icLoad != 0) {
localDW->ResettableDelay_DSTATE = rtu_init << 16;
/* Switch: '<S65>/Switch1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S65>/Constant'
* Sum: '<S65>/Sum2'
* UnitDelay: '<S65>/UnitDelay1'
if (localDW->UnitDelay1_DSTATE) {
tmp = 0;
} else {
tmp = q0;
/* End of Switch: '<S65>/Switch1' */
/* Sum: '<S67>/Sum1' incorporates:
* Delay: '<S67>/Resettable Delay'
rtb_Sum1_ni = tmp + localDW->ResettableDelay_DSTATE;
/* Product: '<S65>/Divide5' */
tmp = (rtu_err * rtu_P) >> 11;
if (tmp > 32767) {
tmp = 32767;
} else {
if (tmp < -32768) {
tmp = -32768;
/* Sum: '<S65>/Sum1' incorporates:
* DataTypeConversion: '<S67>/Data Type Conversion1'
* Product: '<S65>/Divide5'
tmp = (((rtb_Sum1_ni >> 16) << 1) + tmp) >> 1;
if (tmp > 32767) {
tmp = 32767;
} else {
if (tmp < -32768) {
tmp = -32768;
/* RelationalOperator: '<S68>/LowerRelop1' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S65>/Sum1'
rtb_LowerRelop1_l = ((int16_T)tmp > rtu_satMax);
/* RelationalOperator: '<S68>/UpperRelop' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S65>/Sum1'
rtb_UpperRelop_l = ((int16_T)tmp < rtu_satMin);
/* Switch: '<S68>/Switch1' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S65>/Sum1'
* Switch: '<S68>/Switch3'
if (rtb_LowerRelop1_l) {
*rty_out = rtu_satMax;
} else if (rtb_UpperRelop_l) {
/* Switch: '<S68>/Switch3' */
*rty_out = rtu_satMin;
} else {
*rty_out = (int16_T)tmp;
/* End of Switch: '<S68>/Switch1' */
/* Signum: '<S66>/SignDeltaU2' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S65>/Sum2'
if (q0 < 0) {
q0 = -1;
} else {
q0 = (q0 > 0);
/* End of Signum: '<S66>/SignDeltaU2' */
/* Signum: '<S66>/SignDeltaU3' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S65>/Sum1'
if ((int16_T)tmp < 0) {
tmp_0 = -1;
} else {
tmp_0 = (int16_T)((int16_T)tmp > 0);
/* End of Signum: '<S66>/SignDeltaU3' */
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S65>/UnitDelay1' incorporates:
* DataTypeConversion: '<S66>/DataTypeConv4'
* Logic: '<S65>/AND1'
* Logic: '<S66>/AND1'
* RelationalOperator: '<S66>/Equal1'
localDW->UnitDelay1_DSTATE = ((q0 == tmp_0) && (rtb_LowerRelop1_l ||
/* Update for Delay: '<S67>/Resettable Delay' */
localDW->icLoad = 0U;
localDW->ResettableDelay_DSTATE = rtb_Sum1_ni;
/* System initialize for atomic system: '<S62>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
void PI_clamp_fixdt_f_Init(DW_PI_clamp_fixdt_g *localDW)
/* InitializeConditions for Delay: '<S72>/Resettable Delay' */
localDW->icLoad = 1U;
/* System reset for atomic system: '<S62>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
void PI_clamp_fixdt_g_Reset(DW_PI_clamp_fixdt_g *localDW)
/* InitializeConditions for UnitDelay: '<S69>/UnitDelay1' */
localDW->UnitDelay1_DSTATE = false;
/* InitializeConditions for Delay: '<S72>/Resettable Delay' */
localDW->icLoad = 1U;
/* Output and update for atomic system: '<S62>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
void PI_clamp_fixdt_k(int16_T rtu_err, uint16_T rtu_P, uint16_T rtu_I, int16_T
rtu_init, int16_T rtu_satMax, int16_T rtu_satMin, int32_T
rtu_ext_limProt, int16_T *rty_out, DW_PI_clamp_fixdt_g
boolean_T rtb_LowerRelop1_i3;
boolean_T rtb_UpperRelop_i;
int16_T rtb_Sum1_bm;
int16_T tmp;
int32_T tmp_0;
int32_T q0;
/* Sum: '<S69>/Sum2' incorporates:
* Product: '<S69>/Divide2'
q0 = rtu_err * rtu_I;
if ((q0 < 0) && (rtu_ext_limProt < MIN_int32_T - q0)) {
q0 = MIN_int32_T;
} else if ((q0 > 0) && (rtu_ext_limProt > MAX_int32_T - q0)) {
q0 = MAX_int32_T;
} else {
q0 += rtu_ext_limProt;
/* Delay: '<S72>/Resettable Delay' */
if (localDW->icLoad != 0) {
localDW->ResettableDelay_DSTATE = rtu_init;
/* Switch: '<S69>/Switch1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S69>/Constant'
* Sum: '<S69>/Sum2'
* UnitDelay: '<S69>/UnitDelay1'
if (localDW->UnitDelay1_DSTATE) {
tmp = 0;
} else {
tmp = (int16_T)(((q0 < 0 ? 65535 : 0) + q0) >> 16);
/* End of Switch: '<S69>/Switch1' */
/* Sum: '<S72>/Sum1' incorporates:
* Delay: '<S72>/Resettable Delay'
rtb_Sum1_bm = (int16_T)(tmp + localDW->ResettableDelay_DSTATE);
/* Product: '<S69>/Divide5' */
tmp_0 = (rtu_err * rtu_P) >> 11;
if (tmp_0 > 32767) {
tmp_0 = 32767;
} else {
if (tmp_0 < -32768) {
tmp_0 = -32768;
/* Sum: '<S69>/Sum1' incorporates:
* Product: '<S69>/Divide5'
tmp_0 = ((rtb_Sum1_bm << 1) + tmp_0) >> 1;
if (tmp_0 > 32767) {
tmp_0 = 32767;
} else {
if (tmp_0 < -32768) {
tmp_0 = -32768;
/* RelationalOperator: '<S73>/LowerRelop1' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S69>/Sum1'
rtb_LowerRelop1_i3 = ((int16_T)tmp_0 > rtu_satMax);
/* RelationalOperator: '<S73>/UpperRelop' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S69>/Sum1'
rtb_UpperRelop_i = ((int16_T)tmp_0 < rtu_satMin);
/* Switch: '<S73>/Switch1' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S69>/Sum1'
* Switch: '<S73>/Switch3'
if (rtb_LowerRelop1_i3) {
*rty_out = rtu_satMax;
} else if (rtb_UpperRelop_i) {
/* Switch: '<S73>/Switch3' */
*rty_out = rtu_satMin;
} else {
*rty_out = (int16_T)tmp_0;
/* End of Switch: '<S73>/Switch1' */
/* Signum: '<S71>/SignDeltaU2' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S69>/Sum2'
if (q0 < 0) {
q0 = -1;
} else {
q0 = (q0 > 0);
/* End of Signum: '<S71>/SignDeltaU2' */
/* Signum: '<S71>/SignDeltaU3' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S69>/Sum1'
if ((int16_T)tmp_0 < 0) {
tmp = -1;
} else {
tmp = (int16_T)((int16_T)tmp_0 > 0);
/* End of Signum: '<S71>/SignDeltaU3' */
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S69>/UnitDelay1' incorporates:
* DataTypeConversion: '<S71>/DataTypeConv4'
* Logic: '<S69>/AND1'
* Logic: '<S71>/AND1'
* RelationalOperator: '<S71>/Equal1'
localDW->UnitDelay1_DSTATE = ((q0 == tmp) && (rtb_LowerRelop1_i3 ||
/* Update for Delay: '<S72>/Resettable Delay' */
localDW->icLoad = 0U;
localDW->ResettableDelay_DSTATE = rtb_Sum1_bm;
/* Model step function */
void BLDC_controller_step(RT_MODEL *const rtM)
P *rtP = ((P *) rtM->defaultParam);
DW *rtDW = ((DW *) rtM->dwork);
ExtU *rtU = (ExtU *) rtM->inputs;
ExtY *rtY = (ExtY *) rtM->outputs;
boolean_T rtb_LogicalOperator;
int8_T rtb_Sum2_h;
boolean_T rtb_RelationalOperator4_d;
boolean_T rtb_UnitDelay5_e;
uint8_T rtb_a_elecAngle_XA_g;
boolean_T rtb_LogicalOperator1_j;
boolean_T rtb_LogicalOperator2_p;
boolean_T rtb_RelationalOperator1_mv;
int16_T rtb_Switch1_l;
int16_T rtb_Saturation;
int16_T rtb_Saturation1;
int32_T rtb_Sum1_jt;
int16_T rtb_Merge_m;
int16_T rtb_Merge1;
int16_T rtb_TmpSignalConversionAtLow_Pa[2];
int32_T rtb_Switch1;
int32_T rtb_Sum1;
int32_T rtb_Gain3;
uint8_T Sum;
int16_T Switch2;
int16_T Abs5;
int16_T DataTypeConversion2;
int16_T tmp[4];
int8_T UnitDelay3;
/* Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/BLDC_controller' */
/* Sum: '<S11>/Sum' incorporates:
* Gain: '<S11>/g_Ha'
* Gain: '<S11>/g_Hb'
* Inport: '<Root>/b_hallA '
* Inport: '<Root>/b_hallB'
* Inport: '<Root>/b_hallC'
Sum = (uint8_T)((uint32_T)(uint8_T)((uint32_T)(uint8_T)(rtU->b_hallA << 2) +
(uint8_T)(rtU->b_hallB << 1)) + rtU->b_hallC);
/* Logic: '<S10>/Logical Operator' incorporates:
* Inport: '<Root>/b_hallA '
* Inport: '<Root>/b_hallB'
* Inport: '<Root>/b_hallC'
* UnitDelay: '<S10>/UnitDelay1'
* UnitDelay: '<S10>/UnitDelay2'
* UnitDelay: '<S10>/UnitDelay3'
rtb_LogicalOperator = (boolean_T)((rtU->b_hallA != 0) ^ (rtU->b_hallB != 0) ^
(rtU->b_hallC != 0) ^ (rtDW->UnitDelay3_DSTATE_fy != 0) ^
(rtDW->UnitDelay1_DSTATE != 0)) ^ (rtDW->UnitDelay2_DSTATE_f != 0);
/* If: '<S13>/If2' incorporates:
* If: '<S3>/If2'
* Inport: '<S17>/z_counterRawPrev'
* UnitDelay: '<S13>/UnitDelay3'
if (rtb_LogicalOperator) {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S3>/F01_03_Direction_Detection' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S12>/Action Port'
/* UnitDelay: '<S12>/UnitDelay3' */
UnitDelay3 = rtDW->Switch2_e;
/* Sum: '<S12>/Sum2' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S11>/vec_hallToPos'
* Selector: '<S11>/Selector'
* UnitDelay: '<S12>/UnitDelay2'
rtb_Sum2_h = (int8_T)(rtConstP.vec_hallToPos_Value[Sum] -
/* Switch: '<S12>/Switch2' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S12>/Constant20'
* Constant: '<S12>/Constant23'
* Constant: '<S12>/Constant24'
* Constant: '<S12>/Constant8'
* Logic: '<S12>/Logical Operator3'
* RelationalOperator: '<S12>/Relational Operator1'
* RelationalOperator: '<S12>/Relational Operator6'
if ((rtb_Sum2_h == 1) || (rtb_Sum2_h == -5)) {
rtDW->Switch2_e = 1;
} else {
rtDW->Switch2_e = -1;
/* End of Switch: '<S12>/Switch2' */
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S12>/UnitDelay2' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S11>/vec_hallToPos'
* Selector: '<S11>/Selector'
rtDW->UnitDelay2_DSTATE_b = rtConstP.vec_hallToPos_Value[Sum];
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S3>/F01_03_Direction_Detection' */
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S13>/Raw_Motor_Speed_Estimation' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S17>/Action Port'
rtDW->z_counterRawPrev = rtDW->UnitDelay3_DSTATE;
/* Sum: '<S17>/Sum7' incorporates:
* Inport: '<S17>/z_counterRawPrev'
* UnitDelay: '<S13>/UnitDelay3'
* UnitDelay: '<S17>/UnitDelay4'
Switch2 = (int16_T)(rtDW->z_counterRawPrev - rtDW->UnitDelay4_DSTATE);
/* Abs: '<S17>/Abs2' */
if (Switch2 < 0) {
rtb_Switch1_l = (int16_T)-Switch2;
} else {
rtb_Switch1_l = Switch2;
/* End of Abs: '<S17>/Abs2' */
/* Relay: '<S17>/dz_cntTrnsDet' */
if (rtb_Switch1_l >= rtP->dz_cntTrnsDetHi) {
rtDW->dz_cntTrnsDet_Mode = true;
} else {
if (rtb_Switch1_l <= rtP->dz_cntTrnsDetLo) {
rtDW->dz_cntTrnsDet_Mode = false;
rtDW->dz_cntTrnsDet = rtDW->dz_cntTrnsDet_Mode;
/* End of Relay: '<S17>/dz_cntTrnsDet' */
/* RelationalOperator: '<S17>/Relational Operator4' */
rtb_RelationalOperator4_d = (rtDW->Switch2_e != UnitDelay3);
/* Switch: '<S17>/Switch3' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S17>/Constant4'
* Logic: '<S17>/Logical Operator1'
* Switch: '<S17>/Switch1'
* Switch: '<S17>/Switch2'
* UnitDelay: '<S17>/UnitDelay1'
if (rtb_RelationalOperator4_d && rtDW->UnitDelay1_DSTATE_n) {
rtb_Switch1_l = 0;
} else if (rtb_RelationalOperator4_d) {
/* Switch: '<S17>/Switch2' incorporates:
* UnitDelay: '<S13>/UnitDelay4'
rtb_Switch1_l = rtDW->UnitDelay4_DSTATE_e;
} else if (rtDW->dz_cntTrnsDet) {
/* Switch: '<S17>/Switch1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S17>/cf_speedCoef'
* Product: '<S17>/Divide14'
* Switch: '<S17>/Switch2'
rtb_Switch1_l = (int16_T)((rtP->cf_speedCoef << 4) /
} else {
/* Switch: '<S17>/Switch1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S17>/cf_speedCoef'
* Gain: '<S17>/g_Ha'
* Product: '<S17>/Divide13'
* Sum: '<S17>/Sum13'
* Switch: '<S17>/Switch2'
* UnitDelay: '<S17>/UnitDelay2'
* UnitDelay: '<S17>/UnitDelay3'
* UnitDelay: '<S17>/UnitDelay5'
rtb_Switch1_l = (int16_T)(((uint16_T)(rtP->cf_speedCoef << 2) << 4) /
(int16_T)(((rtDW->UnitDelay2_DSTATE + rtDW->UnitDelay3_DSTATE_o) +
rtDW->UnitDelay5_DSTATE) + rtDW->z_counterRawPrev));
/* End of Switch: '<S17>/Switch3' */
/* Product: '<S17>/Divide11' */
rtDW->Divide11 = (int16_T)(rtb_Switch1_l * rtDW->Switch2_e);
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S17>/UnitDelay4' */
rtDW->UnitDelay4_DSTATE = rtDW->z_counterRawPrev;
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S17>/UnitDelay2' incorporates:
* UnitDelay: '<S17>/UnitDelay3'
rtDW->UnitDelay2_DSTATE = rtDW->UnitDelay3_DSTATE_o;
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S17>/UnitDelay3' incorporates:
* UnitDelay: '<S17>/UnitDelay5'
rtDW->UnitDelay3_DSTATE_o = rtDW->UnitDelay5_DSTATE;
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S17>/UnitDelay5' */
rtDW->UnitDelay5_DSTATE = rtDW->z_counterRawPrev;
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S17>/UnitDelay1' */
rtDW->UnitDelay1_DSTATE_n = rtb_RelationalOperator4_d;
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S13>/Raw_Motor_Speed_Estimation' */
/* End of If: '<S13>/If2' */
/* Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<S13>/Counter' */
/* Constant: '<S13>/Constant6' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S13>/z_maxCntRst2'
rtb_Switch1_l = (int16_T) Counter(1, rtP->z_maxCntRst, rtb_LogicalOperator,
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S13>/Counter' */
/* Switch: '<S13>/Switch2' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S13>/Constant4'
* Constant: '<S13>/z_maxCntRst'
* RelationalOperator: '<S13>/Relational Operator2'
if (rtb_Switch1_l > rtP->z_maxCntRst) {
Switch2 = 0;
} else {
Switch2 = rtDW->Divide11;
/* End of Switch: '<S13>/Switch2' */
/* Abs: '<S13>/Abs5' */
if (Switch2 < 0) {
Abs5 = (int16_T)-Switch2;
} else {
Abs5 = Switch2;
/* End of Abs: '<S13>/Abs5' */
/* Relay: '<S13>/n_commDeacv' */
if (Abs5 >= rtP->n_commDeacvHi) {
rtDW->n_commDeacv_Mode = true;
} else {
if (Abs5 <= rtP->n_commAcvLo) {
rtDW->n_commDeacv_Mode = false;
/* Logic: '<S13>/Logical Operator3' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S13>/b_angleMeasEna'
* Logic: '<S13>/Logical Operator1'
* Logic: '<S13>/Logical Operator2'
* Relay: '<S13>/n_commDeacv'
rtb_LogicalOperator = (rtP->b_angleMeasEna || (rtDW->n_commDeacv_Mode &&
/* UnitDelay: '<S2>/UnitDelay2' */
rtb_RelationalOperator4_d = rtDW->UnitDelay2_DSTATE_c;
/* UnitDelay: '<S2>/UnitDelay5' */
rtb_UnitDelay5_e = rtDW->UnitDelay5_DSTATE_m;
/* DataTypeConversion: '<S1>/Data Type Conversion2' incorporates:
* Inport: '<Root>/r_inpTgt'
DataTypeConversion2 = (int16_T)(rtU->r_inpTgt << 4);
/* Saturate: '<S1>/Saturation' incorporates:
* Inport: '<Root>/i_phaAB'
rtb_Gain3 = rtU->i_phaAB << 4;
if (rtb_Gain3 >= 27200) {
rtb_Saturation = 27200;
} else if (rtb_Gain3 <= -27200) {
rtb_Saturation = -27200;
} else {
rtb_Saturation = (int16_T)(rtU->i_phaAB << 4);
/* End of Saturate: '<S1>/Saturation' */
/* Saturate: '<S1>/Saturation1' incorporates:
* Inport: '<Root>/i_phaBC'
rtb_Gain3 = rtU->i_phaBC << 4;
if (rtb_Gain3 >= 27200) {
rtb_Saturation1 = 27200;
} else if (rtb_Gain3 <= -27200) {
rtb_Saturation1 = -27200;
} else {
rtb_Saturation1 = (int16_T)(rtU->i_phaBC << 4);
/* End of Saturate: '<S1>/Saturation1' */
/* If: '<S3>/If1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S3>/b_angleMeasEna'
if (!rtP->b_angleMeasEna) {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S3>/F01_05_Electrical_Angle_Estimation' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S14>/Action Port'
/* Switch: '<S14>/Switch2' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S14>/Constant16'
* Product: '<S14>/Divide1'
* Product: '<S14>/Divide3'
* RelationalOperator: '<S14>/Relational Operator7'
* Sum: '<S14>/Sum3'
* Switch: '<S14>/Switch3'
if (rtb_LogicalOperator) {
/* MinMax: '<S14>/MinMax' */
rtb_Merge_m = rtb_Switch1_l;
if (!(rtb_Merge_m < rtDW->z_counterRawPrev)) {
rtb_Merge_m = rtDW->z_counterRawPrev;
/* End of MinMax: '<S14>/MinMax' */
/* Switch: '<S14>/Switch3' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S11>/vec_hallToPos'
* Constant: '<S14>/Constant16'
* RelationalOperator: '<S14>/Relational Operator7'
* Selector: '<S11>/Selector'
* Sum: '<S14>/Sum1'
if (rtDW->Switch2_e == 1) {
rtb_Sum2_h = rtConstP.vec_hallToPos_Value[Sum];
} else {
rtb_Sum2_h = (int8_T)(rtConstP.vec_hallToPos_Value[Sum] + 1);
rtb_Merge_m = (int16_T)(((int16_T)((int16_T)((rtb_Merge_m << 14) /
rtDW->z_counterRawPrev) * rtDW->Switch2_e) + (rtb_Sum2_h << 14)) >> 2);
} else {
if (rtDW->Switch2_e == 1) {
/* Switch: '<S14>/Switch3' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S11>/vec_hallToPos'
* Selector: '<S11>/Selector'
rtb_Sum2_h = rtConstP.vec_hallToPos_Value[Sum];
} else {
/* Switch: '<S14>/Switch3' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S11>/vec_hallToPos'
* Selector: '<S11>/Selector'
* Sum: '<S14>/Sum1'
rtb_Sum2_h = (int8_T)(rtConstP.vec_hallToPos_Value[Sum] + 1);
rtb_Merge_m = (int16_T)(rtb_Sum2_h << 12);
/* End of Switch: '<S14>/Switch2' */
/* MinMax: '<S14>/MinMax1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S14>/Constant1'
if (!(rtb_Merge_m > 0)) {
rtb_Merge_m = 0;
/* End of MinMax: '<S14>/MinMax1' */
/* SignalConversion: '<S14>/Signal Conversion2' incorporates:
* Product: '<S14>/Divide2'
rtb_Merge_m = (int16_T)((15 * rtb_Merge_m) >> 4);
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S3>/F01_05_Electrical_Angle_Estimation' */
} else {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S3>/F01_06_Electrical_Angle_Measurement' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S15>/Action Port'
/* Sum: '<S15>/Sum1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S15>/Constant2'
* Constant: '<S15>/n_polePairs'
* Inport: '<Root>/a_mechAngle'
* Product: '<S15>/Divide'
rtb_Sum1_jt = rtU->a_mechAngle * rtP->n_polePairs - 480;
/* DataTypeConversion: '<S15>/Data Type Conversion20' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S15>/a_elecPeriod'
* Product: '<S19>/Divide2'
* Product: '<S19>/Divide3'
* Sum: '<S19>/Sum3'
rtb_Merge_m = (int16_T)((int16_T)(rtb_Sum1_jt - ((int16_T)((int16_T)
div_nde_s32_floor(rtb_Sum1_jt, 5760) * 360) << 4)) << 2);
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S3>/F01_06_Electrical_Angle_Measurement' */
/* End of If: '<S3>/If1' */
/* If: '<S7>/If1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S1>/z_ctrlTypSel'
rtb_Sum2_h = rtDW->If1_ActiveSubsystem;
UnitDelay3 = -1;
if (rtP->z_ctrlTypSel == 2) {
UnitDelay3 = 0;
rtDW->If1_ActiveSubsystem = UnitDelay3;
if ((rtb_Sum2_h != UnitDelay3) && (rtb_Sum2_h == 0)) {
/* Disable for If: '<S45>/If2' */
if (rtDW->If2_ActiveSubsystem_a == 0) {
/* Disable for Outport: '<S50>/iq' */
rtDW->DataTypeConversion[0] = 0;
/* Disable for Outport: '<S50>/iqAbs' */
rtDW->Abs5_h = 0;
/* Disable for Outport: '<S50>/id' */
rtDW->DataTypeConversion[1] = 0;
rtDW->If2_ActiveSubsystem_a = -1;
/* End of Disable for If: '<S45>/If2' */
/* Disable for Outport: '<S45>/r_sin' */
rtDW->r_sin_M1 = 0;
/* Disable for Outport: '<S45>/r_cos' */
rtDW->r_cos_M1 = 0;
/* Disable for Outport: '<S45>/iq' */
rtDW->DataTypeConversion[0] = 0;
/* Disable for Outport: '<S45>/id' */
rtDW->DataTypeConversion[1] = 0;
/* Disable for Outport: '<S45>/iqAbs' */
rtDW->Abs5_h = 0;
if (UnitDelay3 == 0) {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S7>/Clarke_Park_Transform_Forward' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S45>/Action Port'
/* If: '<S49>/If1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S49>/z_selPhaCurMeasABC'
if (rtP->z_selPhaCurMeasABC == 0) {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S49>/Clarke_PhasesAB' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S53>/Action Port'
/* Gain: '<S53>/Gain4' */
rtb_Gain3 = 18919 * rtb_Saturation;
/* Gain: '<S53>/Gain2' */
rtb_Sum1_jt = 18919 * rtb_Saturation1;
/* Sum: '<S53>/Sum1' incorporates:
* Gain: '<S53>/Gain2'
* Gain: '<S53>/Gain4'
rtb_Gain3 = (((rtb_Gain3 < 0 ? 32767 : 0) + rtb_Gain3) >> 15) + (int16_T)
(((rtb_Sum1_jt < 0 ? 16383 : 0) + rtb_Sum1_jt) >> 14);
if (rtb_Gain3 > 32767) {
rtb_Gain3 = 32767;
} else {
if (rtb_Gain3 < -32768) {
rtb_Gain3 = -32768;
rtb_Merge1 = (int16_T)rtb_Gain3;
/* End of Sum: '<S53>/Sum1' */
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S49>/Clarke_PhasesAB' */
} else if (rtP->z_selPhaCurMeasABC == 1) {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S49>/Clarke_PhasesBC' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S55>/Action Port'
/* Sum: '<S55>/Sum3' */
rtb_Gain3 = rtb_Saturation - rtb_Saturation1;
if (rtb_Gain3 > 32767) {
rtb_Gain3 = 32767;
} else {
if (rtb_Gain3 < -32768) {
rtb_Gain3 = -32768;
/* Gain: '<S55>/Gain2' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S55>/Sum3'
rtb_Gain3 *= 18919;
rtb_Merge1 = (int16_T)(((rtb_Gain3 < 0 ? 32767 : 0) + rtb_Gain3) >> 15);
/* Sum: '<S55>/Sum1' */
rtb_Gain3 = -rtb_Saturation - rtb_Saturation1;
if (rtb_Gain3 > 32767) {
rtb_Gain3 = 32767;
} else {
if (rtb_Gain3 < -32768) {
rtb_Gain3 = -32768;
rtb_Saturation = (int16_T)rtb_Gain3;
/* End of Sum: '<S55>/Sum1' */
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S49>/Clarke_PhasesBC' */
} else {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S49>/Clarke_PhasesAC' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S54>/Action Port'
/* Gain: '<S54>/Gain4' */
rtb_Gain3 = 18919 * rtb_Saturation;
/* Gain: '<S54>/Gain2' */
rtb_Sum1_jt = 18919 * rtb_Saturation1;
/* Sum: '<S54>/Sum1' incorporates:
* Gain: '<S54>/Gain2'
* Gain: '<S54>/Gain4'
rtb_Gain3 = -(((rtb_Gain3 < 0 ? 32767 : 0) + rtb_Gain3) >> 15) - (int16_T)
(((rtb_Sum1_jt < 0 ? 16383 : 0) + rtb_Sum1_jt) >> 14);
if (rtb_Gain3 > 32767) {
rtb_Gain3 = 32767;
} else {
if (rtb_Gain3 < -32768) {
rtb_Gain3 = -32768;
rtb_Merge1 = (int16_T)rtb_Gain3;
/* End of Sum: '<S54>/Sum1' */
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S49>/Clarke_PhasesAC' */
/* End of If: '<S49>/If1' */
/* PreLookup: '<S52>/a_elecAngle_XA' */
rtb_a_elecAngle_XA_g = plook_u8s16_evencka(rtb_Merge_m, 0, 128U, 180U);
/* Interpolation_n-D: '<S52>/r_sin_M1' */
rtDW->r_sin_M1 = rtConstP.r_sin_M1_Table[rtb_a_elecAngle_XA_g];
/* Interpolation_n-D: '<S52>/r_cos_M1' */
rtDW->r_cos_M1 = rtConstP.r_cos_M1_Table[rtb_a_elecAngle_XA_g];
/* If: '<S45>/If2' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S50>/cf_currFilt'
* Inport: '<Root>/b_motEna'
rtb_Sum2_h = rtDW->If2_ActiveSubsystem_a;
UnitDelay3 = -1;
if (rtU->b_motEna) {
UnitDelay3 = 0;
rtDW->If2_ActiveSubsystem_a = UnitDelay3;
if ((rtb_Sum2_h != UnitDelay3) && (rtb_Sum2_h == 0)) {
/* Disable for Outport: '<S50>/iq' */
rtDW->DataTypeConversion[0] = 0;
/* Disable for Outport: '<S50>/iqAbs' */
rtDW->Abs5_h = 0;
/* Disable for Outport: '<S50>/id' */
rtDW->DataTypeConversion[1] = 0;
if (UnitDelay3 == 0) {
if (0 != rtb_Sum2_h) {
/* SystemReset for IfAction SubSystem: '<S45>/Current_Filtering' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S50>/Action Port'
/* SystemReset for Atomic SubSystem: '<S50>/Low_Pass_Filter' */
/* SystemReset for If: '<S45>/If2' */
/* End of SystemReset for SubSystem: '<S50>/Low_Pass_Filter' */
/* End of SystemReset for SubSystem: '<S45>/Current_Filtering' */
/* Sum: '<S51>/Sum6' incorporates:
* Product: '<S51>/Divide1'
* Product: '<S51>/Divide4'
rtb_Gain3 = (int16_T)((rtb_Merge1 * rtDW->r_cos_M1) >> 14) - (int16_T)
((rtb_Saturation * rtDW->r_sin_M1) >> 14);
if (rtb_Gain3 > 32767) {
rtb_Gain3 = 32767;
} else {
if (rtb_Gain3 < -32768) {
rtb_Gain3 = -32768;
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S45>/Current_Filtering' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S50>/Action Port'
/* SignalConversion: '<S50>/TmpSignal ConversionAtLow_Pass_FilterInport1' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S51>/Sum6'
rtb_TmpSignalConversionAtLow_Pa[0] = (int16_T)rtb_Gain3;
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S45>/Current_Filtering' */
/* Sum: '<S51>/Sum1' incorporates:
* Product: '<S51>/Divide2'
* Product: '<S51>/Divide3'
rtb_Gain3 = (int16_T)((rtb_Saturation * rtDW->r_cos_M1) >> 14) + (int16_T)
((rtb_Merge1 * rtDW->r_sin_M1) >> 14);
if (rtb_Gain3 > 32767) {
rtb_Gain3 = 32767;
} else {
if (rtb_Gain3 < -32768) {
rtb_Gain3 = -32768;
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S45>/Current_Filtering' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S50>/Action Port'
/* SignalConversion: '<S50>/TmpSignal ConversionAtLow_Pass_FilterInport1' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S51>/Sum1'
rtb_TmpSignalConversionAtLow_Pa[1] = (int16_T)rtb_Gain3;
/* Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<S50>/Low_Pass_Filter' */
Low_Pass_Filter(rtb_TmpSignalConversionAtLow_Pa, rtP->cf_currFilt,
rtDW->DataTypeConversion, &rtDW->Low_Pass_Filter_m);
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S50>/Low_Pass_Filter' */
/* Abs: '<S50>/Abs5' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S50>/cf_currFilt'
if (rtDW->DataTypeConversion[0] < 0) {
rtDW->Abs5_h = (int16_T)-rtDW->DataTypeConversion[0];
} else {
rtDW->Abs5_h = rtDW->DataTypeConversion[0];
/* End of Abs: '<S50>/Abs5' */
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S45>/Current_Filtering' */
/* End of If: '<S45>/If2' */
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S7>/Clarke_Park_Transform_Forward' */
/* End of If: '<S7>/If1' */
/* Chart: '<S1>/Task_Scheduler' incorporates:
* UnitDelay: '<S2>/UnitDelay2'
* UnitDelay: '<S2>/UnitDelay5'
* UnitDelay: '<S2>/UnitDelay6'
if (rtDW->UnitDelay2_DSTATE_c) {
/* Outputs for Function Call SubSystem: '<S1>/F02_Diagnostics' */
/* If: '<S4>/If2' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S20>/CTRL_COMM2'
* Constant: '<S20>/t_errDequal'
* Constant: '<S20>/t_errQual'
* Constant: '<S4>/b_diagEna'
* RelationalOperator: '<S20>/Relational Operator2'
if (rtP->b_diagEna) {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S4>/Diagnostics_Enabled' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S20>/Action Port'
/* Switch: '<S20>/Switch3' incorporates:
* Abs: '<S20>/Abs4'
* Constant: '<S13>/n_stdStillDet'
* Constant: '<S20>/CTRL_COMM4'
* Constant: '<S20>/r_errInpTgtThres'
* Inport: '<Root>/b_motEna'
* Logic: '<S20>/Logical Operator1'
* RelationalOperator: '<S13>/Relational Operator9'
* RelationalOperator: '<S20>/Relational Operator7'
* S-Function (sfix_bitop): '<S20>/Bitwise Operator1'
* UnitDelay: '<S20>/UnitDelay'
* UnitDelay: '<S8>/UnitDelay4'
if ((rtDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE_e & 4) != 0) {
rtb_RelationalOperator1_mv = true;
} else {
if (rtDW->UnitDelay4_DSTATE_eu < 0) {
/* Abs: '<S20>/Abs4' incorporates:
* UnitDelay: '<S8>/UnitDelay4'
rtb_Saturation1 = (int16_T)-rtDW->UnitDelay4_DSTATE_eu;
} else {
/* Abs: '<S20>/Abs4' incorporates:
* UnitDelay: '<S8>/UnitDelay4'
rtb_Saturation1 = rtDW->UnitDelay4_DSTATE_eu;
rtb_RelationalOperator1_mv = (rtU->b_motEna && (Abs5 <
rtP->n_stdStillDet) && (rtb_Saturation1 > rtP->r_errInpTgtThres));
/* End of Switch: '<S20>/Switch3' */
/* Sum: '<S20>/Sum' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S20>/CTRL_COMM'
* Constant: '<S20>/CTRL_COMM1'
* DataTypeConversion: '<S20>/Data Type Conversion3'
* Gain: '<S20>/g_Hb'
* Gain: '<S20>/g_Hb1'
* RelationalOperator: '<S20>/Relational Operator1'
* RelationalOperator: '<S20>/Relational Operator3'
rtb_a_elecAngle_XA_g = (uint8_T)(((uint32_T)((Sum == 7) << 1) + (Sum == 0))
+ (rtb_RelationalOperator1_mv << 2));
/* Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<S20>/Debounce_Filter' */
Debounce_Filter(rtb_a_elecAngle_XA_g != 0, rtP->t_errQual,
rtP->t_errDequal, &rtDW->Merge_p, &rtDW->Debounce_Filter_k);
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S20>/Debounce_Filter' */
/* Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<S20>/either_edge' */
either_edge(rtDW->Merge_p, &rtb_RelationalOperator1_mv,
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S20>/either_edge' */
/* Switch: '<S20>/Switch1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S20>/CTRL_COMM2'
* Constant: '<S20>/t_errDequal'
* Constant: '<S20>/t_errQual'
* RelationalOperator: '<S20>/Relational Operator2'
if (rtb_RelationalOperator1_mv) {
/* Outport: '<Root>/z_errCode' */
rtY->z_errCode = rtb_a_elecAngle_XA_g;
} else {
/* Outport: '<Root>/z_errCode' incorporates:
* UnitDelay: '<S20>/UnitDelay'
rtY->z_errCode = rtDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE_e;
/* End of Switch: '<S20>/Switch1' */
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S20>/UnitDelay' incorporates:
* Outport: '<Root>/z_errCode'
rtDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE_e = rtY->z_errCode;
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S4>/Diagnostics_Enabled' */
/* End of If: '<S4>/If2' */
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S1>/F02_Diagnostics' */
/* Outputs for Function Call SubSystem: '<S1>/F03_Control_Mode_Manager' */
/* Logic: '<S31>/Logical Operator4' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S31>/constant8'
* Inport: '<Root>/b_motEna'
* Inport: '<Root>/z_ctrlModReq'
* Logic: '<S31>/Logical Operator7'
* RelationalOperator: '<S31>/Relational Operator10'
rtb_RelationalOperator1_mv = (rtDW->Merge_p || (!rtU->b_motEna) ||
(rtU->z_ctrlModReq == 0));
/* Logic: '<S31>/Logical Operator1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S1>/b_cruiseCtrlEna'
* Constant: '<S31>/constant1'
* Inport: '<Root>/z_ctrlModReq'
* RelationalOperator: '<S31>/Relational Operator1'
rtb_LogicalOperator1_j = ((rtU->z_ctrlModReq == 2) || rtP->b_cruiseCtrlEna);
/* Logic: '<S31>/Logical Operator2' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S1>/b_cruiseCtrlEna'
* Constant: '<S31>/constant'
* Inport: '<Root>/z_ctrlModReq'
* Logic: '<S31>/Logical Operator5'
* RelationalOperator: '<S31>/Relational Operator4'
rtb_LogicalOperator2_p = ((rtU->z_ctrlModReq == 3) && (!rtP->b_cruiseCtrlEna));
/* Chart: '<S5>/F03_02_Control_Mode_Manager' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S31>/constant5'
* Inport: '<Root>/z_ctrlModReq'
* Logic: '<S31>/Logical Operator3'
* Logic: '<S31>/Logical Operator6'
* Logic: '<S31>/Logical Operator9'
* RelationalOperator: '<S31>/Relational Operator5'
if (rtDW->is_active_c1_BLDC_controller == 0U) {
rtDW->is_active_c1_BLDC_controller = 1U;
rtDW->is_c1_BLDC_controller = IN_OPEN;
rtDW->z_ctrlMod = OPEN_MODE;
} else if (rtDW->is_c1_BLDC_controller == IN_ACTIVE) {
if (rtb_RelationalOperator1_mv) {
rtDW->is_c1_BLDC_controller = IN_OPEN;
rtDW->z_ctrlMod = OPEN_MODE;
} else {
switch (rtDW->is_ACTIVE) {
rtDW->z_ctrlMod = SPD_MODE;
if (!rtb_LogicalOperator1_j) {
if (rtb_LogicalOperator2_p) {
rtDW->z_ctrlMod = TRQ_MODE;
} else {
rtDW->z_ctrlMod = VLT_MODE;
rtDW->z_ctrlMod = TRQ_MODE;
if (!rtb_LogicalOperator2_p) {
if (rtb_LogicalOperator1_j) {
rtDW->z_ctrlMod = SPD_MODE;
} else {
rtDW->z_ctrlMod = VLT_MODE;
rtDW->z_ctrlMod = VLT_MODE;
if (rtb_LogicalOperator2_p || rtb_LogicalOperator1_j) {
if (rtb_LogicalOperator2_p) {
rtDW->z_ctrlMod = TRQ_MODE;
} else if (rtb_LogicalOperator1_j) {
rtDW->z_ctrlMod = SPD_MODE;
} else {
rtDW->z_ctrlMod = VLT_MODE;
} else {
rtDW->z_ctrlMod = OPEN_MODE;
if ((!rtb_RelationalOperator1_mv) && ((rtU->z_ctrlModReq == 1) ||
rtb_LogicalOperator1_j || rtb_LogicalOperator2_p)) {
rtDW->is_c1_BLDC_controller = IN_ACTIVE;
if (rtb_LogicalOperator2_p) {
rtDW->z_ctrlMod = TRQ_MODE;
} else if (rtb_LogicalOperator1_j) {
rtDW->z_ctrlMod = SPD_MODE;
} else {
rtDW->z_ctrlMod = VLT_MODE;
/* End of Chart: '<S5>/F03_02_Control_Mode_Manager' */
/* If: '<S33>/If1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S1>/z_ctrlTypSel'
* Inport: '<S34>/r_inpTgt'
* Saturate: '<S33>/Saturation'
if (rtP->z_ctrlTypSel == 2) {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S33>/FOC_Control_Type' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S36>/Action Port'
/* SignalConversion: '<S36>/TmpSignal ConversionAtSelectorInport1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S36>/Vd_max'
* Constant: '<S36>/constant1'
* Constant: '<S36>/i_max'
* Constant: '<S36>/n_max'
tmp[0] = 0;
tmp[1] = rtP->Vd_max;
tmp[2] = rtP->n_max;
tmp[3] = rtP->i_max;
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S33>/FOC_Control_Type' */
/* Saturate: '<S33>/Saturation' */
if (DataTypeConversion2 > 16000) {
DataTypeConversion2 = 16000;
} else {
if (DataTypeConversion2 < -16000) {
DataTypeConversion2 = -16000;
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S33>/FOC_Control_Type' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S36>/Action Port'
/* Product: '<S36>/Divide1' incorporates:
* Inport: '<Root>/z_ctrlModReq'
* Product: '<S36>/Divide4'
* Selector: '<S36>/Selector'
rtb_Saturation = (int16_T)(((uint16_T)((tmp[rtU->z_ctrlModReq] << 5) / 125)
* DataTypeConversion2) >> 12);
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S33>/FOC_Control_Type' */
} else if (DataTypeConversion2 > 16000) {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S33>/Default_Control_Type' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S34>/Action Port'
/* Saturate: '<S33>/Saturation' incorporates:
* Inport: '<S34>/r_inpTgt'
rtb_Saturation = 16000;
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S33>/Default_Control_Type' */
} else if (DataTypeConversion2 < -16000) {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S33>/Default_Control_Type' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S34>/Action Port'
/* Saturate: '<S33>/Saturation' incorporates:
* Inport: '<S34>/r_inpTgt'
rtb_Saturation = -16000;
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S33>/Default_Control_Type' */
} else {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S33>/Default_Control_Type' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S34>/Action Port'
rtb_Saturation = DataTypeConversion2;
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S33>/Default_Control_Type' */
/* End of If: '<S33>/If1' */
/* If: '<S33>/If2' incorporates:
* Inport: '<S35>/r_inpTgtScaRaw'
rtb_Sum2_h = rtDW->If2_ActiveSubsystem_f;
UnitDelay3 = (int8_T)!(rtDW->z_ctrlMod == 0);
rtDW->If2_ActiveSubsystem_f = UnitDelay3;
switch (UnitDelay3) {
case 0:
if (UnitDelay3 != rtb_Sum2_h) {
/* SystemReset for IfAction SubSystem: '<S33>/Open_Mode' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S37>/Action Port'
/* SystemReset for Atomic SubSystem: '<S37>/rising_edge_init' */
/* SystemReset for If: '<S33>/If2' incorporates:
* UnitDelay: '<S39>/UnitDelay'
* UnitDelay: '<S40>/UnitDelay'
rtDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE_b = true;
/* End of SystemReset for SubSystem: '<S37>/rising_edge_init' */
/* SystemReset for Atomic SubSystem: '<S37>/Rate_Limiter' */
rtDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE = 0;
/* End of SystemReset for SubSystem: '<S37>/Rate_Limiter' */
/* End of SystemReset for SubSystem: '<S33>/Open_Mode' */
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S33>/Open_Mode' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S37>/Action Port'
/* DataTypeConversion: '<S37>/Data Type Conversion' incorporates:
* UnitDelay: '<S8>/UnitDelay4'
rtb_Gain3 = rtDW->UnitDelay4_DSTATE_eu << 12;
rtb_Sum1_jt = (rtb_Gain3 & 134217728) != 0 ? rtb_Gain3 | -134217728 :
rtb_Gain3 & 134217727;
/* Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<S37>/rising_edge_init' */
/* UnitDelay: '<S39>/UnitDelay' */
rtb_RelationalOperator1_mv = rtDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE_b;
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S39>/UnitDelay' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S39>/Constant'
rtDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE_b = false;
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S37>/rising_edge_init' */
/* Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<S37>/Rate_Limiter' */
/* Switch: '<S40>/Switch1' incorporates:
* UnitDelay: '<S40>/UnitDelay'
if (rtb_RelationalOperator1_mv) {
rtb_Switch1 = rtb_Sum1_jt;
} else {
rtb_Switch1 = rtDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE;
/* End of Switch: '<S40>/Switch1' */
/* Sum: '<S38>/Sum1' */
rtb_Gain3 = -rtb_Switch1;
rtb_Sum1 = (rtb_Gain3 & 134217728) != 0 ? rtb_Gain3 | -134217728 :
rtb_Gain3 & 134217727;
/* Switch: '<S41>/Switch2' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S37>/dV_openRate'
* RelationalOperator: '<S41>/LowerRelop1'
if (rtb_Sum1 > rtP->dV_openRate) {
rtb_Sum1 = rtP->dV_openRate;
} else {
/* Gain: '<S37>/Gain3' */
rtb_Gain3 = -rtP->dV_openRate;
rtb_Gain3 = (rtb_Gain3 & 134217728) != 0 ? rtb_Gain3 | -134217728 :
rtb_Gain3 & 134217727;
/* Switch: '<S41>/Switch' incorporates:
* RelationalOperator: '<S41>/UpperRelop'
if (rtb_Sum1 < rtb_Gain3) {
rtb_Sum1 = rtb_Gain3;
/* End of Switch: '<S41>/Switch' */
/* End of Switch: '<S41>/Switch2' */
/* Sum: '<S38>/Sum2' */
rtb_Gain3 = rtb_Sum1 + rtb_Switch1;
rtb_Switch1 = (rtb_Gain3 & 134217728) != 0 ? rtb_Gain3 | -134217728 :
rtb_Gain3 & 134217727;
/* Switch: '<S40>/Switch2' */
if (rtb_RelationalOperator1_mv) {
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S40>/UnitDelay' */
rtDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE = rtb_Sum1_jt;
} else {
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S40>/UnitDelay' */
rtDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE = rtb_Switch1;
/* End of Switch: '<S40>/Switch2' */
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S37>/Rate_Limiter' */
/* DataTypeConversion: '<S37>/Data Type Conversion1' */
rtDW->Merge1 = (int16_T)(rtb_Switch1 >> 12);
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S33>/Open_Mode' */
case 1:
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S33>/Default_Mode' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S35>/Action Port'
rtDW->Merge1 = rtb_Saturation;
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S33>/Default_Mode' */
/* End of If: '<S33>/If2' */
/* Abs: '<S5>/Abs1' */
if (rtDW->Merge1 < 0) {
rtDW->Abs1 = (int16_T)-rtDW->Merge1;
} else {
rtDW->Abs1 = rtDW->Merge1;
/* End of Abs: '<S5>/Abs1' */
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S1>/F03_Control_Mode_Manager' */
} else if (rtDW->UnitDelay5_DSTATE_m) {
/* Outputs for Function Call SubSystem: '<S1>/F04_Field_Weakening' */
/* If: '<S6>/If3' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S6>/b_fieldWeakEna'
if (rtP->b_fieldWeakEna) {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S6>/Field_Weakening_Enabled' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S42>/Action Port'
/* Abs: '<S42>/Abs5' */
if (DataTypeConversion2 < 0) {
DataTypeConversion2 = (int16_T)-DataTypeConversion2;
/* End of Abs: '<S42>/Abs5' */
/* Switch: '<S44>/Switch2' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S42>/r_fieldWeakHi'
* Constant: '<S42>/r_fieldWeakLo'
* RelationalOperator: '<S44>/LowerRelop1'
* RelationalOperator: '<S44>/UpperRelop'
* Switch: '<S44>/Switch'
if (DataTypeConversion2 > rtP->r_fieldWeakHi) {
DataTypeConversion2 = rtP->r_fieldWeakHi;
} else {
if (DataTypeConversion2 < rtP->r_fieldWeakLo) {
/* Switch: '<S44>/Switch' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S42>/r_fieldWeakLo'
DataTypeConversion2 = rtP->r_fieldWeakLo;
/* End of Switch: '<S44>/Switch2' */
/* Switch: '<S42>/Switch2' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S1>/z_ctrlTypSel'
* Constant: '<S42>/CTRL_COMM2'
* Constant: '<S42>/a_phaAdvMax'
* Constant: '<S42>/id_fieldWeakMax'
* RelationalOperator: '<S42>/Relational Operator1'
if (rtP->z_ctrlTypSel == 2) {
rtb_Saturation1 = rtP->id_fieldWeakMax;
} else {
rtb_Saturation1 = rtP->a_phaAdvMax;
/* End of Switch: '<S42>/Switch2' */
/* Switch: '<S43>/Switch2' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S42>/n_fieldWeakAuthHi'
* Constant: '<S42>/n_fieldWeakAuthLo'
* RelationalOperator: '<S43>/LowerRelop1'
* RelationalOperator: '<S43>/UpperRelop'
* Switch: '<S43>/Switch'
if (Abs5 > rtP->n_fieldWeakAuthHi) {
rtb_Saturation = rtP->n_fieldWeakAuthHi;
} else if (Abs5 < rtP->n_fieldWeakAuthLo) {
/* Switch: '<S43>/Switch' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S42>/n_fieldWeakAuthLo'
rtb_Saturation = rtP->n_fieldWeakAuthLo;
} else {
rtb_Saturation = Abs5;
/* End of Switch: '<S43>/Switch2' */
/* Product: '<S42>/Divide3' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S42>/n_fieldWeakAuthHi'
* Constant: '<S42>/n_fieldWeakAuthLo'
* Constant: '<S42>/r_fieldWeakHi'
* Constant: '<S42>/r_fieldWeakLo'
* Product: '<S42>/Divide1'
* Product: '<S42>/Divide14'
* Product: '<S42>/Divide2'
* Sum: '<S42>/Sum1'
* Sum: '<S42>/Sum2'
* Sum: '<S42>/Sum3'
* Sum: '<S42>/Sum4'
rtDW->Divide3 = (int16_T)(((uint16_T)(((uint32_T)(uint16_T)(((int16_T)
(DataTypeConversion2 - rtP->r_fieldWeakLo) << 15) / (int16_T)
(rtP->r_fieldWeakHi - rtP->r_fieldWeakLo)) * (uint16_T)(((int16_T)
(rtb_Saturation - rtP->n_fieldWeakAuthLo) << 15) / (int16_T)
(rtP->n_fieldWeakAuthHi - rtP->n_fieldWeakAuthLo))) >> 15) *
rtb_Saturation1) >> 15);
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S6>/Field_Weakening_Enabled' */
/* End of If: '<S6>/If3' */
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S1>/F04_Field_Weakening' */
/* Outputs for Function Call SubSystem: '<S7>/Motor_Limitations' */
/* If: '<S48>/If1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S1>/z_ctrlTypSel'
* Constant: '<S80>/Vd_max1'
* Constant: '<S80>/i_max'
rtb_Sum2_h = rtDW->If1_ActiveSubsystem_o;
UnitDelay3 = -1;
if (rtP->z_ctrlTypSel == 2) {
UnitDelay3 = 0;
rtDW->If1_ActiveSubsystem_o = UnitDelay3;
if ((rtb_Sum2_h != UnitDelay3) && (rtb_Sum2_h == 0)) {
/* Disable for SwitchCase: '<S80>/Switch Case' */
rtDW->SwitchCase_ActiveSubsystem_d = -1;
if (UnitDelay3 == 0) {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S48>/Motor_Limitations_Enabled' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S80>/Action Port'
rtDW->Vd_max1 = rtP->Vd_max;
/* Gain: '<S80>/Gain3' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S80>/Vd_max1'
rtDW->Gain3 = (int16_T)-rtDW->Vd_max1;
/* Interpolation_n-D: '<S80>/Vq_max_M1' incorporates:
* Abs: '<S80>/Abs5'
* PreLookup: '<S80>/Vq_max_XA'
* UnitDelay: '<S7>/UnitDelay4'
if (rtDW->Switch1 < 0) {
rtb_Saturation1 = (int16_T)-rtDW->Switch1;
} else {
rtb_Saturation1 = rtDW->Switch1;
rtDW->Vq_max_M1 = rtP->Vq_max_M1[plook_u8s16_evencka(rtb_Saturation1,
rtP->Vq_max_XA[0], (uint16_T)(rtP->Vq_max_XA[1] - rtP->Vq_max_XA[0]),
/* End of Interpolation_n-D: '<S80>/Vq_max_M1' */
/* Gain: '<S80>/Gain5' */
rtDW->Gain5 = (int16_T)-rtDW->Vq_max_M1;
rtDW->i_max = rtP->i_max;
/* Interpolation_n-D: '<S80>/iq_maxSca_M1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S80>/i_max'
* Product: '<S80>/Divide4'
rtb_Gain3 = rtDW->Divide3 << 16;
rtb_Gain3 = (rtb_Gain3 == MIN_int32_T) && (rtDW->i_max == -1) ?
MAX_int32_T : rtb_Gain3 / rtDW->i_max;
if (rtb_Gain3 < 0) {
rtb_Gain3 = 0;
} else {
if (rtb_Gain3 > 65535) {
rtb_Gain3 = 65535;
/* Product: '<S80>/Divide1' incorporates:
* Interpolation_n-D: '<S80>/iq_maxSca_M1'
* PreLookup: '<S80>/iq_maxSca_XA'
* Product: '<S80>/Divide4'
rtDW->Divide1_n = (int16_T)
0U, 1311U, 49U)] * rtDW->i_max) >> 16);
/* Gain: '<S80>/Gain1' */
rtDW->Gain1 = (int16_T)-rtDW->Divide1_n;
/* SwitchCase: '<S80>/Switch Case' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S80>/n_max1'
* Constant: '<S82>/Constant1'
* Constant: '<S82>/cf_KbLimProt'
* Constant: '<S82>/cf_nKiLimProt'
* Constant: '<S83>/Constant'
* Constant: '<S83>/Constant1'
* Constant: '<S83>/cf_KbLimProt'
* Constant: '<S83>/cf_iqKiLimProt'
* Constant: '<S83>/cf_nKiLimProt'
* Sum: '<S82>/Sum1'
* Sum: '<S83>/Sum1'
* Sum: '<S83>/Sum2'
rtb_Sum2_h = rtDW->SwitchCase_ActiveSubsystem_d;
UnitDelay3 = -1;
switch (rtDW->z_ctrlMod) {
case 1:
UnitDelay3 = 0;
case 2:
UnitDelay3 = 1;
case 3:
UnitDelay3 = 2;
rtDW->SwitchCase_ActiveSubsystem_d = UnitDelay3;
switch (UnitDelay3) {
case 0:
if (UnitDelay3 != rtb_Sum2_h) {
/* SystemReset for IfAction SubSystem: '<S80>/Voltage_Mode_Protection' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S83>/Action Port'
/* SystemReset for Atomic SubSystem: '<S83>/I_backCalc_fixdt' */
/* SystemReset for SwitchCase: '<S80>/Switch Case' */
I_backCalc_fixdt_Reset(&rtDW->I_backCalc_fixdt_i, 65536000);
/* End of SystemReset for SubSystem: '<S83>/I_backCalc_fixdt' */
/* SystemReset for Atomic SubSystem: '<S83>/I_backCalc_fixdt1' */
I_backCalc_fixdt_Reset(&rtDW->I_backCalc_fixdt1, 65536000);
/* End of SystemReset for SubSystem: '<S83>/I_backCalc_fixdt1' */
/* End of SystemReset for SubSystem: '<S80>/Voltage_Mode_Protection' */
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S80>/Voltage_Mode_Protection' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S83>/Action Port'
/* Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<S83>/I_backCalc_fixdt' */
I_backCalc_fixdt((int16_T)(rtDW->Divide1_n - rtDW->Abs5_h),
rtP->cf_iqKiLimProt, rtP->cf_KbLimProt, rtDW->Abs1, 0,
&rtDW->Switch2_a, &rtDW->I_backCalc_fixdt_i);
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S83>/I_backCalc_fixdt' */
/* Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<S83>/I_backCalc_fixdt1' */
I_backCalc_fixdt((int16_T)(rtP->n_max - Abs5), rtP->cf_nKiLimProt,
rtP->cf_KbLimProt, rtDW->Abs1, 0, &rtDW->Switch2_o,
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S83>/I_backCalc_fixdt1' */
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S80>/Voltage_Mode_Protection' */
case 1:
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S80>/Speed_Mode_Protection' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S81>/Action Port'
/* Switch: '<S84>/Switch2' incorporates:
* RelationalOperator: '<S84>/LowerRelop1'
* RelationalOperator: '<S84>/UpperRelop'
* Switch: '<S84>/Switch'
if (rtDW->DataTypeConversion[0] > rtDW->Divide1_n) {
rtb_Saturation1 = rtDW->Divide1_n;
} else if (rtDW->DataTypeConversion[0] < rtDW->Gain1) {
/* Switch: '<S84>/Switch' */
rtb_Saturation1 = rtDW->Gain1;
} else {
rtb_Saturation1 = rtDW->DataTypeConversion[0];
/* End of Switch: '<S84>/Switch2' */
/* Product: '<S81>/Divide1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S81>/cf_iqKiLimProt'
* Sum: '<S81>/Sum3'
rtDW->Divide1 = (int16_T)(rtb_Saturation1 - rtDW->DataTypeConversion[0])
* rtP->cf_iqKiLimProt;
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S80>/Speed_Mode_Protection' */
case 2:
if (UnitDelay3 != rtb_Sum2_h) {
/* SystemReset for IfAction SubSystem: '<S80>/Torque_Mode_Protection' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S82>/Action Port'
/* SystemReset for Atomic SubSystem: '<S82>/I_backCalc_fixdt' */
/* SystemReset for SwitchCase: '<S80>/Switch Case' */
I_backCalc_fixdt_Reset(&rtDW->I_backCalc_fixdt_j, 58982400);
/* End of SystemReset for SubSystem: '<S82>/I_backCalc_fixdt' */
/* End of SystemReset for SubSystem: '<S80>/Torque_Mode_Protection' */
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S80>/Torque_Mode_Protection' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S82>/Action Port'
/* Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<S82>/I_backCalc_fixdt' */
I_backCalc_fixdt((int16_T)(rtP->n_max - Abs5), rtP->cf_nKiLimProt,
rtP->cf_KbLimProt, rtDW->Vq_max_M1, 0, &rtDW->Switch2_i,
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S82>/I_backCalc_fixdt' */
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S80>/Torque_Mode_Protection' */
/* End of SwitchCase: '<S80>/Switch Case' */
/* Gain: '<S80>/Gain4' */
rtDW->Gain4 = (int16_T)-rtDW->i_max;
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S48>/Motor_Limitations_Enabled' */
/* End of If: '<S48>/If1' */
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S7>/Motor_Limitations' */
} else {
if (rtDW->UnitDelay6_DSTATE) {
/* Outputs for Function Call SubSystem: '<S7>/FOC' */
/* If: '<S47>/If1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S1>/z_ctrlTypSel'
rtb_Sum2_h = rtDW->If1_ActiveSubsystem_j;
UnitDelay3 = -1;
if (rtP->z_ctrlTypSel == 2) {
UnitDelay3 = 0;
rtDW->If1_ActiveSubsystem_j = UnitDelay3;
if ((rtb_Sum2_h != UnitDelay3) && (rtb_Sum2_h == 0)) {
/* Disable for SwitchCase: '<S59>/Switch Case' */
rtDW->SwitchCase_ActiveSubsystem = -1;
/* Disable for If: '<S59>/If1' */
rtDW->If1_ActiveSubsystem_a = -1;
if (UnitDelay3 == 0) {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S47>/FOC_Enabled' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S59>/Action Port'
/* SwitchCase: '<S59>/Switch Case' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S61>/cf_nKi'
* Constant: '<S61>/cf_nKp'
* Inport: '<S60>/r_inpTgtSca'
* Sum: '<S61>/Sum3'
* UnitDelay: '<S8>/UnitDelay4'
rtb_Sum2_h = rtDW->SwitchCase_ActiveSubsystem;
switch (rtDW->z_ctrlMod) {
case 1:
case 2:
UnitDelay3 = 1;
case 3:
UnitDelay3 = 2;
UnitDelay3 = 3;
rtDW->SwitchCase_ActiveSubsystem = UnitDelay3;
switch (UnitDelay3) {
case 0:
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S59>/Voltage_Mode' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S64>/Action Port'
/* MinMax: '<S64>/MinMax' */
if (rtDW->Abs1 < rtDW->Switch2_a) {
DataTypeConversion2 = rtDW->Abs1;
} else {
DataTypeConversion2 = rtDW->Switch2_a;
if (!(DataTypeConversion2 < rtDW->Switch2_o)) {
DataTypeConversion2 = rtDW->Switch2_o;
/* End of MinMax: '<S64>/MinMax' */
/* Signum: '<S64>/SignDeltaU2' */
if (rtDW->Merge1 < 0) {
rtb_Saturation1 = -1;
} else {
rtb_Saturation1 = (int16_T)(rtDW->Merge1 > 0);
/* End of Signum: '<S64>/SignDeltaU2' */
/* Product: '<S64>/Divide1' */
rtb_Saturation = (int16_T)(DataTypeConversion2 * rtb_Saturation1);
/* Switch: '<S79>/Switch2' incorporates:
* RelationalOperator: '<S79>/LowerRelop1'
* RelationalOperator: '<S79>/UpperRelop'
* Switch: '<S79>/Switch'
if (rtb_Saturation > rtDW->Vq_max_M1) {
/* SignalConversion: '<S64>/Signal Conversion2' */
rtDW->Merge = rtDW->Vq_max_M1;
} else if (rtb_Saturation < rtDW->Gain5) {
/* Switch: '<S79>/Switch' incorporates:
* SignalConversion: '<S64>/Signal Conversion2'
rtDW->Merge = rtDW->Gain5;
} else {
/* SignalConversion: '<S64>/Signal Conversion2' incorporates:
* Switch: '<S79>/Switch'
rtDW->Merge = rtb_Saturation;
/* End of Switch: '<S79>/Switch2' */
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S59>/Voltage_Mode' */
case 1:
if (UnitDelay3 != rtb_Sum2_h) {
/* SystemReset for IfAction SubSystem: '<S59>/Speed_Mode' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S61>/Action Port'
/* SystemReset for Atomic SubSystem: '<S61>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
/* SystemReset for SwitchCase: '<S59>/Switch Case' */
/* End of SystemReset for SubSystem: '<S61>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
/* End of SystemReset for SubSystem: '<S59>/Speed_Mode' */
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S59>/Speed_Mode' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S61>/Action Port'
/* DataTypeConversion: '<S61>/Data Type Conversion2' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S61>/n_cruiseMotTgt'
rtb_Saturation = (int16_T)(rtP->n_cruiseMotTgt << 4);
/* Switch: '<S61>/Switch4' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S1>/b_cruiseCtrlEna'
* Logic: '<S61>/Logical Operator1'
* RelationalOperator: '<S61>/Relational Operator3'
if (rtP->b_cruiseCtrlEna && (rtb_Saturation != 0)) {
/* Switch: '<S61>/Switch3' incorporates:
* MinMax: '<S61>/MinMax4'
if (rtb_Saturation > 0) {
rtb_TmpSignalConversionAtLow_Pa[0] = rtDW->Vq_max_M1;
/* MinMax: '<S61>/MinMax3' */
if (rtDW->Merge1 > rtDW->Gain5) {
rtb_TmpSignalConversionAtLow_Pa[1] = rtDW->Merge1;
} else {
rtb_TmpSignalConversionAtLow_Pa[1] = rtDW->Gain5;
/* End of MinMax: '<S61>/MinMax3' */
} else {
if (rtDW->Vq_max_M1 < rtDW->Merge1) {
/* MinMax: '<S61>/MinMax4' */
rtb_TmpSignalConversionAtLow_Pa[0] = rtDW->Vq_max_M1;
} else {
rtb_TmpSignalConversionAtLow_Pa[0] = rtDW->Merge1;
rtb_TmpSignalConversionAtLow_Pa[1] = rtDW->Gain5;
/* End of Switch: '<S61>/Switch3' */
} else {
rtb_TmpSignalConversionAtLow_Pa[0] = rtDW->Vq_max_M1;
rtb_TmpSignalConversionAtLow_Pa[1] = rtDW->Gain5;
/* End of Switch: '<S61>/Switch4' */
/* Switch: '<S61>/Switch2' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S1>/b_cruiseCtrlEna'
if (!rtP->b_cruiseCtrlEna) {
rtb_Saturation = rtDW->Merge1;
/* End of Switch: '<S61>/Switch2' */
/* Sum: '<S61>/Sum3' */
rtb_Gain3 = rtb_Saturation - Switch2;
if (rtb_Gain3 > 32767) {
rtb_Gain3 = 32767;
} else {
if (rtb_Gain3 < -32768) {
rtb_Gain3 = -32768;
/* Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<S61>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
PI_clamp_fixdt_l((int16_T)rtb_Gain3, rtP->cf_nKp, rtP->cf_nKi,
rtb_TmpSignalConversionAtLow_Pa[1], rtDW->Divide1,
&rtDW->Merge, &rtDW->PI_clamp_fixdt_l4);
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S61>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S59>/Speed_Mode' */
case 2:
if (UnitDelay3 != rtb_Sum2_h) {
/* SystemReset for IfAction SubSystem: '<S59>/Torque_Mode' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S62>/Action Port'
/* SystemReset for Atomic SubSystem: '<S62>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
/* SystemReset for SwitchCase: '<S59>/Switch Case' */
/* End of SystemReset for SubSystem: '<S62>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
/* End of SystemReset for SubSystem: '<S59>/Torque_Mode' */
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S59>/Torque_Mode' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S62>/Action Port'
/* Gain: '<S62>/Gain4' */
rtb_Saturation = (int16_T)-rtDW->Switch2_i;
/* Switch: '<S70>/Switch2' incorporates:
* RelationalOperator: '<S70>/LowerRelop1'
* RelationalOperator: '<S70>/UpperRelop'
* Switch: '<S70>/Switch'
if (rtDW->Merge1 > rtDW->Divide1_n) {
rtb_Saturation1 = rtDW->Divide1_n;
} else if (rtDW->Merge1 < rtDW->Gain1) {
/* Switch: '<S70>/Switch' */
rtb_Saturation1 = rtDW->Gain1;
} else {
rtb_Saturation1 = rtDW->Merge1;
/* End of Switch: '<S70>/Switch2' */
/* Sum: '<S62>/Sum2' */
rtb_Gain3 = rtb_Saturation1 - rtDW->DataTypeConversion[0];
if (rtb_Gain3 > 32767) {
rtb_Gain3 = 32767;
} else {
if (rtb_Gain3 < -32768) {
rtb_Gain3 = -32768;
/* MinMax: '<S62>/MinMax1' */
if (rtDW->Vq_max_M1 < rtDW->Switch2_i) {
rtb_Saturation1 = rtDW->Vq_max_M1;
} else {
rtb_Saturation1 = rtDW->Switch2_i;
/* End of MinMax: '<S62>/MinMax1' */
/* MinMax: '<S62>/MinMax2' */
if (!(rtb_Saturation > rtDW->Gain5)) {
rtb_Saturation = rtDW->Gain5;
/* End of MinMax: '<S62>/MinMax2' */
/* Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<S62>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
/* SignalConversion: '<S62>/Signal Conversion2' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S62>/cf_iqKi'
* Constant: '<S62>/cf_iqKp'
* Constant: '<S62>/constant2'
* Sum: '<S62>/Sum2'
* UnitDelay: '<S8>/UnitDelay4'
PI_clamp_fixdt_k((int16_T)rtb_Gain3, rtP->cf_iqKp, rtP->cf_iqKi,
rtDW->UnitDelay4_DSTATE_eu, rtb_Saturation1,
rtb_Saturation, 0, &rtDW->Merge,
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S62>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S59>/Torque_Mode' */
case 3:
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S59>/Open_Mode' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S60>/Action Port'
rtDW->Merge = rtDW->Merge1;
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S59>/Open_Mode' */
/* End of SwitchCase: '<S59>/Switch Case' */
/* If: '<S59>/If1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S63>/cf_idKi1'
* Constant: '<S63>/cf_idKp1'
* Constant: '<S63>/constant1'
* Constant: '<S63>/constant2'
* Sum: '<S63>/Sum3'
rtb_Sum2_h = rtDW->If1_ActiveSubsystem_a;
UnitDelay3 = -1;
if (rtb_LogicalOperator) {
UnitDelay3 = 0;
rtDW->If1_ActiveSubsystem_a = UnitDelay3;
if (UnitDelay3 == 0) {
if (0 != rtb_Sum2_h) {
/* SystemReset for IfAction SubSystem: '<S59>/Vd_Calculation' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S63>/Action Port'
/* SystemReset for Atomic SubSystem: '<S63>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
/* SystemReset for If: '<S59>/If1' */
/* End of SystemReset for SubSystem: '<S63>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
/* End of SystemReset for SubSystem: '<S59>/Vd_Calculation' */
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S59>/Vd_Calculation' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S63>/Action Port'
/* Gain: '<S63>/toNegative' */
rtb_Saturation = (int16_T)-rtDW->Divide3;
/* Switch: '<S75>/Switch2' incorporates:
* RelationalOperator: '<S75>/LowerRelop1'
* RelationalOperator: '<S75>/UpperRelop'
* Switch: '<S75>/Switch'
if (rtb_Saturation > rtDW->i_max) {
rtb_Saturation = rtDW->i_max;
} else {
if (rtb_Saturation < rtDW->Gain4) {
/* Switch: '<S75>/Switch' */
rtb_Saturation = rtDW->Gain4;
/* End of Switch: '<S75>/Switch2' */
/* Sum: '<S63>/Sum3' */
rtb_Gain3 = rtb_Saturation - rtDW->DataTypeConversion[1];
if (rtb_Gain3 > 32767) {
rtb_Gain3 = 32767;
} else {
if (rtb_Gain3 < -32768) {
rtb_Gain3 = -32768;
/* Outputs for Atomic SubSystem: '<S63>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
PI_clamp_fixdt((int16_T)rtb_Gain3, rtP->cf_idKp, rtP->cf_idKi, 0,
rtDW->Vd_max1, rtDW->Gain3, 0, &rtDW->Switch1,
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S63>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S59>/Vd_Calculation' */
/* End of If: '<S59>/If1' */
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S47>/FOC_Enabled' */
/* End of If: '<S47>/If1' */
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S7>/FOC' */
/* End of Chart: '<S1>/Task_Scheduler' */
/* If: '<S7>/If2' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S1>/z_ctrlTypSel'
* Constant: '<S8>/CTRL_COMM1'
* RelationalOperator: '<S8>/Relational Operator6'
* Switch: '<S8>/Switch2'
rtb_Sum2_h = rtDW->If2_ActiveSubsystem;
UnitDelay3 = -1;
if (rtP->z_ctrlTypSel == 2) {
rtb_Saturation = rtDW->Merge;
UnitDelay3 = 0;
} else {
rtb_Saturation = rtDW->Merge1;
rtDW->If2_ActiveSubsystem = UnitDelay3;
if ((rtb_Sum2_h != UnitDelay3) && (rtb_Sum2_h == 0)) {
/* Disable for Outport: '<S46>/V_phaABC_FOC' */
rtDW->Gain4_e[0] = 0;
rtDW->Gain4_e[1] = 0;
rtDW->Gain4_e[2] = 0;
if (UnitDelay3 == 0) {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S7>/Clarke_Park_Transform_Inverse' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S46>/Action Port'
/* Sum: '<S58>/Sum6' incorporates:
* Product: '<S58>/Divide1'
* Product: '<S58>/Divide4'
rtb_Gain3 = (int16_T)((rtDW->Switch1 * rtDW->r_cos_M1) >> 14) - (int16_T)
((rtDW->Merge * rtDW->r_sin_M1) >> 14);
if (rtb_Gain3 > 32767) {
rtb_Gain3 = 32767;
} else {
if (rtb_Gain3 < -32768) {
rtb_Gain3 = -32768;
/* Sum: '<S58>/Sum1' incorporates:
* Product: '<S58>/Divide2'
* Product: '<S58>/Divide3'
rtb_Sum1_jt = (int16_T)((rtDW->Switch1 * rtDW->r_sin_M1) >> 14) + (int16_T)
((rtDW->Merge * rtDW->r_cos_M1) >> 14);
if (rtb_Sum1_jt > 32767) {
rtb_Sum1_jt = 32767;
} else {
if (rtb_Sum1_jt < -32768) {
rtb_Sum1_jt = -32768;
/* Gain: '<S57>/Gain1' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S58>/Sum1'
rtb_Sum1_jt *= 14189;
/* Sum: '<S57>/Sum6' incorporates:
* Gain: '<S57>/Gain1'
* Gain: '<S57>/Gain3'
* Sum: '<S58>/Sum6'
rtb_Sum1_jt = (((rtb_Sum1_jt < 0 ? 16383 : 0) + rtb_Sum1_jt) >> 14) -
((int16_T)(((int16_T)rtb_Gain3 < 0) + (int16_T)rtb_Gain3) >> 1);
if (rtb_Sum1_jt > 32767) {
rtb_Sum1_jt = 32767;
} else {
if (rtb_Sum1_jt < -32768) {
rtb_Sum1_jt = -32768;
/* Sum: '<S57>/Sum2' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S57>/Sum6'
* Sum: '<S58>/Sum6'
rtb_Switch1 = -(int16_T)rtb_Gain3 - (int16_T)rtb_Sum1_jt;
if (rtb_Switch1 > 32767) {
rtb_Switch1 = 32767;
} else {
if (rtb_Switch1 < -32768) {
rtb_Switch1 = -32768;
/* MinMax: '<S57>/MinMax1' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S57>/Sum2'
* Sum: '<S57>/Sum6'
* Sum: '<S58>/Sum6'
DataTypeConversion2 = (int16_T)rtb_Gain3;
if (!((int16_T)rtb_Gain3 < (int16_T)rtb_Sum1_jt)) {
DataTypeConversion2 = (int16_T)rtb_Sum1_jt;
if (!(DataTypeConversion2 < (int16_T)rtb_Switch1)) {
DataTypeConversion2 = (int16_T)rtb_Switch1;
/* MinMax: '<S57>/MinMax2' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S57>/Sum2'
* Sum: '<S57>/Sum6'
* Sum: '<S58>/Sum6'
rtb_Saturation1 = (int16_T)rtb_Gain3;
if (!((int16_T)rtb_Gain3 > (int16_T)rtb_Sum1_jt)) {
rtb_Saturation1 = (int16_T)rtb_Sum1_jt;
if (!(rtb_Saturation1 > (int16_T)rtb_Switch1)) {
rtb_Saturation1 = (int16_T)rtb_Switch1;
/* Sum: '<S57>/Add' incorporates:
* MinMax: '<S57>/MinMax1'
* MinMax: '<S57>/MinMax2'
rtb_Sum1 = DataTypeConversion2 + rtb_Saturation1;
if (rtb_Sum1 > 32767) {
rtb_Sum1 = 32767;
} else {
if (rtb_Sum1 < -32768) {
rtb_Sum1 = -32768;
/* Gain: '<S57>/Gain2' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S57>/Add'
rtb_Merge1 = (int16_T)(rtb_Sum1 >> 1);
/* Sum: '<S57>/Add1' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S58>/Sum6'
rtb_Gain3 = (int16_T)rtb_Gain3 - rtb_Merge1;
if (rtb_Gain3 > 32767) {
rtb_Gain3 = 32767;
} else {
if (rtb_Gain3 < -32768) {
rtb_Gain3 = -32768;
/* Gain: '<S57>/Gain4' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S57>/Add1'
rtDW->Gain4_e[0] = (int16_T)((18919 * rtb_Gain3) >> 14);
/* Sum: '<S57>/Add1' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S57>/Sum6'
rtb_Gain3 = (int16_T)rtb_Sum1_jt - rtb_Merge1;
if (rtb_Gain3 > 32767) {
rtb_Gain3 = 32767;
} else {
if (rtb_Gain3 < -32768) {
rtb_Gain3 = -32768;
/* Gain: '<S57>/Gain4' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S57>/Add1'
rtDW->Gain4_e[1] = (int16_T)((18919 * rtb_Gain3) >> 14);
/* Sum: '<S57>/Add1' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S57>/Sum2'
rtb_Gain3 = (int16_T)rtb_Switch1 - rtb_Merge1;
if (rtb_Gain3 > 32767) {
rtb_Gain3 = 32767;
} else {
if (rtb_Gain3 < -32768) {
rtb_Gain3 = -32768;
/* Gain: '<S57>/Gain4' incorporates:
* Sum: '<S57>/Add1'
rtDW->Gain4_e[2] = (int16_T)((18919 * rtb_Gain3) >> 14);
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S7>/Clarke_Park_Transform_Inverse' */
/* End of If: '<S7>/If2' */
/* If: '<S8>/If' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S11>/vec_hallToPos'
* Constant: '<S1>/z_ctrlTypSel'
* Constant: '<S8>/CTRL_COMM2'
* Constant: '<S8>/CTRL_COMM3'
* Inport: '<S95>/V_phaABC_FOC_in'
* Logic: '<S8>/Logical Operator1'
* Logic: '<S8>/Logical Operator2'
* LookupNDDirect: '<S94>/z_commutMap_M1'
* RelationalOperator: '<S8>/Relational Operator1'
* RelationalOperator: '<S8>/Relational Operator2'
* Selector: '<S11>/Selector'
* About '<S94>/z_commutMap_M1':
* 2-dimensional Direct Look-Up returning a Column
if (rtb_LogicalOperator && (rtP->z_ctrlTypSel == 2)) {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S8>/FOC_Method' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S95>/Action Port'
DataTypeConversion2 = rtDW->Gain4_e[0];
rtb_Saturation1 = rtDW->Gain4_e[1];
rtb_Merge1 = rtDW->Gain4_e[2];
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S8>/FOC_Method' */
} else if (rtb_LogicalOperator && (rtP->z_ctrlTypSel == 1)) {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S8>/SIN_Method' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S96>/Action Port'
/* Switch: '<S97>/Switch_PhaAdv' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S97>/b_fieldWeakEna'
* Product: '<S98>/Divide2'
* Product: '<S98>/Divide3'
* Sum: '<S98>/Sum3'
if (rtP->b_fieldWeakEna) {
/* Sum: '<S97>/Sum3' incorporates:
* Product: '<S97>/Product2'
DataTypeConversion2 = (int16_T)((int16_T)((int16_T)(rtDW->Divide3 *
rtDW->Switch2_e) << 2) + rtb_Merge_m);
DataTypeConversion2 -= (int16_T)((int16_T)((int16_T)div_nde_s32_floor
(DataTypeConversion2, 23040) * 360) << 6);
} else {
DataTypeConversion2 = rtb_Merge_m;
/* End of Switch: '<S97>/Switch_PhaAdv' */
/* PreLookup: '<S96>/a_elecAngle_XA' */
Sum = plook_u8s16_evencka(DataTypeConversion2, 0, 128U, 180U);
/* Product: '<S96>/Divide2' incorporates:
* Interpolation_n-D: '<S96>/r_sin3PhaA_M1'
* Interpolation_n-D: '<S96>/r_sin3PhaB_M1'
* Interpolation_n-D: '<S96>/r_sin3PhaC_M1'
DataTypeConversion2 = (int16_T)((rtb_Saturation *
rtConstP.r_sin3PhaA_M1_Table[Sum]) >> 14);
rtb_Saturation1 = (int16_T)((rtb_Saturation *
rtConstP.r_sin3PhaB_M1_Table[Sum]) >> 14);
rtb_Merge1 = (int16_T)((rtb_Saturation * rtConstP.r_sin3PhaC_M1_Table[Sum]) >>
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S8>/SIN_Method' */
} else {
/* Outputs for IfAction SubSystem: '<S8>/COM_Method' incorporates:
* ActionPort: '<S94>/Action Port'
if (rtConstP.vec_hallToPos_Value[Sum] > 5) {
/* LookupNDDirect: '<S94>/z_commutMap_M1'
* About '<S94>/z_commutMap_M1':
* 2-dimensional Direct Look-Up returning a Column
rtb_Sum2_h = 5;
} else if (rtConstP.vec_hallToPos_Value[Sum] < 0) {
/* LookupNDDirect: '<S94>/z_commutMap_M1'
* About '<S94>/z_commutMap_M1':
* 2-dimensional Direct Look-Up returning a Column
rtb_Sum2_h = 0;
} else {
/* LookupNDDirect: '<S94>/z_commutMap_M1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S11>/vec_hallToPos'
* Selector: '<S11>/Selector'
* About '<S94>/z_commutMap_M1':
* 2-dimensional Direct Look-Up returning a Column
rtb_Sum2_h = rtConstP.vec_hallToPos_Value[Sum];
/* LookupNDDirect: '<S94>/z_commutMap_M1' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S11>/vec_hallToPos'
* Selector: '<S11>/Selector'
* About '<S94>/z_commutMap_M1':
* 2-dimensional Direct Look-Up returning a Column
rtb_Sum1_jt = rtb_Sum2_h * 3;
/* Product: '<S94>/Divide2' incorporates:
* LookupNDDirect: '<S94>/z_commutMap_M1'
* About '<S94>/z_commutMap_M1':
* 2-dimensional Direct Look-Up returning a Column
DataTypeConversion2 = (int16_T)(rtb_Saturation *
rtb_Saturation1 = (int16_T)(rtConstP.z_commutMap_M1_table[1 + rtb_Sum1_jt] *
rtb_Merge1 = (int16_T)(rtConstP.z_commutMap_M1_table[2 + rtb_Sum1_jt] *
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<S8>/COM_Method' */
/* End of If: '<S8>/If' */
/* Outport: '<Root>/DC_phaA' incorporates:
* DataTypeConversion: '<S8>/Data Type Conversion6'
rtY->DC_phaA = (int16_T)(DataTypeConversion2 >> 4);
/* Outport: '<Root>/DC_phaB' incorporates:
* DataTypeConversion: '<S8>/Data Type Conversion6'
rtY->DC_phaB = (int16_T)(rtb_Saturation1 >> 4);
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S10>/UnitDelay3' incorporates:
* Inport: '<Root>/b_hallA '
rtDW->UnitDelay3_DSTATE_fy = rtU->b_hallA;
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S10>/UnitDelay1' incorporates:
* Inport: '<Root>/b_hallB'
rtDW->UnitDelay1_DSTATE = rtU->b_hallB;
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S10>/UnitDelay2' incorporates:
* Inport: '<Root>/b_hallC'
rtDW->UnitDelay2_DSTATE_f = rtU->b_hallC;
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S13>/UnitDelay3' */
rtDW->UnitDelay3_DSTATE = rtb_Switch1_l;
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S13>/UnitDelay4' */
rtDW->UnitDelay4_DSTATE_e = Abs5;
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S2>/UnitDelay2' incorporates:
* UnitDelay: '<S2>/UnitDelay6'
rtDW->UnitDelay2_DSTATE_c = rtDW->UnitDelay6_DSTATE;
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S2>/UnitDelay5' */
rtDW->UnitDelay5_DSTATE_m = rtb_RelationalOperator4_d;
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S2>/UnitDelay6' */
rtDW->UnitDelay6_DSTATE = rtb_UnitDelay5_e;
/* Update for UnitDelay: '<S8>/UnitDelay4' */
rtDW->UnitDelay4_DSTATE_eu = rtb_Saturation;
/* Outport: '<Root>/DC_phaC' incorporates:
* DataTypeConversion: '<S8>/Data Type Conversion6'
rtY->DC_phaC = (int16_T)(rtb_Merge1 >> 4);
/* Outport: '<Root>/n_mot' incorporates:
* DataTypeConversion: '<S1>/Data Type Conversion1'
rtY->n_mot = (int16_T)(Switch2 >> 4);
/* Outport: '<Root>/a_elecAngle' incorporates:
* DataTypeConversion: '<S1>/Data Type Conversion3'
rtY->a_elecAngle = (int16_T)(rtb_Merge_m >> 6);
/* End of Outputs for SubSystem: '<Root>/BLDC_controller' */
/* Outport: '<Root>/iq' */
rtY->iq = rtDW->DataTypeConversion[0];
/* Outport: '<Root>/id' */
rtY->id = rtDW->DataTypeConversion[1];
/* Model initialize function */
void BLDC_controller_initialize(RT_MODEL *const rtM)
P *rtP = ((P *) rtM->defaultParam);
DW *rtDW = ((DW *) rtM->dwork);
/* Start for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/BLDC_controller' */
/* Start for If: '<S7>/If1' */
rtDW->If1_ActiveSubsystem = -1;
/* Start for IfAction SubSystem: '<S7>/Clarke_Park_Transform_Forward' */
/* Start for If: '<S45>/If2' */
rtDW->If2_ActiveSubsystem_a = -1;
/* End of Start for SubSystem: '<S7>/Clarke_Park_Transform_Forward' */
/* Start for Chart: '<S1>/Task_Scheduler' incorporates:
* SubSystem: '<S1>/F03_Control_Mode_Manager'
/* Start for If: '<S33>/If2' */
rtDW->If2_ActiveSubsystem_f = -1;
/* Start for Chart: '<S1>/Task_Scheduler' incorporates:
* SubSystem: '<S7>/Motor_Limitations'
/* Start for If: '<S48>/If1' */
rtDW->If1_ActiveSubsystem_o = -1;
/* Start for IfAction SubSystem: '<S48>/Motor_Limitations_Enabled' */
/* Start for SwitchCase: '<S80>/Switch Case' */
rtDW->SwitchCase_ActiveSubsystem_d = -1;
/* End of Start for SubSystem: '<S48>/Motor_Limitations_Enabled' */
/* Start for Chart: '<S1>/Task_Scheduler' incorporates:
* SubSystem: '<S7>/FOC'
/* Start for If: '<S47>/If1' */
rtDW->If1_ActiveSubsystem_j = -1;
/* Start for IfAction SubSystem: '<S47>/FOC_Enabled' */
/* Start for SwitchCase: '<S59>/Switch Case' */
rtDW->SwitchCase_ActiveSubsystem = -1;
/* Start for If: '<S59>/If1' */
rtDW->If1_ActiveSubsystem_a = -1;
/* End of Start for SubSystem: '<S47>/FOC_Enabled' */
/* Start for If: '<S7>/If2' */
rtDW->If2_ActiveSubsystem = -1;
/* End of Start for SubSystem: '<Root>/BLDC_controller' */
/* SystemInitialize for Atomic SubSystem: '<Root>/BLDC_controller' */
/* InitializeConditions for UnitDelay: '<S13>/UnitDelay3' */
rtDW->UnitDelay3_DSTATE = rtP->z_maxCntRst;
/* InitializeConditions for UnitDelay: '<S2>/UnitDelay2' */
rtDW->UnitDelay2_DSTATE_c = true;
/* SystemInitialize for IfAction SubSystem: '<S13>/Raw_Motor_Speed_Estimation' */
/* SystemInitialize for Outport: '<S17>/z_counter' */
rtDW->z_counterRawPrev = rtP->z_maxCntRst;
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S13>/Raw_Motor_Speed_Estimation' */
/* SystemInitialize for Atomic SubSystem: '<S13>/Counter' */
Counter_Init(&rtDW->Counter_e, rtP->z_maxCntRst);
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S13>/Counter' */
/* SystemInitialize for Chart: '<S1>/Task_Scheduler' incorporates:
* SubSystem: '<S1>/F02_Diagnostics'
/* SystemInitialize for IfAction SubSystem: '<S4>/Diagnostics_Enabled' */
/* SystemInitialize for Atomic SubSystem: '<S20>/Debounce_Filter' */
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S20>/Debounce_Filter' */
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S4>/Diagnostics_Enabled' */
/* SystemInitialize for Chart: '<S1>/Task_Scheduler' incorporates:
* SubSystem: '<S1>/F03_Control_Mode_Manager'
/* SystemInitialize for IfAction SubSystem: '<S33>/Open_Mode' */
/* SystemInitialize for Atomic SubSystem: '<S37>/rising_edge_init' */
/* InitializeConditions for UnitDelay: '<S39>/UnitDelay' */
rtDW->UnitDelay_DSTATE_b = true;
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S37>/rising_edge_init' */
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S33>/Open_Mode' */
/* SystemInitialize for Chart: '<S1>/Task_Scheduler' incorporates:
* SubSystem: '<S7>/Motor_Limitations'
/* SystemInitialize for IfAction SubSystem: '<S48>/Motor_Limitations_Enabled' */
/* SystemInitialize for IfAction SubSystem: '<S80>/Voltage_Mode_Protection' */
/* SystemInitialize for Atomic SubSystem: '<S83>/I_backCalc_fixdt' */
I_backCalc_fixdt_Init(&rtDW->I_backCalc_fixdt_i, 65536000);
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S83>/I_backCalc_fixdt' */
/* SystemInitialize for Atomic SubSystem: '<S83>/I_backCalc_fixdt1' */
I_backCalc_fixdt_Init(&rtDW->I_backCalc_fixdt1, 65536000);
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S83>/I_backCalc_fixdt1' */
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S80>/Voltage_Mode_Protection' */
/* SystemInitialize for IfAction SubSystem: '<S80>/Torque_Mode_Protection' */
/* SystemInitialize for Atomic SubSystem: '<S82>/I_backCalc_fixdt' */
I_backCalc_fixdt_Init(&rtDW->I_backCalc_fixdt_j, 58982400);
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S82>/I_backCalc_fixdt' */
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S80>/Torque_Mode_Protection' */
/* SystemInitialize for Outport: '<S80>/Vd_max' */
rtDW->Vd_max1 = 14400;
/* SystemInitialize for Outport: '<S80>/Vd_min' */
rtDW->Gain3 = -14400;
/* SystemInitialize for Outport: '<S80>/Vq_max' */
rtDW->Vq_max_M1 = 14400;
/* SystemInitialize for Outport: '<S80>/Vq_min' */
rtDW->Gain5 = -14400;
/* SystemInitialize for Outport: '<S80>/id_max' */
rtDW->i_max = 12000;
/* SystemInitialize for Outport: '<S80>/id_min' */
rtDW->Gain4 = -12000;
/* SystemInitialize for Outport: '<S80>/iq_max' */
rtDW->Divide1_n = 12000;
/* SystemInitialize for Outport: '<S80>/iq_min' */
rtDW->Gain1 = -12000;
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S48>/Motor_Limitations_Enabled' */
/* SystemInitialize for Chart: '<S1>/Task_Scheduler' incorporates:
* SubSystem: '<S7>/FOC'
/* SystemInitialize for IfAction SubSystem: '<S47>/FOC_Enabled' */
/* SystemInitialize for IfAction SubSystem: '<S59>/Speed_Mode' */
/* SystemInitialize for Atomic SubSystem: '<S61>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S61>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S59>/Speed_Mode' */
/* SystemInitialize for IfAction SubSystem: '<S59>/Torque_Mode' */
/* SystemInitialize for Atomic SubSystem: '<S62>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S62>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S59>/Torque_Mode' */
/* SystemInitialize for IfAction SubSystem: '<S59>/Vd_Calculation' */
/* SystemInitialize for Atomic SubSystem: '<S63>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S63>/PI_clamp_fixdt' */
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S59>/Vd_Calculation' */
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<S47>/FOC_Enabled' */
/* End of SystemInitialize for SubSystem: '<Root>/BLDC_controller' */
* File trailer for generated code.
* [EOF]