function setBlockSetting(topLevelModel,block,setting,value) % This function changes a certain setting for a specific type of blocks found within the main model % ============================================================ % Example % setBlockSetting(bdroot, 'Inport', 'BackgroundColor', 'cyan'); % setBlockSetting(bdroot, 'Outport', 'BackgroundColor', 'orange'); % ============================================================ % Load Top Model if( ~bdIsLoaded( topLevelModel ) ) load_system( topLevelModel ); % If Model is not already loaded, load it end %% Find Model Reference Blocks in the top level model: topLevelModelHandle = get_param( topLevelModel , 'Handle' ); blkHandles = find_system( topLevelModelHandle, 'findall', 'on', 'FollowLinks', 'off', 'LookUnderMasks', 'on', 'blocktype', block); if( ~isempty( blkHandles ) ) % If the model contains model references for k = 1 : length(blkHandles) set_param(blkHandles(k), setting, value); end end disp('---- Setting done ----');