Improvements and clean-up

- clean-up printfs
- removed consoleLog function with respective files
- removed Delay when using printf
- renamed speedL, speedR to cmdL, cmdR
- corrected Arduino baud rate
- updated FLASH write pointer cast int16_t to uint16_t
This commit is contained in:
EmanuelFeru 2020-12-10 19:35:13 +01:00
parent d1286e246b
commit c86d9c4f43
10 changed files with 909 additions and 270 deletions

View File

@ -23,15 +23,15 @@
// *******************************************************************
// ########################## DEFINES ##########################
#define HOVER_SERIAL_BAUD 38400 // [-] Baud rate for HoverSerial (used to communicate with the hoverboard)
#define HOVER_SERIAL_BAUD 115200 // [-] Baud rate for HoverSerial (used to communicate with the hoverboard)
#define SERIAL_BAUD 115200 // [-] Baud rate for built-in Serial (used for the Serial Monitor)
#define START_FRAME 0xABCD // [-] Start frme definition for reliable serial communication
#define TIME_SEND 100 // [ms] Sending time interval
#define SPEED_MAX_TEST 300 // [-] Maximum speed for testing
//#define DEBUG_RX // [-] Debug received data. Prints all bytes to serial (comment-out to disable)
// #define DEBUG_RX // [-] Debug received data. Prints all bytes to serial (comment-out to disable)
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial HoverSerial(2,3); // RX, TX
SoftwareSerial HoverSerial(2,3); // RX, TX
// Global variables
uint8_t idx = 0; // Index for new data pointer
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ byte incomingByte;
byte incomingBytePrev;
typedef struct{
uint16_t start;
uint16_t start;
int16_t steer;
int16_t speed;
uint16_t checksum;
@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ SerialCommand Command;
typedef struct{
uint16_t start;
int16_t cmd1;
int16_t cmd2;
int16_t speedR_meas;
int16_t speedL_meas;
int16_t batVoltage;
int16_t boardTemp;
int16_t cmd1;
int16_t cmd2;
int16_t speedR_meas;
int16_t speedL_meas;
int16_t batVoltage;
int16_t boardTemp;
uint16_t cmdLed;
uint16_t checksum;
} SerialFeedback;
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ void setup()
Serial.println("Hoverboard Serial v1.0");
@ -88,59 +88,59 @@ void Send(int16_t uSteer, int16_t uSpeed)
// ########################## RECEIVE ##########################
void Receive()
// Check for new data availability in the Serial buffer
if (HoverSerial.available()) {
incomingByte =; // Read the incoming byte
bufStartFrame = ((uint16_t)(incomingByte) << 8) | incomingBytePrev; // Construct the start frame
else {
// Check for new data availability in the Serial buffer
if (HoverSerial.available()) {
incomingByte =; // Read the incoming byte
bufStartFrame = ((uint16_t)(incomingByte) << 8) | incomingBytePrev; // Construct the start frame
else {
// If DEBUG_RX is defined print all incoming bytes
#ifdef DEBUG_RX
// Copy received data
if (bufStartFrame == START_FRAME) { // Initialize if new data is detected
p = (byte *)&NewFeedback;
*p++ = incomingBytePrev;
*p++ = incomingByte;
idx = 2;
} else if (idx >= 2 && idx < sizeof(SerialFeedback)) { // Save the new received data
*p++ = incomingByte;
// Check if we reached the end of the package
if (idx == sizeof(SerialFeedback)) {
uint16_t checksum;
checksum = (uint16_t)(NewFeedback.start ^ NewFeedback.cmd1 ^ NewFeedback.cmd2 ^ NewFeedback.speedR_meas ^ NewFeedback.speedL_meas
^ NewFeedback.batVoltage ^ NewFeedback.boardTemp ^ NewFeedback.cmdLed);
// Check validity of the new data
if (NewFeedback.start == START_FRAME && checksum == NewFeedback.checksum) {
// Copy the new data
memcpy(&Feedback, &NewFeedback, sizeof(SerialFeedback));
// Print data to built-in Serial
Serial.print("1: "); Serial.print(Feedback.cmd1);
Serial.print(" 2: "); Serial.print(Feedback.cmd2);
Serial.print(" 3: "); Serial.print(Feedback.speedR_meas);
Serial.print(" 4: "); Serial.print(Feedback.speedL_meas);
Serial.print(" 5: "); Serial.print(Feedback.batVoltage);
Serial.print(" 6: "); Serial.print(Feedback.boardTemp);
Serial.print(" 7: "); Serial.println(Feedback.cmdLed);
} else {
Serial.println("Non-valid data skipped");
idx = 0; // Reset the index (it prevents to enter in this if condition in the next cycle)
// Update previous states
incomingBytePrev = incomingByte;
// Copy received data
if (bufStartFrame == START_FRAME) { // Initialize if new data is detected
p = (byte *)&NewFeedback;
*p++ = incomingBytePrev;
*p++ = incomingByte;
idx = 2;
} else if (idx >= 2 && idx < sizeof(SerialFeedback)) { // Save the new received data
*p++ = incomingByte;
// Check if we reached the end of the package
if (idx == sizeof(SerialFeedback)) {
uint16_t checksum;
checksum = (uint16_t)(NewFeedback.start ^ NewFeedback.cmd1 ^ NewFeedback.cmd2 ^ NewFeedback.speedR_meas ^ NewFeedback.speedL_meas
^ NewFeedback.batVoltage ^ NewFeedback.boardTemp ^ NewFeedback.cmdLed);
// Check validity of the new data
if (NewFeedback.start == START_FRAME && checksum == NewFeedback.checksum) {
// Copy the new data
memcpy(&Feedback, &NewFeedback, sizeof(SerialFeedback));
// Print data to built-in Serial
Serial.print("1: "); Serial.print(Feedback.cmd1);
Serial.print(" 2: "); Serial.print(Feedback.cmd2);
Serial.print(" 3: "); Serial.print(Feedback.speedR_meas);
Serial.print(" 4: "); Serial.print(Feedback.speedL_meas);
Serial.print(" 5: "); Serial.print(Feedback.batVoltage);
Serial.print(" 6: "); Serial.print(Feedback.boardTemp);
Serial.print(" 7: "); Serial.println(Feedback.cmdLed);
} else {
Serial.println("Non-valid data skipped");
idx = 0; // Reset the index (it prevents to enter in this if condition in the next cycle)
// Update previous states
incomingBytePrev = incomingByte;
// ########################## LOOP ##########################

View File

@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
- button1 and button2: digital input values. 0 or 1
- adc_buffer.l_tx2 and adc_buffer.l_rx2: unfiltered ADC values (you do not need them). 0 to 4095
- speedR and speedL: normal driving INPUT_MIN to INPUT_MAX
- cmdL and cmdR: normal driving INPUT_MIN to INPUT_MAX
#define COM_CTRL 0 // [-] Commutation Control Type
#define SIN_CTRL 1 // [-] Sinusoidal Control Type
@ -205,38 +205,30 @@
* Be careful not to use the red wire of the cable. 15v will destroy everything.
* If you are using VARIANT_NUNCHUK, disable it temporarily.
* and DEBUG_SERIAL_ASCII use asearial terminal.
* // "1:345 2:1337 3:0 4:0 5:0 6:0 7:0 8:0\r\n"
* // "in1:345 in2:1337 cmdL:0 cmdR:0 BatADC:0 BatV:0 TempADC:0 Temp:0\r\n"
* 1: (int16_t)input1); raw input1: ADC1, UART, PWM, PPM, iBUS
* 2: (int16_t)input2); raw input2: ADC2, UART, PWM, PPM, iBUS
* 3: (int16_t)speedR); output command: [-1000, 1000]
* 4: (int16_t)speedL); output command: [-1000, 1000]
* 5: (int16_t)adc_buffer.batt1); Battery adc-value measured by mainboard
* 6: (int16_t)(batVoltage * BAT_CALIB_REAL_VOLTAGE / BAT_CALIB_ADC)); Battery calibrated voltage multiplied by 100 for verifying battery voltage calibration
* 7: (int16_t)board_temp_adcFilt); for board temperature calibration
* 8: (int16_t)board_temp_deg_c); Temperature in celcius for verifying board temperature calibration
* in1: (int16_t)input1); raw input1: ADC1, UART, PWM, PPM, iBUS
* in2: (int16_t)input2); raw input2: ADC2, UART, PWM, PPM, iBUS
* cmdL: (int16_t)speedL); output command: [-1000, 1000]
* cmdR: (int16_t)speedR); output command: [-1000, 1000]
* BatADC: (int16_t)adc_buffer.batt1); Battery adc-value measured by mainboard
* BatV: (int16_t)(batVoltage * BAT_CALIB_REAL_VOLTAGE / BAT_CALIB_ADC)); Battery calibrated voltage multiplied by 100 for verifying battery voltage calibration
* TempADC: (int16_t)board_temp_adcFilt); for board temperature calibration
* Temp: (int16_t)board_temp_deg_c); Temperature in celcius for verifying board temperature calibration
// #define DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2 // left sensor board cable, disable if ADC or PPM is used!
#if defined(VARIANT_ADC)
#define DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3 // right sensor board cable, disable if I2C (nunchuk or lcd) is used!
// #define DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3 // right sensor board cable, disable if I2C (nunchuk or lcd) is used!
// ########################### END OF DEBUG SERIAL ############################
// ############################### DEBUG LCD ###############################
//#define DEBUG_I2C_LCD // standard 16x2 or larger text-lcd via i2c-converter on right sensor board cable
// #define DEBUG_I2C_LCD // standard 16x2 or larger text-lcd via i2c-converter on right sensor board cable
// ########################### END OF DEBUG LCD ############################
@ -276,6 +268,8 @@
#define INPUT2_MID 0 // mid ADC2-value while poti at mid-position (INPUT2_MIN - INPUT2_MAX)
#define INPUT2_MAX 4095 // max ADC2-value while poti at max-position (0 - 4095)
#define INPUT2_DEADBAND 0 // How much of the center position is considered 'center' (100 = values -100 to 100 are considered 0)
#define DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3 // right sensor board cable, disable if I2C (nunchuk or lcd) is used!
// #define SUPPORT_BUTTONS_LEFT // use left sensor board cable for button inputs. Disable DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2!
// #define SUPPORT_BUTTONS_RIGHT // use right sensor board cable for button inputs. Disable DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3!
@ -293,13 +287,13 @@
#define CONTROL_SERIAL_USART3 // right sensor board cable, disable if I2C (nunchuk or lcd) is used! For Arduino control check the hoverSerial.ino
#define FEEDBACK_SERIAL_USART3 // right sensor board cable, disable if I2C (nunchuk or lcd) is used!
// Min / Max values of each channel (use DEBUG to determine these values)
#define INPUT1_TYPE 1 // 0:Disabled, 1:Normal Pot, 2:Middle Resting Pot, 3:Auto-detect
#define INPUT1_TYPE 3 // 0:Disabled, 1:Normal Pot, 2:Middle Resting Pot, 3:Auto-detect
#define INPUT1_MIN -1000 // (-1000 - 0)
#define INPUT1_MID 0
#define INPUT1_MAX 1000 // (0 - 1000)
#define INPUT1_DEADBAND 0 // How much of the center position is considered 'center' (100 = values -100 to 100 are considered 0)
#define INPUT2_TYPE 1 // 0:Disabled, 1:Normal Pot, 2:Middle Resting Pot, 3:Auto-detect
#define INPUT2_TYPE 3 // 0:Disabled, 1:Normal Pot, 2:Middle Resting Pot, 3:Auto-detect
#define INPUT2_MIN -1000 // (-1000 - 0)
#define INPUT2_MID 0
#define INPUT2_MAX 1000 // (0 - 1000)

View File

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
@ -1398,6 +1398,159 @@
<Name>-U -O206 -S0 -C0 -A0 -TO18 -TC10000000 -TP21 -TDS8004 -TDT0 -TDC1F -TIEFFFFFFFF -TIP8 -FO15 -FD20000000 -FC1000 -FN1 -FF0STM32F10x_512.FLM -FS08000000 -FL080000 -FP0($$Device:STM32F103RC$Flash\STM32F10x_512.FLM)</Name>
<Name>UL2CM3(-S0 -C0 -P0 -FD20000000 -FC1000 -FN1 -FF0STM32F10x_512 -FS08000000 -FL080000 -FP0($$Device:STM32F103RC$Flash\STM32F10x_512.FLM))</Name>
@ -1467,18 +1620,6 @@
@ -1486,7 +1627,7 @@
@ -1498,7 +1639,7 @@
@ -1510,7 +1651,7 @@
@ -1522,7 +1663,7 @@
@ -1534,7 +1675,7 @@
@ -1546,7 +1687,7 @@
@ -1558,7 +1699,7 @@
@ -1570,7 +1711,7 @@
@ -1590,7 +1731,7 @@
@ -1602,7 +1743,7 @@
@ -1614,7 +1755,7 @@
@ -1626,7 +1767,7 @@
@ -1638,7 +1779,7 @@
@ -1650,7 +1791,7 @@
@ -1662,7 +1803,7 @@
@ -1674,7 +1815,7 @@
@ -1686,7 +1827,7 @@
@ -1698,7 +1839,7 @@
@ -1710,7 +1851,7 @@
@ -1722,7 +1863,7 @@
@ -1734,7 +1875,7 @@
@ -1746,7 +1887,7 @@
@ -1758,7 +1899,7 @@
@ -1770,7 +1911,7 @@
@ -1790,7 +1931,7 @@

View File

@ -404,11 +404,6 @@
@ -954,11 +949,6 @@
@ -1572,11 +1562,6 @@
@ -2190,11 +2175,6 @@
@ -2808,11 +2788,6 @@
@ -3426,11 +3401,6 @@
@ -4044,11 +4014,6 @@
@ -4662,11 +4627,6 @@
@ -5213,9 +5173,549 @@
<pCCUsed>5060422::V5.06 update 4 (build 422)::ARMCC</pCCUsed>
<Cpu>IRAM(0x20000000-0x2000BFFF) IROM(0x8000000-0x803FFFF) CLOCK(8000000) CPUTYPE("Cortex-M3")</Cpu>
<UserProg1Name>$K\ARM\ARMCC\bin\fromelf.exe --bin --output=.\Objects\@L.bin !L</UserProg1Name>
<Flash3>"" ()</Flash3>
@ -5379,6 +5879,7 @@
<targetInfo name="VARIANT_NUNCHUK"/>
<targetInfo name="VARIANT_PPM"/>
<targetInfo name="VARIANT_PWM"/>
<targetInfo name="VARIANT_SKATEBOARD"/>
<targetInfo name="VARIANT_TRANSPOTTER"/>
<targetInfo name="VARIANT_USART"/>

View File

@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ Src/bldc.c \
Src/eeprom.c \
Src/hd44780.c \
Src/pcf8574.c \
Src/comms.c \
Src/stm32f1xx_it.c \
Src/BLDC_controller_data.c \

View File

@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
#include "setup.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "comms.h"
#include "BLDC_controller.h" /* BLDC's header file */
#include "rtwtypes.h"
@ -191,8 +190,8 @@ int main(void) {
int16_t speedL = 0, speedR = 0;
int16_t lastSpeedL = 0, lastSpeedR = 0;
int16_t cmdL = 0, cmdR = 0;
int16_t lastCmdL = 0, lastCmdR = 0;
int32_t board_temp_adcFixdt = adc_buffer.temp << 16; // Fixed-point filter output initialized with current ADC converted to fixed-point
int16_t board_temp_adcFilt = adc_buffer.temp;
@ -212,7 +211,9 @@ int main(void) {
beepShort(4); HAL_Delay(100);
steerFixdt = speedFixdt = 0; // reset filters
enable = 1; // enable motors
#if defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2) || defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3)
printf("-- Motors enabled --\r\n");
// ####### VARIANT_HOVERCAR #######
@ -276,21 +277,21 @@ int main(void) {
// ####### MIXER #######
mixerFcn(speed << 4, steer << 4, &speedR, &speedL); // This function implements the equations above
mixerFcn(speed << 4, steer << 4, &cmdR, &cmdL); // This function implements the equations above
// ####### SET OUTPUTS (if the target change is less than +/- 100) #######
if ((speedL > lastSpeedL-100 && speedL < lastSpeedL+100) && (speedR > lastSpeedR-100 && speedR < lastSpeedR+100)) {
if ((cmdL > lastCmdL-100 && cmdL < lastCmdL+100) && (cmdR > lastCmdR-100 && cmdR < lastCmdR+100)) {
pwmr = speedR;
pwmr = cmdR;
pwmr = -speedR;
pwmr = -cmdR;
pwml = -speedL;
pwml = -cmdL;
pwml = speedL;
pwml = cmdL;
@ -301,22 +302,22 @@ int main(void) {
distanceErr = distance - (int)(setDistance * 1345);
if (nunchuk_connected == 0) {
speedL = speedL * 0.8f + (CLAMP(distanceErr + (steering*((float)MAX(ABS(distanceErr), 50)) * ROT_P), -850, 850) * -0.2f);
speedR = speedR * 0.8f + (CLAMP(distanceErr - (steering*((float)MAX(ABS(distanceErr), 50)) * ROT_P), -850, 850) * -0.2f);
if ((speedL < lastSpeedL + 50 && speedL > lastSpeedL - 50) && (speedR < lastSpeedR + 50 && speedR > lastSpeedR - 50)) {
cmdL = cmdL * 0.8f + (CLAMP(distanceErr + (steering*((float)MAX(ABS(distanceErr), 50)) * ROT_P), -850, 850) * -0.2f);
cmdR = cmdR * 0.8f + (CLAMP(distanceErr - (steering*((float)MAX(ABS(distanceErr), 50)) * ROT_P), -850, 850) * -0.2f);
if ((cmdL < lastCmdL + 50 && cmdL > lastCmdL - 50) && (cmdR < lastCmdR + 50 && cmdR > lastCmdR - 50)) {
if (distanceErr > 0) {
enable = 1;
if (distanceErr > -300) {
pwmr = speedR;
pwmr = cmdR;
pwmr = -speedR;
pwmr = -cmdR;
pwml = -speedL;
pwml = -cmdL;
pwml = speedL;
pwml = cmdL;
if (checkRemote) {
@ -410,15 +411,15 @@ int main(void) {
// ####### DEBUG SERIAL OUT #######
#if defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2) || defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3)
if (main_loop_counter % 25 == 0) { // Send data periodically every 125 ms
printf("in1:%i in2:%i spdL:%i spdR:%i adcBat:%i BatV:%i adcTemp:%i Temp:%i\r\n",
input1, // 1: INPUT1
input2, // 2: INPUT2
speedL, // 3: output command: [-1000, 1000]
speedR, // 4: output command: [-1000, 1000]
adc_buffer.batt1, // 5: for battery voltage calibration
printf("in1:%i in2:%i cmdL:%i cmdR:%i BatADC:%i BatV:%i TempADC:%i Temp:%i\r\n",
input1, // 1: INPUT1
input2, // 2: INPUT2
cmdL, // 3: output command: [-1000, 1000]
cmdR, // 4: output command: [-1000, 1000]
adc_buffer.batt1, // 5: for battery voltage calibration
batVoltage * BAT_CALIB_REAL_VOLTAGE / BAT_CALIB_ADC, // 6: for verifying battery voltage calibration
board_temp_adcFilt, // 7: for board temperature calibration
board_temp_deg_c); // 8: for verifying board temperature calibration
board_temp_adcFilt, // 7: for board temperature calibration
board_temp_deg_c); // 8: for verifying board temperature calibration
@ -463,25 +464,18 @@ int main(void) {
} else if (rtY_Left.z_errCode || rtY_Right.z_errCode) { // 1 beep (low pitch): Motor error, disable motors
enable = 0;
beepCount(1, 24, 1);
printf("#ErrL: %i ErrR: %i\r\n", rtY_Left.z_errCode, rtY_Right.z_errCode);
} else if (timeoutFlagADC) { // 2 beeps (low pitch): ADC timeout
beepCount(2, 24, 1);
printf("#ADC timeout\r\n");
} else if (timeoutFlagSerial) { // 3 beeps (low pitch): Serial timeout
beepCount(3, 24, 1);
printf("#Serial timeout\r\n");
} else if (timeoutCnt > TIMEOUT) { // 4 beeps (low pitch): General timeout (PPM, PWM, Nunchuck)
beepCount(4, 24, 1);
printf("#General timeout\r\n");
} else if (TEMP_WARNING_ENABLE && board_temp_deg_c >= TEMP_WARNING) { // 5 beeps (low pitch): Mainboard temperature warning
beepCount(5, 24, 1);
printf("#STM32 hot: %i\r\n", board_temp_deg_c);
} else if (BAT_LVL1_ENABLE && batVoltage < BAT_LVL1) { // 1 beep fast (medium pitch): Low bat 1
beepCount(0, 10, 6);
printf("#Battery empty: %i\r\n", batVoltage * BAT_CALIB_REAL_VOLTAGE / BAT_CALIB_ADC);
} else if (BAT_LVL2_ENABLE && batVoltage < BAT_LVL2) { // 1 beep slow (medium pitch): Low bat 2
beepCount(0, 10, 30);
printf("#Battery empty: %i\r\n", batVoltage * BAT_CALIB_REAL_VOLTAGE / BAT_CALIB_ADC);
} else if (BEEPS_BACKWARD && ((speed < -50 && speedAvg < 0) || MultipleTapBrake.b_multipleTap)) { // 1 beep fast (high pitch): Backward spinning motors
beepCount(0, 5, 1);
backwardDrive = 1;
@ -492,7 +486,7 @@ int main(void) {
// ####### INACTIVITY TIMEOUT #######
if (abs(speedL) > 50 || abs(speedR) > 50) {
if (abs(cmdL) > 50 || abs(cmdR) > 50) {
inactivity_timeout_counter = 0;
} else {
@ -503,8 +497,8 @@ int main(void) {
// HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LED_PORT, LED_PIN); // This is to measure the main() loop duration with an oscilloscope connected to LED_PIN
// Update main loop states
lastSpeedL = speedL;
lastSpeedR = speedR;
lastCmdL = cmdL;
lastCmdR = cmdR;

View File

@ -133,13 +133,13 @@ static int16_t INPUT_MIN; // [-] Input target minimum limitation
static uint8_t cur_spd_valid = 0;
static uint8_t inp_cal_valid = 0;
static uint16_t INPUT1_TYP_CAL = INPUT1_TYPE;
static uint16_t INPUT1_MIN_CAL = INPUT1_MIN;
static uint16_t INPUT1_MID_CAL = INPUT1_MID;
static uint16_t INPUT1_MAX_CAL = INPUT1_MAX;
static int16_t INPUT1_MIN_CAL = INPUT1_MIN;
static int16_t INPUT1_MID_CAL = INPUT1_MID;
static int16_t INPUT1_MAX_CAL = INPUT1_MAX;
static uint16_t INPUT2_TYP_CAL = INPUT2_TYPE;
static uint16_t INPUT2_MIN_CAL = INPUT2_MIN;
static uint16_t INPUT2_MID_CAL = INPUT2_MID;
static uint16_t INPUT2_MAX_CAL = INPUT2_MAX;
static int16_t INPUT2_MIN_CAL = INPUT2_MIN;
static int16_t INPUT2_MID_CAL = INPUT2_MID;
static int16_t INPUT2_MAX_CAL = INPUT2_MAX;
#if defined(CONTROL_ADC)
@ -198,6 +198,34 @@ static uint8_t cruiseCtrlAcv = 0;
static uint8_t standstillAcv = 0;
/* =========================== Retargeting printf =========================== */
/* retarget the C library printf function to the USART */
#if defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2) || defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3)
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int __io_putchar(int ch)
#define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int fputc(int ch, FILE *f)
#if defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2)
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, (uint8_t *)&ch, 1, 1000);
#elif defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3)
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart3, (uint8_t *)&ch, 1, 1000);
return ch;
#ifdef __GNUC__
int _write(int file, char *data, int len) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { __io_putchar( *data++ );}
return len;
/* =========================== Initialization Functions =========================== */
void BLDC_Init(void) {
@ -280,13 +308,13 @@ void Input_Init(void) {
EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[0], &writeCheck);
if (writeCheck == FLASH_WRITE_KEY) {
EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[1] , &INPUT1_TYP_CAL);
EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[2] , &INPUT1_MIN_CAL);
EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[3] , &INPUT1_MID_CAL);
EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[4] , &INPUT1_MAX_CAL);
EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[2] , (uint16_t *)(intptr_t)INPUT1_MIN_CAL);
EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[3] , (uint16_t *)(intptr_t)INPUT1_MID_CAL);
EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[4] , (uint16_t *)(intptr_t)INPUT1_MAX_CAL);
EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[5] , &INPUT2_TYP_CAL);
EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[6] , &INPUT2_MIN_CAL);
EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[7] , &INPUT2_MID_CAL);
EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[8] , &INPUT2_MAX_CAL);
EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[6] , (uint16_t *)(intptr_t)INPUT2_MIN_CAL);
EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[7] , (uint16_t *)(intptr_t)INPUT2_MID_CAL);
EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[8] , (uint16_t *)(intptr_t)INPUT2_MAX_CAL);
EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[9] , &i_max);
EE_ReadVariable(VirtAddVarTab[10], &n_max);
rtP_Left.i_max = i_max;
@ -465,31 +493,34 @@ int checkInputType(int16_t min, int16_t mid, int16_t max){
int16_t threshold = 200;
if ((min / threshold) == (max / threshold) || (mid / threshold) == (max / threshold) || min > max || mid > max) {
type = 0;
printf("Input is ignored"); // (MIN and MAX) OR (MID and MAX) are close, disable input
#if defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2) || defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3)
printf("ignored"); // (MIN and MAX) OR (MID and MAX) are close, disable input
} else {
if ((min / threshold) == (mid / threshold)){
type = 1;
printf("Input is a normal pot"); // MIN and MID are close, it's a normal pot
#if defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2) || defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3)
printf("a normal pot"); // MIN and MID are close, it's a normal pot
} else {
type = 2;
printf("Input is a mid-resting pot"); // it's a mid resting pot
#if defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2) || defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3)
printf("a mid-resting pot"); // it's a mid resting pot
printf(" and protected");
#if defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2) || defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3)
printf(" AND protected");
beepLong(2); // Indicate protection by a beep
return type;
@ -509,7 +540,10 @@ void adcCalibLim(void) {
#if defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2) || defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3)
printf("Input calibration started...\r\n");
// Inititalization: MIN = a high value, MAX = a low value
@ -538,32 +572,44 @@ void adcCalibLim(void) {
printf("Input1 is ");
INPUT1_TYP_CAL = checkInputType(INPUT1_MIN_temp, INPUT1_MID_temp, INPUT1_MAX_temp);
if (INPUT1_TYP_CAL == INPUT1_TYPE || INPUT1_TYPE == 3) { // Accept calibration only if the type is correct OR type was set to 3 (auto)
printf("Input1 OK\r\n"); HAL_Delay(10);
#if defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2) || defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3)
} else {
INPUT1_TYP_CAL = 0; // Disable input
printf("Input1 Fail\r\n"); HAL_Delay(10);
#if defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2) || defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3)
printf("Input2 is ");
INPUT2_TYP_CAL = checkInputType(INPUT2_MIN_temp, INPUT2_MID_temp, INPUT2_MAX_temp);
if (INPUT2_TYP_CAL == INPUT2_TYPE || INPUT2_TYPE == 3) { // Accept calibration only if the type is correct OR type was set to 3 (auto)
printf("Input2 OK\r\n"); HAL_Delay(10);
#if defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2) || defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3)
} else {
INPUT2_TYP_CAL = 0; // Disable input
printf("Input2 Fail\r\n"); HAL_Delay(10);
#if defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2) || defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3)
inp_cal_valid = 1; // Mark calibration to be saved in Flash at shutdown
#if defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2) || defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3)
printf("Limits Input1: TYP:%i MIN:%i MID:%i MAX:%i\r\nLimits Input2: TYP:%i MIN:%i MID:%i MAX:%i\r\n",
* Update Maximum Motor Current Limit (via ADC1) and Maximum Speed Limit (via ADC2)
@ -578,7 +624,10 @@ void updateCurSpdLim(void) {
#if defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2) || defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3)
printf("Torque and Speed limits update started...\r\n");
int32_t input1_fixdt = input1 << 16;
int32_t input2_fixdt = input2 << 16;
@ -610,10 +659,12 @@ void updateCurSpdLim(void) {
cur_spd_valid += 2; // Mark update to be saved in Flash at shutdown
#if defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2) || defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3)
// cur_spd_valid: 0 = No limit changed, 1 = Current limit changed, 2 = Speed limit changed, 3 = Both limits changed
printf("Limits (%i)\r\nCurrent: fixdt:%li factor%i i_max:%i \r\nSpeed: fixdt:%li factor:%i n_max:%i\r\n",
cur_spd_valid, input1_fixdt, cur_factor, rtP_Left.i_max, input2_fixdt, spd_factor, rtP_Left.n_max);
@ -745,7 +796,9 @@ void cruiseControl(uint8_t button) {
void poweroff(void) {
enable = 0;
#if defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2) || defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3)
printf("-- Motors disabled --\r\n");
buzzerCount = 0; // prevent interraction with beep counter
buzzerPattern = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {

View File

@ -13,31 +13,6 @@ static volatile uint8_t uart_buf[100];
static volatile int16_t ch_buf[8];
//volatile char char_buf[300];
/* retarget the C library printf function to the USART */
#if defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2) || defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3)
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int __io_putchar(int ch)
#define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int fputc(int ch, FILE *f)
#if defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2)
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, (uint8_t *)&ch, 1, 1000);
#elif defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3)
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart3, (uint8_t *)&ch, 1, 1000);
return ch;
#ifdef __GNUC__
int _write(int file, char *data, int len) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { __io_putchar( *data++ );}
return len;
void setScopeChannel(uint8_t ch, int16_t val) {
ch_buf[ch] = val;

View File

@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ monitor_speed = 115200
build_flags =
-u,_printf_float ; enable float for printf
@ -55,12 +54,11 @@ upload_protocol = stlink
; Serial Port settings (make sure the COM port is correct)
monitor_port = COM5
monitor_speed = 38400
monitor_speed = 115200
build_flags =
-u,_printf_float ; enable float for printf
@ -79,7 +77,6 @@ upload_protocol = stlink
build_flags =
-u,_printf_float ; enable float for printf
@ -98,7 +95,6 @@ upload_protocol = stlink
build_flags =
-u,_printf_float ; enable float for printf
@ -117,7 +113,6 @@ upload_protocol = stlink
build_flags =
-u,_printf_float ; enable float for printf
@ -136,7 +131,6 @@ upload_protocol = stlink
build_flags =
-u,_printf_float ; enable float for printf
@ -152,14 +146,9 @@ board = genericSTM32F103RC
debug_tool = stlink
upload_protocol = stlink
; Serial Port settings (make sure the COM port is correct)
monitor_port = COM5
monitor_speed = 38400
build_flags =
-u,_printf_float ; enable float for printf
@ -175,14 +164,9 @@ board = genericSTM32F103RC
debug_tool = stlink
upload_protocol = stlink
; Serial Port settings (make sure the COM port is correct)
monitor_port = COM5
monitor_speed = 38400
build_flags =
-u,_printf_float ; enable float for printf
@ -201,7 +185,6 @@ upload_protocol = stlink
build_flags =
-u,_printf_float ; enable float for printf
@ -221,7 +204,6 @@ upload_protocol = stlink
build_flags =
-u,_printf_float ; enable float for printf