from PIL import Image import math import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog = 'Image Edit Script', description = 'Manipulate or extract information from an image file', epilog = '') parser.add_argument('filename') # positional argument parser.add_argument('-o', '--output') # option that takes a value parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true') # on/off flag args = parser.parse_args() print(args.filename, args.output, args.verbose) im = # Can be many different formats. pix = im.load() print(im.size) # Get the width and hight of the image for iterating over print(pix[10,10]) # Get the RGBA Value of the a pixel of an image def calculateDistance(x1,y1,x2,y2): dist = math.sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2) return dist with open('result.txt', 'w') as f: for x in range(im.size[0]): f.write("backBuffer[") f.write(str(x)) f.write("]=0b") for y in range(im.size[1]): c = pix[x,y] #get pixel if (c[0]>127): f.write("1") else: f.write("0") f.write(";") f.write('\r\n')