#include #include #include //Upload config: platformio run --target uploadfs /* TODO: - implement failure detection (timeouts), - in classifySensorValue() only allow a certain time of unclassified reading - has to stop when driving upwards (or in general) for too long (for example end marker missing) - manual mover function should work better with iot commands (set position, no errors) */ #define FW_NAME "blindctrl" #define FW_VERSION "1.0.0" HomieNode blind1Node("blindl", "Blind Left", "blind"); //paramters: topic, $name, $type HomieNode blind2Node("blindr", "Blind Right", "blind"); //paramters: topic, $name, $type #include "WEMOS_Motor.h" //follow firmware flash guide for new wemos motor shield v1.0 https://github.com/thomasfredericks/wemos_motor_shield #define BUTTON_DEBOUNCE 200 #define PIN_BUTTON1 D5 #define PIN_BUTTON2 D6 struct button{ uint8_t pin; unsigned long last_time_read=0; bool down=false; bool changed=false; bool manual_drive_direction=false; }; button button1; button button2; unsigned long last_sensor_read=0; #define SENSOR_READ_INTERVAL 50 //in ms #define SENSE_FILTER_SIZE 10 //value will have a delay of td = SENSE_FILTER_SIZE/2*SENSOR_READ_INTERVAL #define CALCULATEPOSITIONESTIMATE_INTERVAL 100 #define POSITION_SPEEDMEASURE_HIGH 1000.0 //at which position (in mm) speedfactorHigh should be measured (should be at least two encoder segments beyond that left) #define MAX_ALLOWED_CLASSIFY_LENGTH 20 //[mm] . for error check. after with length traveled without successfull classification error should be triggered #define PIN_SENSE A0 unsigned long last_print=0; #define PIN_SENSE_LED1 D7 #define PIN_SENSE_LED2 D8 uint8_t sensorreadID=0; //#define SENSOR_SWITCH_INTERVAL 20 //should be lower or equal than SENSOR_READ_INTERVAL //unsigned long last_sensor_led_switch=0; //define directions for motors #define _UP _CCW #define _DOWN _CW #define SENSESTATUS_CLEAR 1 #define SENSESTATUS_OPAQUE 2 #define SENSESTATUS_END 3 #define SENSESTATUS_UNKNOWN 0 #define MODE_IDLE 0 #define MODE_FIND_END 1 #define MODE_MEASURE_SPEED 2 #define MODE_GO_TO_POS 3 #define MODE_ERROR 4 //model parameters/variables struct blindmodel { unsigned long lastreadtime=0; float position=0; //0 is furthest open. positive is down (closing). unit is mm. estimated position int8_t last_n=0; //-1 means not defined/unknown float length_clear; //length of clear part in position units float length_opaque; //lengt of opaque part in position units float start_first_clear; //distance from end marker to beginning of first clear section //end marker should be on the opaque section. So that a full clear section follows float speedfactorLow=1; //how much position units (mm) per second at pwm=100. speedfactorLow for position at 0 float speedfactorHigh=1; //speedfactorHigh for position at 1000 mm. gets extrapolated above int sense_clear_lower; //adc value lower limit for clear part. clear is around 70 int sense_clear_upper; //adc value upper limit for clear part int sense_opaque_lower; //adc value lower limit for opaque part. opaque is around 675 int sense_opaque_upper; //adc value upper limit for opaque part int sense_end_lower; //adc value lower limit for end marker int sense_end_upper; //adc value upper limit for end marker uint8_t sense_status=0; uint8_t last_sense_status=0; int sense_read[SENSE_FILTER_SIZE] = {0}; uint8_t sense_read_pos=0; //position of last element written to uint8_t pin_sensor_led; //pin to activate sensor. high activates sensor float set_position=0; float softlimit_min=0; float softlimit_max=1000; //doubled value for folding bilds unsigned long position_last_classified_ok=0; //last position sensor measured class was ok uint8_t mode=MODE_IDLE; uint8_t mode_find_end_state=0; uint8_t mode_measure_speed_state=0; unsigned long timing_start; int speed=0; //-100 to 100. commanded speed to motor. negative means upwards int speedSimulated=0; //software simulated motor speed up and slow down float simulated_acc_dec=-100; //pwm/sec^2, speed getting more negative (accelerating up). this value should be negative. better choose too small absolute values float simulated_acc_inc=100; //pwm/sec^2, speed getting more positive (accelerating down) unsigned long last_calculate_position_estimate=0; uint8_t error=0; }; blindmodel blind1; blindmodel blind2; //Motor shield default I2C Address: 0x30 //PWM frequency: 1000Hz(1kHz) Motor M1(0x30, _MOTOR_A, 1000); //Motor A Motor M2(0x30, _MOTOR_B, 1000); //Motor B unsigned long last_motor_send=0; #define MOTOR_UPDATE_INTERVAL 100 #define DIFF_ERROR_FACTOR 0.6 //between 0 and 1. 1=error when estimated position error is at maximum (between two possible encoder readings). 0=no deviation allowed #define ERRORCODE_POSITIONDIFFTOOHIGH 1 //deviation too high on position correction #define ERRORCODE_N_NOT_NEXT 2 //skipped one transition. position jumped too far? #define ERRORCODE_UNDEFINED_POSITION 3 #define ERRORCODE_CLASSIFY_LENGTH 4 #define THRESHOLD_GO_TO_POS 20 //how close blind has to be to have reached position (in mm) #define MINTIMEINTERVAL_POSITION 500 //how fast new position should be send via mqtt when moving int getFitered(int* values,uint8_t size); void classifySensorValue(blindmodel &blind); void checkButton(button &btn); void checkModes(blindmodel &blind, HomieNode &node); void manualMoveHandler(button &btn, blindmodel &blind); void readSensor(blindmodel &blind, int value, HomieNode &node); void estimatePosition(blindmodel &blind, HomieNode& node); void errorCheck(blindmodel &blind, HomieNode &node); void updateMotor(blindmodel &blind, Motor motor); void setError(blindmodel &blind, uint8_t errorcode, HomieNode& node); String modeNumToString(uint8_t modenum); String sensestatusNumToString(uint8_t sensestatusnum); String errorcodeNumToString(uint8_t errorcode); bool blind_l_positionHandler(const HomieRange& range, const String& value); bool blind_r_positionHandler(const HomieRange& range, const String& value); bool blind_l_cmdHandler(const HomieRange& range, const String& value); bool blind_r_cmdHandler(const HomieRange& range, const String& value); bool blind_cmdHandler(blindmodel &blind, HomieNode& node, const String& value); //referenced by blind_l and r _cmdHandler void loopHandler(); void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("Starting"); button1.pin=PIN_BUTTON1; button2.pin=PIN_BUTTON2; pinMode(button1.pin, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(button2.pin, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(PIN_SENSE, INPUT); pinMode(PIN_SENSE_LED1,OUTPUT); pinMode(PIN_SENSE_LED2,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(PIN_SENSE_LED1, LOW); digitalWrite(PIN_SENSE_LED2, LOW); M1.setmotor(_STOP); M2.setmotor(_STOP); //settings for blind blind1.pin_sensor_led=PIN_SENSE_LED1; blind1.length_clear=50; blind1.length_opaque=74; blind1.sense_clear_lower=40; blind1.sense_clear_upper=200; blind1.sense_opaque_lower=400; blind1.sense_opaque_upper=800; blind1.sense_end_lower=850; blind1.sense_end_upper=1024; blind1.speedfactorLow=28.7; blind1.speedfactorHigh=25.3; blind1.start_first_clear=27; blind1.simulated_acc_dec=-150; blind1.simulated_acc_inc=200; blind1.softlimit_min=0; blind1.softlimit_max=2500; setError(blind1,ERRORCODE_UNDEFINED_POSITION,blind1Node); blind2.pin_sensor_led=PIN_SENSE_LED2; blind2.length_clear=50; blind2.length_opaque=74; blind2.sense_clear_lower=40; blind2.sense_clear_upper=200; blind2.sense_opaque_lower=400; blind2.sense_opaque_upper=800; blind2.sense_end_lower=850; blind2.sense_end_upper=1024; blind2.speedfactorLow=27.6; blind2.speedfactorHigh=23.5; blind2.start_first_clear=27; blind2.simulated_acc_dec=-150; blind2.simulated_acc_inc=200; blind2.softlimit_min=0; blind2.softlimit_max=2500; setError(blind2,ERRORCODE_UNDEFINED_POSITION,blind2Node); //Test //blind1.mode = MODE_FIND_END; //blind1.mode_find_end_state=0; //reset mode find state //blind2.mode = MODE_FIND_END; //blind2.mode_find_end_state=0; //reset mode find state Homie_setFirmware(FW_NAME, FW_VERSION); Homie_setBrand(FW_NAME); Homie.setLoopFunction(loopHandler); blind1Node.advertise("position").settable(blind_l_positionHandler); //function inputHandler gets called on new message on topic/input/set blind1Node.advertise("debug"); blind1Node.advertise("estimationerror"); blind1Node.advertise("mode"); blind1Node.advertise("cmd").settable(blind_l_cmdHandler); blind2Node.advertise("position").settable(blind_r_positionHandler); //function inputHandler gets called on new message on topic/input/set blind2Node.advertise("debug"); blind2Node.advertise("estimationerror"); blind2Node.advertise("mode"); blind2Node.advertise("cmd").settable(blind_r_cmdHandler); Homie.setup(); } void loop() { Homie.loop(); } void loopHandler() { checkButton(button1); checkButton(button2); //Manual movement by button manualMoveHandler(button1, blind1); manualMoveHandler(button2, blind2); //Read sensor/encoder if (millis() > last_sensor_read + SENSOR_READ_INTERVAL/2) { int rawsensorvalue=analogRead(PIN_SENSE); switch (sensorreadID) { case 0: if (millis() > last_print + 500 && blind1.speedSimulated!=0) { //when readSensor would print its status Serial.print("1: "); } readSensor(blind1,rawsensorvalue, blind1Node); digitalWrite(blind1.pin_sensor_led,LOW); //turn self off digitalWrite(blind2.pin_sensor_led,HIGH); //turn next on break; case 1: if (millis() > last_print + 500 && blind2.speedSimulated!=0) { //when readSensor would print its status Serial.print("2: "); } readSensor(blind2,rawsensorvalue, blind2Node); digitalWrite(blind2.pin_sensor_led,LOW); //turn self off digitalWrite(blind1.pin_sensor_led,HIGH); //turn next on break; default: sensorreadID=0; //reset, failsafe break; } last_sensor_read=millis(); sensorreadID++; sensorreadID=sensorreadID%2; } static float last_blind1_position=0; static unsigned long lastsend_blind1_position=0; //time if (last_blind1_position != blind1.position && millis()-lastsend_blind1_position>MINTIMEINTERVAL_POSITION) { blind1Node.setProperty("position").send((String)blind1.position); last_blind1_position=blind1.position; lastsend_blind1_position=millis(); } static uint8_t last_blind1_mode=100; if (last_blind1_mode!=blind1.mode) { blind1Node.setProperty("mode").send(modeNumToString(blind1.mode)); last_blind1_mode=blind1.mode; } static float last_blind2_position=0; static unsigned long lastsend_blind2_position=0; //time if (last_blind2_position != blind2.position && millis()-lastsend_blind2_position>MINTIMEINTERVAL_POSITION) { blind2Node.setProperty("position").send((String)blind2.position); last_blind2_position=blind2.position; lastsend_blind2_position=millis(); } static uint8_t last_blind2_mode=100; if (last_blind2_mode!=blind2.mode) { blind2Node.setProperty("mode").send(modeNumToString(blind2.mode)); last_blind2_mode=blind2.mode; } checkModes(blind1, blind1Node); checkModes(blind2, blind2Node); errorCheck(blind1, blind1Node); errorCheck(blind2, blind2Node); //Estimate blind position and correct estimatePosition(blind1, blind1Node); estimatePosition(blind2, blind2Node); //Update Motor Driver if (millis() > last_motor_send + MOTOR_UPDATE_INTERVAL) { updateMotor(blind1, M1); updateMotor(blind2, M2); last_motor_send=millis(); } } int sort_desc(const void *cmp1, const void *cmp2) //compare function for qsort { // Need to cast the void * to int * int a = *((int *)cmp1); int b = *((int *)cmp2); // The comparison return a > b ? -1 : (a < b ? 1 : 0); // A simpler, probably faster way: //return b - a; } int getFitered(int* values,uint8_t size) { int copied_values[size]; for(int i=0;i=blind.sense_clear_lower && filtered<=blind.sense_clear_upper) { blind.sense_status=SENSESTATUS_CLEAR; blind.position_last_classified_ok=blind.position; } else if (filtered>=blind.sense_opaque_lower && filtered<=blind.sense_opaque_upper) { blind.sense_status=SENSESTATUS_OPAQUE; blind.position_last_classified_ok=blind.position; } else if (filtered>=blind.sense_end_lower && filtered<=blind.sense_end_upper) { blind.sense_status=SENSESTATUS_END; } //if not in these boundaries, keep last class } void checkButton(button &btn) { btn.changed=false; if (millis() > btn.last_time_read + BUTTON_DEBOUNCE) { bool new_pin_button_down=!digitalRead(btn.pin); if (btn.down != new_pin_button_down) { //changed btn.down = new_pin_button_down; //update btn.changed=true; btn.last_time_read=millis(); //delay next check } } } void manualMoveHandler(button &btn, blindmodel &blind) { if (btn.changed) { blind.mode=MODE_IDLE; if (btn.down) { //changed to pressed if (btn.manual_drive_direction) { //M1.setmotor( _CW, 100); blind.speed=-100; //Serial.print("CW PWM: "); }else{ blind.speed=100; //Serial.print("CCW PWM: "); } btn.manual_drive_direction=!btn.manual_drive_direction; //switch direction every new press }else{ //changed to released //Serial.println("Motor STOP"); blind.speed=0; } } } void readSensor(blindmodel &blind, int value, HomieNode &node) { blind.sense_read_pos=(blind.sense_read_pos+1)%SENSE_FILTER_SIZE; //next element blind.sense_read[blind.sense_read_pos]=value; classifySensorValue(blind); //writes to blindmodel.sense_status if (millis() > last_print + 500 && blind.speedSimulated!=0) { Serial.print("SenseStatus="); Serial.print(sensestatusNumToString(blind.sense_status)); Serial.print("("); Serial.print(getFitered(blind.sense_read, SENSE_FILTER_SIZE)); Serial.print(")"); Serial.print(", mode="); Serial.print(modeNumToString(blind.mode)); Serial.print(", speed="); Serial.print(blind.speed); Serial.print(", speedSim="); Serial.print(blind.speedSimulated); Serial.print(", pos="); Serial.println(blind.position); last_print=millis(); } } void errorCheck(blindmodel &blind, HomieNode &node) { if (blind.sense_status==SENSESTATUS_END) { if (blind.speed<0) { //stop driving up blind.speed=0; } } if (abs(blind.position_last_classified_ok-blind.position) > MAX_ALLOWED_CLASSIFY_LENGTH ) { //sensor reading havent been classified for too far setError(blind, ERRORCODE_CLASSIFY_LENGTH, node); } //TODO: led self test. turn off ,should be high value } void estimatePosition(blindmodel &blind, HomieNode& node) { float positional_speedfactor = blind.speedfactorLow + constrain(blind.position, blind.softlimit_min, blind.softlimit_max)*(blind.speedfactorHigh-blind.speedfactorLow)/POSITION_SPEEDMEASURE_HIGH; //interpolate/extrapolate speedfactor (speed is different when rolled up) if (millis() > blind.last_calculate_position_estimate + CALCULATEPOSITIONESTIMATE_INTERVAL) { float _actualTime=(millis()-blind.last_calculate_position_estimate)/1000.0; //in seconds blind.speedSimulated+= constrain(blind.speed - blind.speedSimulated, blind.simulated_acc_dec*_actualTime, blind.simulated_acc_inc*_actualTime); blind.position+= blind.speedSimulated/100.0*positional_speedfactor * _actualTime; blind.last_calculate_position_estimate=millis(); } //if (blind.mode!= MODE_FIND_END) { if (blind.sense_status == SENSESTATUS_END && blind.last_sense_status != SENSESTATUS_END) { //entered end marker blind.position=0; float _filterdelay_correction=blind.speedSimulated/100.0*positional_speedfactor *SENSE_FILTER_SIZE/2*SENSOR_READ_INTERVAL/1000.0; blind.position += _filterdelay_correction; //correct for filter delay Serial.print("Reached End marker. set Position="); Serial.println(blind.position); node.setProperty("debug").send("Reached End marker. set Position="+(String)blind.position); } if (blind.sense_status == SENSESTATUS_CLEAR || blind.sense_status == SENSESTATUS_OPAQUE || blind.sense_status == SENSESTATUS_END) { //either opaque or clear (or end, only for last update used) if (blind.sense_status != blind.last_sense_status) { //status changed if (blind.last_sense_status == SENSESTATUS_CLEAR || blind.last_sense_status == SENSESTATUS_OPAQUE) { //only changes from clear to opaque or opaque to clear float _position_before=blind.position;//only for text output debugging if ((blind.speedSimulated>0 && blind.sense_status==SENSESTATUS_OPAQUE) || (blind.speedSimulated<0 && blind.sense_status==SENSESTATUS_CLEAR)) { //moving down from and clear to opaque OR moving up and from opaque to clear //estimated_position_difference = -blind.position + blind.start_first_clear+blind.length_clear + _n*(blind.length_clear+blind.length_opaque); //possible occurances. let estimated_position=0 , solve for n int _n = round((blind.position -blind.start_first_clear - blind.length_clear)/(blind.length_clear+blind.length_opaque)); //find closest n blind.position = blind.start_first_clear+blind.length_clear + _n*(blind.length_clear+blind.length_opaque); //calculate position from _n float _filterdelay_correction=blind.speedSimulated/100.0*positional_speedfactor *SENSE_FILTER_SIZE/2*SENSOR_READ_INTERVAL/1000.0; blind.position += _filterdelay_correction; //correct for filter delay Serial.print("nearest n="); Serial.println(_n); if (blind.last_n !=-1 && abs(blind.last_n-_n>1) && blind.mode!= MODE_FIND_END) { //if last_n is known and if n is not the next (error) setError(blind, ERRORCODE_N_NOT_NEXT, node); } blind.last_n=_n; //for error check Serial.print("posCorrection="); Serial.print(_filterdelay_correction); Serial.print(", DOWN&CLE->OPA or UP&OPA->CLE, before="); }else if((blind.speedSimulated>0 && blind.sense_status==SENSESTATUS_CLEAR) || (blind.speedSimulated<0 && blind.sense_status==SENSESTATUS_OPAQUE)) { //the other transition //estimated_position_difference = -blind.position + blind.start_first_clear + _n*(blind.length_clear+blind.length_opaque); //possible occurances. let estimated_position=0 , solve for n int _n = round(( blind.position - blind.start_first_clear)/(blind.length_clear+blind.length_opaque)); //find closest n Serial.print("n="); Serial.println(_n); blind.position = blind.start_first_clear + _n*(blind.length_clear+blind.length_opaque); //calculate position from _n float _filterdelay_correction=blind.speedSimulated/100.0*positional_speedfactor*SENSE_FILTER_SIZE/2*SENSOR_READ_INTERVAL/1000.0; blind.position += _filterdelay_correction; //correct for filter delay Serial.print("posCorrection="); Serial.print(_filterdelay_correction); Serial.print(", UP&CLE->OPA or DOWN&OPA->CLE, before="); } Serial.print(_position_before); Serial.print(", after="); Serial.print(blind.position); Serial.print(", diff="); Serial.println(blind.position-_position_before); //node.setProperty("debug").send("diff="+(String)(blind.position-_position_before)); node.setProperty("estimationerror").send((String)(blind.position-_position_before)); //positive value means estimation position was too low (estimated speed to low), when driving down (positive dir) if (blind.mode != MODE_FIND_END && blind.mode != MODE_MEASURE_SPEED ) { //only check error if not in find_end mode or measure speed if (abs(blind.position-_position_before)>=(blind.length_clear+blind.length_opaque)/2.0*DIFF_ERROR_FACTOR) { setError(blind, ERRORCODE_POSITIONDIFFTOOHIGH, node); } } } blind.last_sense_status = blind.sense_status; //update only if new one is opaque or clear } } //} } void updateMotor(blindmodel &blind, Motor motor) { if (blind.error!=0) { //error appeared blind.speed=0; //set speed to 0 } if(blind.speed<0){ motor.setmotor( _UP, abs(blind.speed)); }else if(blind.speed>0){ motor.setmotor( _DOWN, abs(blind.speed)); }else{ motor.setmotor(_STOP); } } void checkModes(blindmodel &blind, HomieNode &node) { if (blind.error==0) //only if no errors { switch(blind.mode) { case MODE_FIND_END: switch(blind.mode_find_end_state) { case 0: //drive up until end sensed blind.speed=-100; //up if (blind.sense_status==SENSESTATUS_END) { blind.speed=0; //stop. for safety blind.mode_find_end_state++; } break; case 1: //drive down slowly until passed end maker blind.speed=25; //down slow if (blind.sense_status!=SENSESTATUS_END) { blind.speed=0; //stop blind.position=0; blind.mode=MODE_IDLE; //blind.mode=MODE_MEASURE_SPEED; //next measure speed blind.mode_find_end_state=0; //reset blind.last_n=-1; //unknown } break; } break; case MODE_MEASURE_SPEED: switch(blind.mode_measure_speed_state) { case 0: //drive down, start timing at clear if (blind.position>100) { //cancel node.setProperty("cmd").send("canceled. Position>100: pos="+(String)blind.position); blind.speed=0; //stop blind.mode_measure_speed_state=0; // reset blind.mode=MODE_IDLE; break; } blind.speed=100; //down if (blind.sense_status==SENSESTATUS_CLEAR) { blind.timing_start=millis(); blind.mode_measure_speed_state++; } break; case 1: //on clear section blind.speed=100; //down if (blind.sense_status==SENSESTATUS_OPAQUE) { //wait for opaque section blind.mode_measure_speed_state++; } break; case 2: //on opaque section blind.speed=100; //down if (blind.sense_status==SENSESTATUS_CLEAR) { //wait for clear section blind.speedfactorLow=(blind.length_clear+blind.length_opaque)/ ((millis()-blind.timing_start)/1000.0); //calculate length per second blind.speedfactorHigh=blind.speedfactorLow; //use speedfactorLow for a first rough estimate (needed to know when position for speedfactorHigh measure reached) Serial.print("speedfactorLow="); Serial.print(blind.speedfactorLow); Serial.println(" mm/s"); node.setProperty("cmd").send("speedfactorLow="+(String)blind.speedfactorLow); blind.position = blind.length_opaque+blind.length_clear+blind.start_first_clear; //set position blind.mode_measure_speed_state++; } break; case 3: // past first measurement. drive to lower position for speedfactorHigh if (blind.position>=POSITION_SPEEDMEASURE_HIGH) { //position reached blind.mode_measure_speed_state++; } break; case 4: //drive further down, start timing at clear blind.speed=100; //down if (blind.sense_status==SENSESTATUS_CLEAR) { blind.timing_start=millis(); blind.mode_measure_speed_state++; } break; case 5: //on clear section blind.speed=100; //down if (blind.sense_status==SENSESTATUS_OPAQUE) { //wait for opaque section blind.mode_measure_speed_state++; } break; case 6: //on opaque section blind.speed=100; //down if (blind.sense_status==SENSESTATUS_CLEAR) { //wait for clear section blind.speedfactorHigh=(blind.length_clear+blind.length_opaque)/ ((millis()-blind.timing_start)/1000.0); //calculate length per second Serial.print("speedfactorHigh="); Serial.print(blind.speedfactorHigh); Serial.println(" mm/s"); node.setProperty("cmd").send("speedfactorHigh="+(String)blind.speedfactorHigh); blind.speed=0; //stop blind.mode_measure_speed_state=0; // reset blind.mode=MODE_IDLE; } break; } break; case MODE_GO_TO_POS: if (abs(blind.position-blind.set_position)<=THRESHOLD_GO_TO_POS) { blind.speed=0; //stop blind.mode=MODE_IDLE; }else{ if (blind.set_positionblind.position) { blind.speed=100; //drive down } } break; } } } void setError(blindmodel &blind, uint8_t errorcode, HomieNode& node){ if (blind.error==0) { //only set error if no error appeared before blind.error=errorcode; } Serial.print("ERROR CODE="); Serial.println(errorcode); node.setProperty("debug").send("Error="+errorcodeNumToString(errorcode)); blind.mode=MODE_ERROR; } String modeNumToString(uint8_t modenum){ switch(modenum){ case MODE_IDLE: return "MODE_IDLE"; break; case MODE_FIND_END: return "MODE_FIND_END"; break; case MODE_GO_TO_POS: return "MODE_GO_TO_POS"; break; case MODE_MEASURE_SPEED: return "MODE_MEASURE_SPEED"; break; case MODE_ERROR: return "MODE_ERROR"; break; } return "UNDEF"; } String sensestatusNumToString(uint8_t sensestatusnum){ switch(sensestatusnum){ case SENSESTATUS_UNKNOWN: return "UNK"; break; case SENSESTATUS_CLEAR: return "CLE"; break; case SENSESTATUS_OPAQUE: return "OPA"; break; case SENSESTATUS_END: return "END"; break; } return "UNDEF"; } String errorcodeNumToString(uint8_t errorcode) { switch(errorcode){ case ERRORCODE_UNDEFINED_POSITION: return "ERROR_UNDEFINED_POSITION"; break; case ERRORCODE_POSITIONDIFFTOOHIGH: return "ERROR_POSITIONDIFFTOOHIGH"; break; case ERRORCODE_N_NOT_NEXT: return "ERROR_N_NOT_NEXT"; break; case ERRORCODE_CLASSIFY_LENGTH: return "ERROR_CLASSIFY_LENGTH"; break; } return "no error"; } bool blind_l_positionHandler(const HomieRange& range, const String& value) { if (range.isRange) { return false; //if range is given but index is not in allowed range } Homie.getLogger() << "blind_l_positionHandler" << ": " << value << endl; //lightNode.setProperty("enable").send(value); //can be done in main loop //if (value.toFloat() >= 0 && value.toFloat() <= 1.0) { //something with value.toFloat() blind1.set_position=constrain(value.toFloat(), blind1.softlimit_min, blind1.softlimit_max); blind1.mode=MODE_GO_TO_POS; /*}else{ Homie.getLogger() << "Value outside range" << endl; return false; }*/ return true; } bool blind_r_positionHandler(const HomieRange& range, const String& value) { if (range.isRange) { return false; //if range is given but index is not in allowed range } Homie.getLogger() << "blind_r_positionHandler" << ": " << value << endl; blind2.set_position=constrain(value.toFloat(), blind2.softlimit_min, blind2.softlimit_max); blind2.mode=MODE_GO_TO_POS; return true; } bool blind_l_cmdHandler(const HomieRange& range, const String& value) { if (range.isRange) { return false; //if range is given but index is not in allowed range } Homie.getLogger() << "blind_l_cmdHandler" << ": " << value << endl; return blind_cmdHandler(blind1,blind1Node, value); } bool blind_r_cmdHandler(const HomieRange& range, const String& value) { if (range.isRange) { return false; //if range is given but index is not in allowed range } Homie.getLogger() << "blind_r_cmdHandler" << ": " << value << endl; return blind_cmdHandler(blind2,blind2Node, value); /* if (value=="END") { blind2.mode = MODE_FIND_END; blind2.mode_find_end_state=0; //reset mode find state }else if (value=="SPEEDFACTOR") { blind2.mode=MODE_MEASURE_SPEED; //measure speed blind1Node.setProperty("cmd").send("cmd measure speed"); }else{ Homie.getLogger() << "unknown command" << endl; return false; } return true;*/ } bool blind_cmdHandler(blindmodel &blind, HomieNode& node, const String& value) { if (value=="END") { blind.mode = MODE_FIND_END; blind.mode_find_end_state=0; //reset mode find state if (blind.error==ERRORCODE_UNDEFINED_POSITION) { blind.error=0; //reset } node.setProperty("cmd").send("cmd end"); }else if (value=="SPEEDFACTOR") { blind.mode=MODE_MEASURE_SPEED; //measure speed node.setProperty("cmd").send("cmd measure speed"); }else if (value=="SENSOR") //return adc values { Serial.print("("); Serial.print(getFitered(blind.sense_read, SENSE_FILTER_SIZE)); Serial.print(")"); Serial.print(", mode="); Serial.print(modeNumToString(blind.mode)); node.setProperty("cmd").send(""+String(getFitered(blind.sense_read, SENSE_FILTER_SIZE))+" "+sensestatusNumToString(blind.sense_status)); }else if (value=="STOP") //stop. go back to idle mode and stop driving { blind.speed=0; //stop blind.mode=MODE_IDLE; blind.set_position=blind.position; //use current position as set pos to stay there node.setProperty("cmd").send("stop"); }else if (value=="RESET") //reset from error { blind.error=0; node.setProperty("cmd").send("reset"); }else{ Homie.getLogger() << "unknown command" << endl; return false; } return true; }