require 'helper' describe Twitter::Streaming::Event do describe '#initialize' do before(:each) do @data = {:event => 'follow', :source => {:id => 10_083_602, :id_str => '10083602', :name => 'Adam Bird', :screen_name => 'adambird', :location => 'Nottingham, UK', :url => '', :description => 'CEO @onediaryapp, ex @esendex CTO and co-founder, still cycling', :protected => false, :followers_count => 1295, :friends_count => 850, :listed_count => 53, :created_at => 'Fri Nov 09 00:35:12 +0000 2007', :favourites_count => 93, :utc_offset => 0, :time_zone => 'London', :geo_enabled => true, :verified => false, :statuses_count => 13_507, :lang => 'en', :contributors_enabled => false, :is_translator => false, :profile_background_color => 'C0DEED', :profile_background_image_url => '', :profile_bacground_image_url_https => '', :profile_background_tile => false, :profile_image_url => '', :profile_image_url_https => '', :profile_link_color => '0084B4', :profile_sidebar_border_color => 'C0DEED', :profile_sidebar_fill_color => 'DDEEF6', :profile_text_color => '333333', :profile_use_background_image => true, :default_profile => true, :default_profile_image => false, :following => false, :follow_request_sent => false, :notifications => false}, :target => {:id => 1_292_911_088, :id_str => '1292911088', :name => 'One Diary Bot', :screen_name => 'onediarybot', :location => nil, :url => '', :description => "I'm the One Diary bot, here to help you with your life including personal cycling weather forecasts.", :protected => false, :followers_count => 123, :friends_count => 157, :listed_count => 1, :created_at => 'Sat Mar 23 23:52:18 +0000 2013', :favourites_count => 0, :utc_offset => nil, :time_zone => nil, :geo_enabled => false, :verified => false, :statuses_count => 9637, :lang => 'en', :contributors_enabled => false, :is_translator => false, :profile_background_color => 'C0DEED', :profile_background_image_url => '', :profile_background_image_url_https => '', :profile_background_tile => false, :profile_image_url => '', :profile_image_url_https => '', :profile_link_color => '0084B4', :profile_sidebar_border_color => 'C0DEED', :profile_sidebar_fill_color => 'DDEEF6', :profile_text_color => '333333', :profile_use_background_image => true, :default_profile => true, :default_profile_image => false, :following => false, :follow_request_sent => false, :notifications => false}, :created_at => 'Sun Oct 27 20:44:19 +0000 2013'} end subject do end it 'should set the name to be a symbolised version of string string' do expect( eq(:follow) end it 'should set the source to be the User' do expect(subject.source).to be_a(Twitter::User) expect( eq(10_083_602) end it 'should set the target to be the User' do expect( be_a(Twitter::User) expect( eq(1_292_911_088) end context 'when target object is a list' do before(:each) do @data = {:event => 'list_member_added', :target_object => {:full_name => '@adambird/lists/dev', :user => {:default_profile_image => false, :profile_text_color => '333333', :created_at => 'Fri Nov 09 00:35:12 +0000 2007', :is_translator => false, :name => 'Adam Bird', :screen_name => 'adambird', :geo_enabled => true, :follow_request_sent => false, :profile_sidebar_border_color => 'C0DEED', :default_profile => true, :id => 10_083_602, :contributors_enabled => false, :followers_count => 1295, :lang => 'en', :profile_background_tile => false, :url => '', :profile_sidebar_fill_color => 'DDEEF6', :listed_count => 53, :utc_offset => 0, :location => 'Nottingham, UK', :time_zone => 'London', :profile_background_color => 'C0DEED', :following => false, :protected => false, :description => 'CEO @onediaryapp, ex @esendex CTO and co-founder, still cycling', :profile_image_url_https => '', :profile_background_image_url => '', :profile_link_color => '0084B4', :notifications => false, :profile_background_image_url_https => '', :favourites_count => 93, :id_str => '10083602', :statuses_count => 13_507, :verified => false, :profile_image_url => '', :profile_use_background_image => true, :friends_count => 851}, :uri => '/adambird/lists/dev', :subscriber_count => 0, :id_str => '60314359', :created_at => 'Sun Dec 04 19:54:20 +0000 2011', :id => 60_314_359, :following => false, :mode => 'public', :member_count => 13, :description => '', :slug => 'dev', :name => 'dev'}, :source => {:default_profile_image => false, :profile_text_color => '333333', :created_at => 'Fri Nov 09 00:35:12 +0000 2007', :is_translator => false, :name => 'Adam Bird', :screen_name => 'adambird', :geo_enabled => true, :follow_request_sent => false, :profile_sidebar_border_color => 'C0DEED', :default_profile => true, :id => 10_083_602, :contributors_enabled => false, :followers_count => 1295, :lang => 'en', :profile_background_tile => false, :url => '', :profile_sidebar_fill_color => 'DDEEF6', :listed_count => 53, :utc_offset => 0, :location => 'Nottingham, UK', :time_zone => 'London', :profile_background_color => 'C0DEED', :following => false, :protected => false, :description => 'CEO @onediaryapp, ex @esendex CTO and co-founder, still cycling', :profile_image_url_https => '', :profile_background_image_url => '', :profile_link_color => '0084B4', :notifications => false, :profile_background_image_url_https => '', :favourites_count => 93, :id_str => '10083602', :statuses_count => 13_507, :verified => false, :profile_image_url => '', :profile_use_background_image => true, :friends_count => 851}, :created_at => 'Sun Oct 27 20:54:51 +0000 2013', :target => {:default_profile_image => false, :profile_text_color => '333333', :created_at => 'Sat Mar 23 23:52:18 +0000 2013', :is_translator => false, :name => 'One Diary Bot', :screen_name => 'onediarybot', :geo_enabled => false, :follow_request_sent => false, :profile_sidebar_border_color => 'C0DEED', :default_profile => true, :id => 1_292_911_088, :contributors_enabled => false, :followers_count => 124, :lang => 'en', :profile_background_tile => false, :url => '', :profile_sidebar_fill_color => 'DDEEF6', :listed_count => 2, :utc_offset => nil, :location => nil, :time_zone => nil, :profile_background_color => 'C0DEED', :following => true, :protected => false, :description => "I'm the One Diary bot, here to help you with your life including personal cycling weather forecasts.", :profile_image_url_https => '', :profile_background_image_url => '', :profile_link_color => '0084B4', :notifications => false, :profile_background_image_url_https => '', :favourites_count => 0, :id_str => '1292911088', :statuses_count => 9637, :verified => false, :profile_image_url => '', :profile_use_background_image => true, :friends_count => 157}} end it 'should have the list object as the target object' do expect(subject.target_object).to be_a(Twitter::List) expect(subject.target_object.full_name).to eq('@adambird/lists/dev') end end context 'when target object is a tweet' do before(:each) do @data = {:event => 'favorite', :target_object => {:in_reply_to_status_id => 394_341_960_603_172_864, :favorited => true, :entities => {:hashtags => [], :urls => [], :user_mentions => [{:screen_name => 'darrenliddell', :id_str => '18845675', :id => 18_845_675, :indices => [0, 14], :name => 'Darren Liddell'}]}, :user => {:default_profile_image => false, :profile_text_color => '333333', :created_at => 'Sat Mar 23 23:52:18 +0000 2013', :is_translator => false, :name => 'One Diary Bot', :screen_name => 'onediarybot', :geo_enabled => false, :follow_request_sent => false, :profile_sidebar_border_color => 'C0DEED', :default_profile => true, :id => 1_292_911_088, :contributors_enabled => false, :followers_count => 124, :lang => 'en', :profile_background_tile => false, :url => '', :profile_sidebar_fill_color => 'DDEEF6', :listed_count => 1, :utc_offset => nil, :location => nil, :time_zone => nil, :profile_background_color => 'C0DEED', :following => true, :protected => false, :description => "I'm the One Diary bot, here to help you with your life including personal cycling weather forecasts.", :profile_background_image_url => '', :profile_link_color => '0084B4', :notifications => false, :profile_background_image_url_https => '', :favourites_count => 0, :id_str => '1292911088', :statuses_count => 9637, :verified => false, :profile_image_url => '', :profile_use_background_image => true, :profile_image_url_https => '', :friends_count => 157}, :in_reply_to_screen_name => 'darrenliddell', :place => nil, :coordinates => nil, :id_str => '394454214132256768', :source => 'web', :retweet_count => 0, :id => 394_454_214_132_256_768, :created_at => 'Sun Oct 27 13:23:07 +0000 2013', :in_reply_to_status_id_str => '394341960603172864', :retweeted => false, :in_reply_to_user_id => 18_845_675, :truncated => false, :contributors => nil, :geo => nil, :in_reply_to_user_id_str => '18845675', :text => '@darrenliddell my programmers thought that they had that one covered. I have admonished them.'}, :source => {:default_profile_image => false, :profile_text_color => '333333', :created_at => 'Fri Nov 09 00:35:12 +0000 2007', :is_translator => false, :name => 'Adam Bird', :screen_name => 'adambird', :geo_enabled => true, :follow_request_sent => false, :profile_sidebar_border_color => 'C0DEED', :default_profile => true, :id => 10_083_602, :contributors_enabled => false, :followers_count => 1295, :lang => 'en', :profile_background_tile => false, :url => '', :profile_sidebar_fill_color => 'DDEEF6', :listed_count => 53, :utc_offset => 0, :location => 'Nottingham, UK', :time_zone => 'London', :profile_background_color => 'C0DEED', :following => false, :protected => false, :description => 'CEO @onediaryapp, ex @esendex CTO and co-founder, still cycling', :profile_background_image_url => '', :profile_link_color => '0084B4', :notifications => false, :profile_background_image_url_https => '', :favourites_count => 93, :id_str => '10083602', :statuses_count => 13_507, :verified => false, :profile_image_url => '', :profile_use_background_image => true, :profile_image_url_https => '', :friends_count => 851}, :created_at => 'Sun Oct 27 21:05:35 +0000 2013', :target => {:default_profile_image => false, :profile_text_color => '333333', :created_at => 'Sat Mar 23 23:52:18 +0000 2013', :is_translator => false, :name => 'One Diary Bot', :screen_name => 'onediarybot', :geo_enabled => false, :follow_request_sent => false, :profile_sidebar_border_color => 'C0DEED', :default_profile => true, :id => 1_292_911_088, :contributors_enabled => false, :followers_count => 124, :lang => 'en', :profile_background_tile => false, :url => '', :profile_sidebar_fill_color => 'DDEEF6', :listed_count => 1, :utc_offset => nil, :location => nil, :time_zone => nil, :profile_background_color => 'C0DEED', :following => true, :protected => false, :description => "I'm the One Diary bot, here to help you with your life including personal cycling weather forecasts.", :profile_background_image_url => '', :profile_link_color => '0084B4', :notifications => false, :profile_background_image_url_https => '', :favourites_count => 0, :id_str => '1292911088', :statuses_count => 9637, :verified => false, :profile_image_url => '', :profile_use_background_image => true, :profile_image_url_https => '', :friends_count => 157}} end it 'should have the tweet as the target object' do expect(subject.target_object).to be_a(Twitter::Tweet) expect( eq(394_454_214_132_256_768) end end end end