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433 lines
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module Faraday
# Public: Connection objects manage the default properties and the middleware
# stack for fulfilling an HTTP request.
# Examples
# conn = Faraday::Connection.new 'http://sushi.com'
# # GET http://sushi.com/nigiri
# conn.get 'nigiri'
# # => #<Faraday::Response>
class Connection
# A Set of allowed HTTP verbs.
METHODS = Set.new [:get, :post, :put, :delete, :head, :patch, :options]
# Public: Returns a Hash of URI query unencoded key/value pairs.
attr_reader :params
# Public: Returns a Hash of unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs.
attr_reader :headers
# Public: Returns a URI with the prefix used for all requests from this
# Connection. This includes a default host name, scheme, port, and path.
attr_reader :url_prefix
# Public: Returns the Faraday::Builder for this Connection.
attr_reader :builder
# Public: Returns a Hash of the request options.
attr_reader :options
# Public: Returns a Hash of the SSL options.
attr_reader :ssl
# Public: Returns the parallel manager for this Connection.
attr_reader :parallel_manager
# Public: Sets the default parallel manager for this connection.
attr_writer :default_parallel_manager
# Public: Initializes a new Faraday::Connection.
# url - URI or String base URL to use as a prefix for all
# requests (optional).
# options - Hash or Faraday::ConnectionOptions.
# :url - URI or String base URL (default: "http:/").
# :params - Hash of URI query unencoded key/value pairs.
# :headers - Hash of unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs.
# :request - Hash of request options.
# :ssl - Hash of SSL options.
# :proxy - URI, String or Hash of HTTP proxy options
# (default: "http_proxy" environment variable).
# :uri - URI or String
# :user - String (optional)
# :password - String (optional)
def initialize(url = nil, options = nil)
if url.is_a?(Hash)
options = ConnectionOptions.from(url)
url = options.url
options = ConnectionOptions.from(options)
@parallel_manager = nil
@headers = Utils::Headers.new
@params = Utils::ParamsHash.new
@options = options.request
@ssl = options.ssl
@default_parallel_manager = options.parallel_manager
@builder = options.builder || begin
# pass an empty block to Builder so it doesn't assume default middleware
options.new_builder(block_given? ? Proc.new { |b| } : nil)
self.url_prefix = url || 'http:/'
@params.update(options.params) if options.params
@headers.update(options.headers) if options.headers
@proxy = nil
proxy(options.fetch(:proxy) {
uri = ENV['http_proxy']
if uri && !uri.empty?
uri = 'http://' + uri if uri !~ /^http/i
yield(self) if block_given?
@headers[:user_agent] ||= "Faraday v#{VERSION}"
# Public: Sets the Hash of URI query unencoded key/value pairs.
def params=(hash)
@params.replace hash
# Public: Sets the Hash of unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs.
def headers=(hash)
@headers.replace hash
extend Forwardable
def_delegators :builder, :build, :use, :request, :response, :adapter, :app
# Public: Makes an HTTP request without a body.
# url - The optional String base URL to use as a prefix for all
# requests. Can also be the options Hash.
# params - Hash of URI query unencoded key/value pairs.
# headers - Hash of unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs.
# Examples
# conn.get '/items', {:page => 1}, :accept => 'application/json'
# conn.head '/items/1'
# # ElasticSearch example sending a body with GET.
# conn.get '/twitter/tweet/_search' do |req|
# req.headers[:content_type] = 'application/json'
# req.params[:routing] = 'kimchy'
# req.body = JSON.generate(:query => {...})
# end
# Yields a Faraday::Response for further request customizations.
# Returns a Faraday::Response.
# Signature
# <verb>(url = nil, params = nil, headers = nil)
# verb - An HTTP verb: get, head, or delete.
%w[get head delete].each do |method|
class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
def #{method}(url = nil, params = nil, headers = nil)
run_request(:#{method}, url, nil, headers) { |request|
request.params.update(params) if params
yield(request) if block_given?
# Public: Makes an HTTP request with a body.
# url - The optional String base URL to use as a prefix for all
# requests. Can also be the options Hash.
# body - The String body for the request.
# headers - Hash of unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs.
# Examples
# conn.post '/items', data, :content_type => 'application/json'
# # Simple ElasticSearch indexing sample.
# conn.post '/twitter/tweet' do |req|
# req.headers[:content_type] = 'application/json'
# req.params[:routing] = 'kimchy'
# req.body = JSON.generate(:user => 'kimchy', ...)
# end
# Yields a Faraday::Response for further request customizations.
# Returns a Faraday::Response.
# Signature
# <verb>(url = nil, body = nil, headers = nil)
# verb - An HTTP verb: post, put, or patch.
%w[post put patch].each do |method|
class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
def #{method}(url = nil, body = nil, headers = nil, &block)
run_request(:#{method}, url, body, headers, &block)
# Public: Sets up the Authorization header with these credentials, encoded
# with base64.
# login - The authentication login.
# pass - The authentication password.
# Examples
# conn.basic_auth 'Aladdin', 'open sesame'
# conn.headers['Authorization']
# # => "Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ=="
# Returns nothing.
def basic_auth(login, pass)
set_authorization_header(:basic_auth, login, pass)
# Public: Sets up the Authorization header with the given token.
# token - The String token.
# options - Optional Hash of extra token options.
# Examples
# conn.token_auth 'abcdef', :foo => 'bar'
# conn.headers['Authorization']
# # => "Token token=\"abcdef\",
# foo=\"bar\""
# Returns nothing.
def token_auth(token, options = nil)
set_authorization_header(:token_auth, token, options)
# Public: Sets up a custom Authorization header.
# type - The String authorization type.
# token - The String or Hash token. A String value is taken literally, and
# a Hash is encoded into comma separated key/value pairs.
# Examples
# conn.authorization :Bearer, 'mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM'
# conn.headers['Authorization']
# # => "Bearer mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM"
# conn.authorization :Token, :token => 'abcdef', :foo => 'bar'
# conn.headers['Authorization']
# # => "Token token=\"abcdef\",
# foo=\"bar\""
# Returns nothing.
def authorization(type, token)
set_authorization_header(:authorization, type, token)
# Internal: Traverse the middleware stack in search of a
# parallel-capable adapter.
# Yields in case of not found.
# Returns a parallel manager or nil if not found.
def default_parallel_manager
@default_parallel_manager ||= begin
handler = @builder.handlers.detect do |h|
h.klass.respond_to?(:supports_parallel?) and h.klass.supports_parallel?
if handler
elsif block_given?
# Public: Determine if this Faraday::Connection can make parallel requests.
# Returns true or false.
def in_parallel?
# Public: Sets up the parallel manager to make a set of requests.
# manager - The parallel manager that this Connection's Adapter uses.
# Yields a block to execute multiple requests.
# Returns nothing.
def in_parallel(manager = nil)
@parallel_manager = manager || default_parallel_manager {
warn "Warning: `in_parallel` called but no parallel-capable adapter on Faraday stack"
warn caller[2,10].join("\n")
@parallel_manager && @parallel_manager.run
@parallel_manager = nil
# Public: Gets or Sets the Hash proxy options.
def proxy(arg = nil)
return @proxy if arg.nil?
@proxy = ProxyOptions.from(arg)
def_delegators :url_prefix, :scheme, :scheme=, :host, :host=, :port, :port=
def_delegator :url_prefix, :path, :path_prefix
# Public: Parses the giving url with URI and stores the individual
# components in this connection. These components serve as defaults for
# requests made by this connection.
# url - A String or URI.
# Examples
# conn = Faraday::Connection.new { ... }
# conn.url_prefix = "https://sushi.com/api"
# conn.scheme # => https
# conn.path_prefix # => "/api"
# conn.get("nigiri?page=2") # accesses https://sushi.com/api/nigiri
# Returns the parsed URI from teh given input..
def url_prefix=(url, encoder = nil)
uri = @url_prefix = Utils.URI(url)
self.path_prefix = uri.path
params.merge_query(uri.query, encoder)
uri.query = nil
with_uri_credentials(uri) do |user, password|
basic_auth user, password
uri.user = uri.password = nil
# Public: Sets the path prefix and ensures that it always has a leading
# slash.
# value - A String.
# Returns the new String path prefix.
def path_prefix=(value)
url_prefix.path = if value
value = '/' + value unless value[0,1] == '/'
# Public: Takes a relative url for a request and combines it with the defaults
# set on the connection instance.
# conn = Faraday::Connection.new { ... }
# conn.url_prefix = "https://sushi.com/api?token=abc"
# conn.scheme # => https
# conn.path_prefix # => "/api"
# conn.build_url("nigiri?page=2") # => https://sushi.com/api/nigiri?token=abc&page=2
# conn.build_url("nigiri", :page => 2) # => https://sushi.com/api/nigiri?token=abc&page=2
def build_url(url = nil, extra_params = nil)
uri = build_exclusive_url(url)
query_values = params.dup.merge_query(uri.query, options.params_encoder)
query_values.update extra_params if extra_params
uri.query = query_values.empty? ? nil : query_values.to_query(options.params_encoder)
# Builds and runs the Faraday::Request.
# method - The Symbol HTTP method.
# url - The String or URI to access.
# body - The String body
# headers - Hash of unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs.
# Returns a Faraday::Response.
def run_request(method, url, body, headers)
if !METHODS.include?(method)
raise ArgumentError, "unknown http method: #{method}"
request = build_request(method) do |req|
req.url(url) if url
req.headers.update(headers) if headers
req.body = body if body
yield(req) if block_given?
builder.build_response(self, request)
# Creates and configures the request object.
# Returns the new Request.
def build_request(method)
Request.create(method) do |req|
req.params = self.params.dup
req.headers = self.headers.dup
req.options = self.options.merge(:proxy => self.proxy)
yield(req) if block_given?
# Internal: Build an absolute URL based on url_prefix.
# url - A String or URI-like object
# params - A Faraday::Utils::ParamsHash to replace the query values
# of the resulting url (default: nil).
# Returns the resulting URI instance.
def build_exclusive_url(url = nil, params = nil)
url = nil if url.respond_to?(:empty?) and url.empty?
base = url_prefix
if url and base.path and base.path !~ /\/$/
base = base.dup
base.path = base.path + '/' # ensure trailing slash
uri = url ? base + url : base
uri.query = params.to_query(options.params_encoder) if params
uri.query = nil if uri.query and uri.query.empty?
# Internal: Creates a duplicate of this Faraday::Connection.
# Returns a Faraday::Connection.
def dup
self.class.new(build_exclusive_url, :headers => headers.dup, :params => params.dup, :builder => builder.dup, :ssl => ssl.dup)
# Internal: Yields username and password extracted from a URI if they both exist.
def with_uri_credentials(uri)
if uri.user and uri.password
yield(Utils.unescape(uri.user), Utils.unescape(uri.password))
def set_authorization_header(header_type, *args)
header = Faraday::Request.lookup_middleware(header_type).
headers[Faraday::Request::Authorization::KEY] = header