
232 lines
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* Connect - staticCache
* Copyright(c) 2011 Sencha Inc.
* MIT Licensed
* Module dependencies.
var utils = require('../utils')
, Cache = require('../cache')
, fresh = require('fresh');
* Static cache:
* Enables a memory cache layer on top of
* the `static()` middleware, serving popular
* static files.
* By default a maximum of 128 objects are
* held in cache, with a max of 256k each,
* totalling ~32mb.
* A Least-Recently-Used (LRU) cache algo
* is implemented through the `Cache` object,
* simply rotating cache objects as they are
* hit. This means that increasingly popular
* objects maintain their positions while
* others get shoved out of the stack and
* garbage collected.
* Benchmarks:
* static(): 2700 rps
* node-static: 5300 rps
* static() + staticCache(): 7500 rps
* Options:
* - `maxObjects` max cache objects [128]
* - `maxLength` max cache object length 256kb
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Function}
* @api public
module.exports = function staticCache(options){
var options = options || {}
, cache = new Cache(options.maxObjects || 128)
, maxlen = options.maxLength || 1024 * 256;
console.warn('connect.staticCache() is deprecated and will be removed in 3.0');
console.warn('use varnish or similar reverse proxy caches.');
return function staticCache(req, res, next){
var key = cacheKey(req)
, ranges = req.headers.range
, hasCookies = req.headers.cookie
, hit = cache.get(key);
// cache static
// TODO: change from staticCache() -> cache()
// and make this work for any request
req.on('static', function(stream){
var headers = res._headers
, cc = utils.parseCacheControl(headers['cache-control'] || '')
, contentLength = headers['content-length']
, hit;
// dont cache set-cookie responses
if (headers['set-cookie']) return hasCookies = true;
// dont cache when cookies are present
if (hasCookies) return;
// ignore larger files
if (!contentLength || contentLength > maxlen) return;
// don't cache partial files
if (headers['content-range']) return;
// dont cache items we shouldn't be
// TODO: real support for must-revalidate / no-cache
if ( cc['no-cache']
|| cc['no-store']
|| cc['private']
|| cc['must-revalidate']) return;
// if already in cache then validate
if (hit = cache.get(key)){
if (headers.etag == hit[0].etag) {
hit[0].date = new Date;
} else {
// validation notifiactions don't contain a steam
if (null == stream) return;
// add the cache object
var arr = [];
// store the chunks
stream.on('data', function(chunk){
// flag it as complete
stream.on('end', function(){
var cacheEntry = cache.add(key);
delete headers['x-cache']; // Clean up (TODO: others)
cacheEntry.push.apply(cacheEntry, arr);
if (req.method == 'GET' || req.method == 'HEAD') {
if (ranges) {
} else if (!hasCookies && hit && !mustRevalidate(req, hit)) {
res.setHeader('X-Cache', 'HIT');
respondFromCache(req, res, hit);
} else {
res.setHeader('X-Cache', 'MISS');
} else {
* Respond with the provided cached value.
* TODO: Assume 200 code, that's iffy.
* @param {Object} req
* @param {Object} res
* @param {Object} cacheEntry
* @return {String}
* @api private
function respondFromCache(req, res, cacheEntry) {
var status = cacheEntry[0]
, headers = utils.merge({}, cacheEntry[1])
, content = cacheEntry.slice(2);
headers.age = (new Date - new Date(headers.date)) / 1000 || 0;
switch (req.method) {
case 'HEAD':
res.writeHead(status, headers);
case 'GET':
if (utils.conditionalGET(req) && fresh(req.headers, headers)) {
headers['content-length'] = 0;
res.writeHead(304, headers);
} else {
res.writeHead(status, headers);
function write() {
while (content.length) {
if (false === res.write(content.shift())) {
res.once('drain', write);
// This should never happen.
res.writeHead(500, '');
* Determine whether or not a cached value must be revalidated.
* @param {Object} req
* @param {Object} cacheEntry
* @return {String}
* @api private
function mustRevalidate(req, cacheEntry) {
var cacheHeaders = cacheEntry[1]
, reqCC = utils.parseCacheControl(req.headers['cache-control'] || '')
, cacheCC = utils.parseCacheControl(cacheHeaders['cache-control'] || '')
, cacheAge = (new Date - new Date(cacheHeaders.date)) / 1000 || 0;
if ( cacheCC['no-cache']
|| cacheCC['must-revalidate']
|| cacheCC['proxy-revalidate']) return true;
if (reqCC['no-cache']) return true;
if (null != reqCC['max-age']) return reqCC['max-age'] < cacheAge;
if (null != cacheCC['max-age']) return cacheCC['max-age'] < cacheAge;
return false;
* The key to use in the cache. For now, this is the URL path and query.
* 'http://example.com?key=value' -> '/?key=value'
* @param {Object} req
* @return {String}
* @api private
function cacheKey(req) {
return utils.parseUrl(req).path;