//Pin Assignments (You should change these) const int CLK = 9; //Connected to TPIC pin 13: SRCLK (aka Clock) const int LATCH = 10; //Connected to TPIC pin 12: RCLK (aka Latch/load/CS/SS...) const int OE = 11; //Connected to TPIC pin 9: OE (Output Enable) const int DOUT = 12; //Connected to TPIC pin 3: SER (aka MOSI) //Number Patterns (0-9) //***Drains 0-7 must be connected to segments A-DP respectively*** const byte numTable[] = { B11111100, B01100000, B11011010, B11110010, B01100110, B10110110, B10111110, B11100000, B11111110, B11110110 }; //Global Variables int numDevices = 1; //The number of x-digit display modules you plan to use int maxDisplays = 3; //The maximum displays that could be accommodated (see note 1) int maxDigits = 3; //The maximum digits you plan on displaying per display module (each SR can handle a max of 8 digits) int SRData[3][3]; //The storage location for the digit information. We must specify a fixed array at compile time (see note 2) boolean debug = true; //Change to true to print messages int delayTime = 1000; //Optional (just for demonstrating multiplexing) /* Notes 1. It is recommended to use an external power supply to avoid oversource/sinking the microcontroller or if you need to power high voltage, high current displays. This code will turn on/off all segments in a digit for ***each*** display. So, if using 2x 3-digit displays all displaying an 8 + DP, the max consumption will be: 20mA (desired forward current) * 8 (segments that are on) * 2 (displays showing identical info) = 320mA 2. The first dimension should equal maxDisplays. The second dimension should equal the number of digits */ void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); //Set pin modes pinMode(CLK,OUTPUT); pinMode(LATCH,OUTPUT); pinMode(DOUT, OUTPUT); pinMode(OE, OUTPUT); //7-Segment Display Init digitalWrite(OE,LOW); //Enables SR Operation initializeSRData(); //Prepares SR and clears data on serial line //Test setDigit(0,0,4,true); setDigit(0,1,5,true); setDigit(0,2,6,true); } void loop() { refreshDisplay(); //Cycles through all displays and digits } //==========BEGIN SR Functions========== void initializeSRData() { //Display Scanner (Iterates through each display module) digitalWrite(LATCH,LOW); //Tells all SRs that uController is sending data for(int dispID = 0; dispID < maxDisplays; dispID++) { //Digit Scanner (Iterates through each SR (digit) in a display module) for(int digit = 0; digit < maxDigits; digit++) { //Clears any garbage on the serial line shiftOut(DOUT,CLK,LSBFIRST,0); //Shift out 0s to all displays SRData[dispID][digit] = 0; //Stores a 0 for each digit so its completely off } } digitalWrite(LATCH,HIGH); //Tells all SRs that uController is done sending data } void printSRData() { if(!debug) return; Serial.println("Printing SR Data..."); //Display Scanner for(int dispID = 0; dispID < maxDisplays; dispID++) { Serial.print("Display # "); Serial.println(dispID); //Digit Scanner for(int digit = 0; digit < maxDigits; digit++) { Serial.print("Digit "); Serial.print(digit); Serial.print(": "); Serial.println(SRData[dispID][digit],BIN); } Serial.println(); } } void setDigit(int dispID, int digit, int value, boolean dp) { //Parameter checker if(dispID < 0 || dispID >= numDevices) { Serial.println("dispID OoB!"); //OoB = Out of bounds return; } if(digit < 0 || digit > maxDigits) { Serial.println("digit OoB!"); return; } if(value < 0 || value > 9) { Serial.println("Invalid value!"); return; } value = numTable[value]; //Toggle dp if needed if(dp) value |= B00000001; //Turns on the first binary digit (segment) using an OR bitmask //Store the digit SRData[dispID][digit] = value; if(debug) printSRData(); } void setSegments(int dispID, int digit, byte value) { //Parameter checker if(dispID < 0 || dispID >= numDevices) { Serial.println("dispID OoB!"); return; } if(digit < 0 || digit > maxDigits) { Serial.println("digit OoB!"); return; } if(value < 0 || value > 255) { Serial.println("Invalid byte!"); return; } //Store the digit SRData[dispID][digit] = value; if(debug) printSRData(); } void clearDisplay(int dispID) { initializeSRData(); refreshDisplay(); } void refreshDisplay() { //Digit Scanner for(int digit = 0; digit < maxDigits; digit++) { //Display Scanner digitalWrite(LATCH,LOW); for(int dispID = numDevices - 1; dispID >= 0; dispID--) { //Pre-Digit blanker (shifts out 0s to correct digits before sending segment data to desired digit) for(int blanks = (maxDigits - 1 - digit); blanks > 0; blanks--) shiftOut(DOUT,CLK,LSBFIRST,0); shiftOut(DOUT,CLK,LSBFIRST,SRData[dispID][digit]); //Post-Digit blanker (shifts out 0s to remaining digits) for(int blanks = digit; blanks > 0; blanks--) shiftOut(DOUT,CLK,LSBFIRST,0); } digitalWrite(LATCH,HIGH); //Demonstrates multiplexing operation delay(delayTime); delayTime -= 10; if(delayTime <= 0) delayTime = 0; } }