# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import time, calendar from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta from cStringIO import StringIO from trac.wiki.api import WikiSystem from trac.wiki.macros import WikiMacroBase from trac.util import * from trac.web.chrome import add_stylesheet from trac.web import Href from trac.util.datefmt import utc, to_timestamp from trac.resource import get_resource_url from tracrendezvous.event.model import Event from ctdotools.utils import get_tz __all__ = ['RendezVousesCalendarMacro',] class EventHeaderMacro(WikiMacroBase): def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content): try: e_id = int(content) except ValueError: return "" event = Event.fetch_one(self.env, e_id, show_all=True, days=60) if not event or not event.periodic(): return "" rows = [] rows.append("""""") session_tzname, selected_tz = get_tz(formatter.req.session.get('tz', self.env.config.get("trac", "default_timezone") or None)) rows.append("%s" % event.rrules_explained) if hasattr(event, "followups"): l = [] for ev in event.followups: local_time_begin = selected_tz.fromutc(ev.time_begin) local_time_end = selected_tz.fromutc(ev.time_end) link_label = "%s %s - %s %s" % (local_time_begin.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"), local_time_begin.tzinfo.tzname(None), local_time_end.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"), local_time_end.tzinfo.tzname(None)) link = "events/%s/%s" % (event.e_id, ev.time_begin.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) if WikiSystem(self.env).has_page(link): row = '
  • %s
  • ' % (formatter.href.wiki(link) or formatter.href.event("createpage", event.e_id, ev.time_begin.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")), link_label) else: row = '
  • %s
  • ' % (formatter.href.event("createpage", event.e_id, ev.time_begin.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")), link_label) l.append(row) rows.append("" % "".join(l)) return """


    """ % (formatter.href.event(event.e_id), event.name, "".join(rows)) class RendezVousesCalendarMacro(WikiMacroBase): """Inserts a small calendar with scheduled RendezVouses with optional locations constraint Examples: {{{ [[WikiCalendar]] [[WikiCalendar(location1,location2,foo_location)]] }}} """ def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content): today = time.localtime() http_param_year = formatter.req.args.get('year', '') http_param_month = formatter.req.args.get('month', '') if content: args = content.split(',') else: args = [] if http_param_year == "": # not clicked on a prev or next button if len(args) >= 1 and args[0] <> "*": # year given in macro parameters year = int(args[0]) else: # use current year year = today.tm_year else: # year in http params (clicked by user) overrides everything year = int(http_param_year) if http_param_month == "": # not clicked on a prev or next button if len(args) >= 2 and args[1] <> "*": # month given in macro parameters month = int(args[1]) else: # use current month month = today.tm_mon else: # month in http params (clicked by user) overrides everything month = int(http_param_month) wiki_page_format = "%Y-%m-%d" if len(args) >= 4: wiki_page_format = args[3] curr_day = None if year == today.tm_year and month == today.tm_mon: curr_day = today.tm_mday thispageURL = Href(get_resource_url(self.env, formatter.resource, formatter.href)) # for the prev/next navigation links prevMonth = month-1 prevYear = year nextMonth = month+1 nextYear = year # check for year change (KISS version) if prevMonth == 0: prevMonth = 12 prevYear -= 1 if nextMonth == 13: nextMonth = 1 nextYear += 1 # 9-tuple for use with time.* functions requiring a struct_time mydate = [0] * 8 + [-1] # AS: breaks Python 2.4 # building the output buff = [] buff.append(u'''\
    \n\n') for day in calendar.weekheader(2).split(): buff.append(u'' % day) buff.append(u'\n\n') last_week_prev_month = calendar.monthcalendar(prevYear, prevMonth)[-1]; first_week_next_month = calendar.monthcalendar(nextYear, nextMonth)[0]; w = -1 db = self.env.get_db_cnx() cursor = db.cursor() day_list = [] foo,last_day = calendar.monthrange(year, month) start_dt = datetime(year, month, 1, tzinfo=utc) end_dt = datetime(year, month, last_day, 23, 59, tzinfo=utc) rts = Event.fetch_by_period_dict(self.env, start_dt, end_dt) session_tzname, selected_tz = get_tz(formatter.req.session.get('tz', self.env.config.get("trac", "default_timezone") or None)) def _f(t): assert type(t) == Event real_begin = selected_tz.fromutc(t.time_begin) real_end = selected_tz.fromutc(t.time_end) return u'
  • %s:
  • ' % (formatter.href.event(t.e_id), real_begin.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"), real_end.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"), real_begin.tzinfo.tzname(None), unicode(t.location.name), unicode(t.name)) for week in calendar.monthcalendar(year, month): buff.append(u'\n') w = w+1 d = -1 for day in week: d = d+1 # calc date and update CSS classes mydate[0:3] = [year, month, day] classes = u'day' title = u'' if not day: classes += u' adjacent_month' if w == 0: day = last_week_prev_month[d] mydate[0:3] = [prevYear, prevMonth, day] else: day = first_week_next_month[d] mydate[0:3] = [nextYear, nextMonth, day] else: if day == curr_day: classes += u' today' title += u"Heute:" wiki = time.strftime(wiki_page_format, tuple(mydate)) actual_date = date(mydate[0], mydate[1], mydate[2]) if rts and rts.has_key(actual_date): rt = rts[actual_date] for t in rt: if actual_date.day != t.time_end.day: tomorrow = actual_date + timedelta(1) rts[tomorrow].append(t) text = u"".join([_f(t) for t in rt]) classes += u" active" title += u" %d Termin(e)" % len(rt) daylink = unicode(formatter.href.event("by-day", "%d-%d-%d" % tuple(mydate[:3]))) #text = text.encode("utf8") buff.append(u'\n' % (classes.strip(), daylink, title, day, text)) else: title += u"Noch keine Termine" daylink = formatter.href.event("new", "%d-%d-%d" % tuple(mydate[:3])) buff.append(u'\n' % (classes, daylink, title, day)) buff.append(u'\n') buff.append(u'\n\n
    ''') import locale encoding = locale.getlocale()[1] # prev year link mydate[0:2] = [year-1, month] mydate_label = time.strftime('%B %Y', tuple(mydate)) if encoding: mydate_label = mydate_label.decode(encoding) buff.append(u'' % ( thispageURL(month=month, year=year-1), mydate_label )) # prev month link mydate[0:2] = [prevYear, prevMonth] mydate_label = time.strftime('%B %Y', tuple(mydate)) if encoding: mydate_label = mydate_label.decode(encoding) buff.append(u'' % ( thispageURL(month=prevMonth, year=prevYear), mydate_label )) # the caption mydate[0:2] = [year, month] mydate_label = time.strftime('%B %Y', tuple(mydate)) if encoding: mydate_label = mydate_label.decode(encoding) buff.append(mydate_label) # next month link mydate[0:2] = [nextYear, nextMonth] mydate_label = time.strftime('%B %Y', tuple(mydate)) if encoding: mydate_label = mydate_label.decode(encoding) buff.append(u'' % ( thispageURL(month=nextMonth, year=nextYear), mydate_label)) # next year link mydate[0:2] = [year+1, month] mydate_label = time.strftime('%B %Y', tuple(mydate)) if encoding: mydate_label = mydate_label.decode(encoding) buff.append(u'' % ( thispageURL(month=month, year=year+1), mydate)) buff.append(u'
    \n') table = u"".join(buff) return table