#include #include #include "lpc134x.h" #include "gpio/gpio.h" /**************************************************************************/ /*! Approximates a 1 millisecond delay using "nop". This is less accurate than a dedicated timer, but is useful in certain situations. The number of ticks to delay depends on the optimisation level set when compiling (-O). Depending on the compiler settings, one of the two defined values for 'delay' should be used. */ /**************************************************************************/ void delayms(uint32_t ms) { uint32_t delay = ms * ((CFG_CPU_CCLK / 100) / 45); // Release Mode (-Os) // uint32_t delay = ms * ((CFG_CPU_CCLK / 100) / 120); // Debug Mode (No optimisations) while (delay > 0) { __asm volatile ("nop"); delay--; } } /**************************************************************************/ /* Utility routines to manage nokia display */ /**************************************************************************/ uint8_t lcdBuffer[RESX*RESY_B]; /* //TODO FIXME why doenst that work ? #define CS RB_LCD_CS #define SCK RB_SPI_SCK #define SDA RB_SPI_MOSI #define RST RB_LCD_RST */ #define CS 2,1 #define SCK 0,10 #define SDA 0,9 #define RST 2,2 void lcdWrite(uint8_t cd, uint8_t data) { uint8_t i; gpioSetDir(SDA, 1); gpioSetValue(SCK, 0); //delayms(0); gpioSetValue(CS, 0); //delayms(0); gpioSetValue(SDA, cd); //delayms(0); gpioSetValue(SCK, 1); //delayms(0); for(i=0; i<8; i++){ gpioSetValue(SCK, 0); //delayms(0); if( data & 0x80 ) gpioSetValue(SDA, 1); else gpioSetValue(SDA, 0); data <<= 1; gpioSetValue(SCK, 1); //delayms(1); } gpioSetValue(CS, 0); //delayms(0); } void lcdRead(uint8_t data) { uint8_t i; gpioSetDir(SDA, 1); gpioSetValue(SCK, 0); delayms(1); gpioSetValue(CS, 0); delayms(1); gpioSetValue(SDA, 0); delayms(1); gpioSetValue(SCK, 1); delayms(1); for(i=0; i<8; i++){ gpioSetValue(SCK, 0); delayms(1); if( data & 0x80 ) gpioSetValue(SDA, 1); else gpioSetValue(SDA, 0); data <<= 1; gpioSetValue(SCK, 1); delayms(1); } gpioSetDir(SDA, 0); for(i=0; i<8; i++){ gpioSetValue(SCK, 0); delayms(1); gpioSetValue(SCK, 1); delayms(1); } gpioSetValue(CS, 0); delayms(1); } void lcdInit(void) { IOCON_SWCLK_PIO0_10 = 0x51; gpioSetValue(RST, 1); gpioSetValue(CS, 1); gpioSetDir(RST, 1); gpioSetDir(CS, 1); gpioSetDir(SCK, 1); delayms(100); gpioSetValue(RST, 0); delayms(100); gpioSetValue(RST, 1); delayms(100); lcdWrite(0,0xE2); delayms(5); lcdWrite(0,0xAF); lcdWrite(0,0xA4); lcdWrite(0,0x2F); lcdWrite(0,0xB0); lcdWrite(0,0x10); lcdWrite(0,0x00); uint16_t i; for(i=0; i<100; i++) lcdWrite(1,0x00); } void lcdFill(char f){ int x; for(x=0;x