#include #include "basic/basic.h" uint8_t getInputRaw(void) { uint8_t result = BTN_NONE; if (gpioGetValue(RB_BTN3)==0) { result |= BTN_UP; } if (gpioGetValue(RB_BTN2)==0) { result |= BTN_DOWN; } if (gpioGetValue(RB_BTN4)==0) { result |= BTN_ENTER; } if (gpioGetValue(RB_BTN0)==0) { result |= BTN_LEFT; } if (gpioGetValue(RB_BTN1)==0) { result |= BTN_RIGHT; } return result; } uint8_t getInput(void) { uint8_t key = BTN_NONE; key=getInputRaw(); /* XXX: we should probably debounce the joystick. Any ideas how to do this properly? For now wait for any release. */ if(key != BTN_NONE) while(key==getInputRaw()) work_queue(); return key; } uint8_t getInputWait(void) { uint8_t key; while ((key=getInputRaw())==BTN_NONE) work_queue(); delayms_queue(10); /* Delay a little more to debounce */ return key; }; uint8_t getInputWaitTimeout(int timeout) { uint8_t key; int end=_timectr+timeout*(1000/SYSTICKSPEED); while ((key=getInputRaw())==BTN_NONE){ if(_timectr>end) break; work_queue(); }; delayms_queue(10); /* Delay a little more to debounce */ return key; }; void getInputWaitRelease(void) { while (getInputRaw()!=BTN_NONE) work_queue(); delayms_queue(10); /* Delay a little more to debounce */ };