import pygame, math from pygame.sprite import Sprite class Paddle(Sprite): def __init__(self, velocity, image, bounds_y, *groups): Sprite.__init__(self, *groups) self.image = image self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.direction = 0 self.velocity = velocity self.bounds_y = bounds_y # Like original pong, we break this up into 8 segments from the edge angle (acute_angle) to pi/2 at the center # Changing acute_angle lets us change the extreme edge angle of the paddle. acute_angle = .125 # Build the angles from acute_angle to the first 0.5 center value then append the values going from the # second center 0.5 value by using the values we just calculated reversed. angles = [acute_angle + (0.5-acute_angle)/3.0 * n for n in xrange(4)] angles += map(lambda x: 1 + x * -1, reversed(angles)) # Final table is the output vector (x,y) of each angle self.bounce_table = [(math.cos(n*math.pi-math.pi/2.0), math.sin(n*math.pi-math.pi/2.0)) for n in angles] def update(self): self.rect.y = max(self.bounds_y[0], min(self.bounds_y[1]-self.rect.height, self.rect.y + self.direction * self.velocity)) def calculate_bounce(self, delta): return self.bounce_table[int(round(delta * (len(self.bounce_table)-1)))] class Line(Sprite): def __init__(self, image, *groups): Sprite.__init__(self, *groups) self.image = image self.rect = self.image.get_rect() class Ball(Sprite): def __init__(self, velocity, image, *groups): Sprite.__init__(self, *groups) self.velocity = velocity self.image = image self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.position_vec = [0., 0.] self.velocity_vec = [0., 0.] def update(self): self.position_vec[0] += self.velocity_vec[0] self.position_vec[1] += self.velocity_vec[1] self.rect.x = self.position_vec[0] self.rect.y = self.position_vec[1] def set_position_x(self, value): self.position_vec[0] = value self.rect.left = value position_x = property(lambda self: self.position_vec[0], set_position_x) def set_position_y(self, value): self.position_vec[1] = value = value position_y = property(lambda self: self.position_vec[1], set_position_y) class Score(Sprite): def __init__(self, image_list, *groups): Sprite.__init__(self, *groups) self.image_list = image_list self.image = None self.rect = pygame.Rect(0,0,0,0) self.score = 0 def get_score(self): return self.score_value def set_score(self, value): self.score_value = value digit_spacing = 8 digit_width = self.image_list[0].get_width() digit_height = self.image_list[0].get_height() values = map(int, reversed(str(self.score_value))) surface_width = len(values) * digit_width + (len(values)-1) * digit_spacing if not self.image or self.image.get_width() < surface_width: self.image = pygame.Surface((surface_width, digit_height)) self.image.fill((0,0,0)) self.rect.width = self.image.get_width() self.rect.height = self.image.get_height() offset = self.image.get_width()-digit_width for i in values: self.image.blit(self.image_list[i], (offset, 0)) offset = offset - (digit_width + digit_spacing) score = property(get_score, set_score)