#include #include #include #include /* Global Variables */ const struct FONT_DEF * font = NULL; char font_direction = FONT_DIR_LTR; /* Exported Functions */ int DoChar(int sx, int sy, char c){ int x=0; /* how many bytes is it high? */ char height=(font->u8Height-1)/8+1; const uint8_t * data; /* "real" coordinates. Our physical display is upside down */ int rx=RESX-sx-1; int ry=RESY-sy-font->u8Height; /* Does this font provide this character? */ if(cu8FirstChar || c>font->u8LastChar) c=font->u8FirstChar+1; // error /* starting offset into character source data */ int toff=0,width,preblank=0,blank=0; if(font->u8Width==0){ for(int y=0;yu8FirstChar;y++) toff+=font->charInfo[y].widthBits; width=font->charInfo[c-font->u8FirstChar].widthBits; toff*=height; data=&font->au8FontTable[toff]; blank=1; }else if(font->u8Width==1){ // NEW CODE // Find offset and length for our character for(int y=0;yu8FirstChar;y++) toff+=font->charInfo[y].widthBits; width=font->charInfo[c-font->u8FirstChar].widthBits; if(font->au8FontTable[toff]>>4 == 15){ // It's a raw character! preblank = font->au8FontTable[toff+1]; blank= font->au8FontTable[toff+2]; data=&font->au8FontTable[toff+3]; width=(width/height)-1; }else{ data=pk_decode(&font->au8FontTable[toff],&width); } }else{ toff=(c-font->u8FirstChar)*font->u8Width*height; width=font->u8Width; data=&font->au8FontTable[toff]; }; // boundary sanity checks if(sx<0 || sy<0 || sx >= RESX || (sy+font->u8Height) >= RESY) return sx; // nothing printed. /* raw character data */ int byte; unsigned char mask; /* print forward or backward? */ int dmul=0; if(font_direction==FONT_DIR_RTL){ dmul=1; if(sx-(width+preblank+blank)<=0) // sanity check for left side return sx; } else if (font_direction==FONT_DIR_LTR){ dmul=-1; if(sx+(width+preblank+blank)>=RESX) // sanity check for right side return sx; }; /* break down the position on byte boundaries */ char yidx=ry/8; char yoff=ry%8; rx+=dmul*preblank; /* multiple 8-bit-lines */ for(int y=0;y<=height;y++){ int m=yoff+font->u8Height-8*y; if(m>8)m=8; if(m<0)m=0; mask=255<<(8-m); if(y==0){ mask=mask>>yoff; }; if(mask==0) // Optimize :-) break; if(font_direction==FONT_DIR_LTR) flip(mask); for(int m=1;m<=preblank;m++){ buffer[(rx-dmul*(m))+(yidx+y)*RESX]&=~mask; }; for(x=0;x>yoff); if(font_direction==FONT_DIR_LTR) flip(byte); buffer[(rx+dmul*x)+(yidx+y)*RESX]&=~mask; buffer[(rx+dmul*x)+(yidx+y)*RESX]|=byte; }; for(int m=0;m=0;len--){ s[len]=(num%10)+'0'; if(num==0){ s[len]=' '; // configurable? o=s+len; break; }; num/=10; }; if(neg) *o='-'; return DoString(sx,sy,o); #undef mxlen }; int DoIntX(int sx, int sy, unsigned int num){ #define mxlen 8 char s[(mxlen+1)]; char * o=s; int len; s[mxlen]=0; for (len=(mxlen-1);len>=0;len--){ s[len]=(num%16)+'0'; if(s[len]>'9') s[len]+='A'-'9'-1; if(num==0){ // s[len]=' '; // configurable? // o=s+len; break; }; num/=16; }; return DoString(sx,sy,o); #undef mxlen };