#include <stdint.h> #include "core/usbcdc/usb.h" #include "core/usbcdc/usbcore.h" #include "core/usbcdc/usbhw.h" #include "core/usbcdc/cdcuser.h" #include "core/usbcdc/cdc_buf.h" #include <sysinit.h> #include "basic/basic.h" #include "lcd/render.h" #include "lcd/allfonts.h" volatile unsigned int lastTick; int puts(const char * str) { // There must be at least 1ms between USB frames (of up to 64 bytes) // This buffers all data and writes it out from the buffer one frame // and one millisecond at a time if (USB_Configuration) { while(*str) cdcBufferWrite(*str++); // Check if we can flush the buffer now or if we need to wait unsigned int currentTick = systickGetTicks(); if (currentTick != lastTick) { uint8_t frame[64]; uint32_t bytesRead = 0; while (cdcBufferDataPending()) { // Read up to 64 bytes as long as possible bytesRead = cdcBufferReadLen(frame, 64); USB_WriteEP (CDC_DEP_IN, frame, bytesRead); systickDelay(1); } lastTick = currentTick; } } return 0; } void main_cdc(void) { int dx = 0; //lastTick = systickGetTicks(); // Used to control output/printf timing lcdPrintln("Init USB"); lcdRefresh(); CDC_Init(); // Initialise VCOM USB_Init(); // USB Initialization USB_Connect(TRUE); // USB Connect // Wait until USB is configured or timeout occurs uint32_t usbTimeout = 0; while ( usbTimeout < CFG_USBCDC_INITTIMEOUT / 10 ) { if (USB_Configuration) break; delayms(10); // Wait 10ms usbTimeout++; } lcdPrintln("Done"); lcdRefresh(); uint8_t buf[2] = {0,0}; int l; while(1){ CDC_OutBufAvailChar(&l); if( l ){ l = 1; CDC_RdOutBuf (buf, &l); puts(buf); dx=DoString(dx,0,buf); lcdDisplay(); } //puts("hello world\r\n"); //delayms(1); } }