#!/usr/bin/perl # # vim:set ts=4 sw=4: use strict; use IO::Select; use Digest::CRC qw(crcccitt); use POSIX qw(strftime); use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib"; use r0ket; $|=1; ### Commandline options use Getopt::Long; my $ser = undef; my $help = 0; my $writend = 0; GetOptions ( "dev=s" => \$ser, "help" => \$help, "write" => \$writend, ); $help=1 if($ARGV[0] =~ /^[h?]/); if ($help){ print STDERR "Mini-Help:\n"; print STDERR "-d (or \$R0KETBRIDGE)\n"; print STDERR "-w write beacon2nick file\n"; print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR "recv: receive (number) pakets\n"; print STDERR " - r : try to autodetect packet format\n"; print STDERR " - r hex : hexdump packets\n"; print STDERR " - r ascii : asciidump packets\n"; print STDERR " - r beacon : parse as openbeacon\n"; print STDERR " - r mesh : parse as mesh packet\n"; print STDERR " - r game : parse as game packet(incomplete)\n"; print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR "send: send packet (number) times\n"; print STDERR " - s raw : send raw hex packet\n"; print STDERR " - s hex : send packet with crc16\n"; print STDERR " - s mesh t : send mesh time packet\n"; print STDERR " - s mesh , see source :-)\n"; print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR "preset: config per preset\n"; print STDERR "- p m - preset minimesh\n"; print STDERR "- p b - preset openbeacon\n"; print STDERR "- p a - preset game announce\n"; print STDERR "- p r - preset sample game\n"; print STDERR "config: config rf chip\n"; print STDERR "- c rx - set rxmac\n"; print STDERR "- c tx - set txmac\n"; print STDERR "- c len - set rxlength\n"; print STDERR "- c ch - set channel\n"; print STDERR "- c hex - set any of the previous option via hex string\n"; print STDERR "- c id - read beacon id\n"; print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR "etc...\n"; exit(1); }; END{ r0ket::writebeacon if($writend); }; r0ket::r0ket_init($ser); $r0ket::verbose=1; my @fh; my $read; my @args=@ARGV; my $sidx=0; for my $eidx (0..$#args){ if($args[$eidx] eq ","){ dwim(@args[$sidx..$eidx-1]); $sidx=$eidx+1; } }; dwim(@args[$sidx..$#args]); sub dwim{ my $cmd=shift; if($cmd =~ /^r/){ r0ket::readbeacon(); $cmd=~s/r(ecv)?//; $cmd=100 if $cmd+0==0; my $fmt=shift || "_"; my $arg=shift || undef; my $read=""; my $str; while($cmd>0){ $str=r0ket::get_packet(); if($fmt =~ /_/){ if(substr($str,0,1)eq "\x10"){ if(substr($str,1,1)eq"G"){ $fmt="g_"; }else{ $fmt="b_"; }; }elsif(substr($str,0,1)eq "\x20"){ $fmt="g_"; }elsif(length($str)==32){ $fmt="m_"; }else{ $fmt="x_"; }; }; if($fmt =~ /^m/){ my $p=r0ket::nice_mesh($str); print $p->{string}; }elsif($fmt =~ /^b/){ my $p=r0ket::nice_beacon($str); print $p->{string}; }elsif($fmt =~ /^g/){ my $p=r0ket::nice_game($str); print $p->{string}; }elsif($fmt =~ /^(x|hex)/){ my $pkt_crc= unpack("n",substr($str,length($str)-2,2)); my $calc_crc= crcccitt(substr($str,0,length($str)-2)); print "<",unpack("H*",$str),">"; if($pkt_crc ne $calc_crc){ print " CRCFAIL"; }; }elsif($fmt =~ /^a/){ print "<", r0ket::sprint($str), ">"; }else{ die "Unknown packet format: $fmt\n"; }; print "\n"; $cmd--; next; }; r0ket::rest(); }elsif ($cmd =~ /^p/){ # Preset my $sub=shift; if ($sub =~/^m/i){ # Default mesh settings. r0ket::set_txmac("ORBIT"); r0ket::set_rxmac("ORBIT"); r0ket::set_channel(83); r0ket::set_rxlen(32); }elsif ($sub =~/^b/i){ # Default OpenBeacon settings r0ket::set_txmac(pack("H*","0102030201")); r0ket::set_rxmac(pack("H*","0102030201")); r0ket::set_channel(81); r0ket::set_rxlen(16); }elsif ($sub =~/^a/i){ # Default rem0te announce settings r0ket::set_txmac("REM0T"); r0ket::set_rxmac("REM0T"); r0ket::set_channel(87); r0ket::set_rxlen(32); }elsif ($sub =~/^r/i){ # Default bpong game settings r0ket::set_txmac("BPONG"); r0ket::set_rxmac("BPONG"); r0ket::set_channel(91); r0ket::set_rxlen(32); }else{ die "Unkown preset $sub\n"; }; }elsif ($cmd =~ /^c/){ my $set=shift; if($set=~s/hex//){ $ARGV[0]=pack("H*",$ARGV[0]); }; if ($set =~ /^tx/){ r0ket::set_txmac(shift); }elsif ($set =~ /^rx/){ r0ket::set_rxmac(shift); }elsif ($set =~ /^ch/){ r0ket::set_channel(shift); }elsif ($set =~ /^len/){ r0ket::set_rxlen(shift); }elsif ($set =~ /^id/){ my $id=r0ket::get_id(); print "r0ket id: ",r0ket::hprint($id),"\n"; }else{ die "Unknown config argument $set\n"; }; }elsif ($cmd =~ /^s/){ $cmd=~s/^//; $cmd=1 if $cmd==0; my $pkt; my $sub=shift; if($sub =~ /^raw/){ $pkt=pack("H*",shift); }elsif($sub =~ /^hex/){ $pkt=pack("H*",shift); $pkt.=pack("n",crcccitt($pkt)); }elsif($sub =~ /^m/){ my $scmd=shift; if($scmd eq "t"){ $pkt.="T"; $pkt.=chr(shift); #gen $pkt.=pack("N",scalar(time)+$r0ket::timediff); $pkt.=pack("N",0); $pkt.=pack("N",0); $pkt.=pack("N",0); $pkt.=pack("N",0); $pkt.=pack("N",0); $pkt.=pack("N",0); }elsif($scmd eq "a"){ $pkt.="A"; $pkt.=chr(shift); #gen $pkt.=pack("N",scalar(time)+$r0ket::timediff+ 300); $pkt.= pack("C",shift||0); $pkt.= pack("C",0); $pkt.= pack("C",0); $pkt.= pack("C",0); $pkt.=pack("N",0); $pkt.=pack("N",0); $pkt.=pack("N",0); $pkt.=pack("N",0); $pkt.=pack("N",0); }elsif($scmd eq "b"){ $pkt.="B"; $pkt.=chr(shift); #gen $pkt.=pack("N",scalar(time)+$r0ket::timediff+ 600); $pkt.= pack("C",shift||0); $pkt.= pack("C",0); $pkt.= pack("C",0); $pkt.= pack("C",0); $pkt.=pack("N",0); $pkt.=pack("N",0); $pkt.=pack("N",0); $pkt.=pack("N",0); $pkt.=pack("N",0); }elsif($scmd eq "c"){ $pkt.="\x1"; $pkt.=chr(shift); #gen $pkt.=pack("N",scalar(time)+$r0ket::timediff+ 600); $pkt.= pack("C",shift||0); $pkt.= pack("C",0); $pkt.= pack("C",0); $pkt.= pack("C",0); $pkt.=pack("N",0); $pkt.=pack("N",0); $pkt.=pack("N",0); $pkt.=pack("N",0); $pkt.=pack("N",0); }elsif($scmd eq "i"){ $pkt.="i"; $pkt.=chr(shift); #gen $pkt.=pack("N",shift||42); $pkt.=shift; $pkt.="\0"x(30-length($pkt)); }else{ die "Unknown mesh subtype: $scmd\n"; }; $pkt.=pack("n",crcccitt($pkt)); }else{ die "Unknown send subtype: $sub\n"; }; print "Write: <", r0ket::sprint($pkt),">, "; print "crc: ",unpack("n",substr($pkt,length($pkt)-2,2))," "; print "len: ",length($pkt),"\n"; while($cmd-->0){ r0ket::send_pkt($pkt); r0ket::wait_ok; }; }else{ die "Option not understood\n"; }; }; #if (@fh = $sel->can_read(10)) { # sysread($fh[0],$read,1024); #} #print "PostRead: <", sprint($read), ">\n";