########################################################################## # User configuration and firmware specific object files ########################################################################## OBJS = ifndef APP APP=final endif ifeq "$(APP)" "initial" NODEFAULT = y endif ifeq "$(APP)" "tester" DEBUG = -d endif ifndef NODEFAULT OBJS += default.o endif OBJS += $(foreach mod,$(APP),$(mod).o) SRCS = $(foreach mod,$(APP),$(mod).c) WRAP=wrapper LIBNAME=app ########################################################################## # GNU GCC compiler flags ########################################################################## ROOT_PATH?= .. INCLUDE_PATHS = -I$(ROOT_PATH) -I../core -I. include $(ROOT_PATH)/Makefile.inc WRAPOBJ=$(WRAP).o WRAPSRC=$(WRAP).c LIBFILE=lib$(LIBNAME).a ifeq "$(FINAL)" "y" CFLAGS+=-DFINAL endif ########################################################################## # Compiler settings, parameters and flags ########################################################################## all: $(LIBFILE) ifeq "$(APP)" "loadable" ifndef LAPP LAPP=blinktest endif LSRC=../loadable/$(LAPP).c LOBJ=loadable_$(LAPP).o .PHONY: $(LOBJ) $(LOBJ): $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(LSRC) OBJS += $(LOBJ) endif ifeq "$(APP)" "l0dable" ifndef LAPP LAPP=blinktest endif LSRC=../l0dable/$(LAPP).c LOBJ=l0dable_$(LAPP).o .PHONY: $(LOBJ) $(LOBJ): $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(LSRC) OBJS += $(LOBJ) endif ifeq "$(wildcard $(APP))" "$(APP)" ifndef TYPE TYPE=$(APP) endif TSRCS = $(foreach type,$(TYPE),$(wildcard $(type)/*.c)) TOBJS = $(foreach mod,$(TSRCS),$(subst .c,.o,$(mod))) TWRAP=$(APP).gen .PHONY: $(TWRAP) $(APP).o: $(TWRAP) $(TWRAP): ./mkfirmware.pl $(DEBUG) $(APP) $(TSRCS) > $@ OBJS += $(TOBJS) endif $(LIBFILE): $(OBJS) $(WRAPOBJ) $(RM) -f $@ $(AR) rcs $@ $(OBJS) $(WRAPOBJ) %.o : %.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< clean: rm -f $(OBJS) $(WRAPOBJ) $(WRAPSRC) $(LIBFILE) *.o */*.o *.gen %.c: @echo @echo "You need to create $@ first" @echo "It should contain a single function void main_filename(void)" @echo @exit 1 $(WRAPSRC): ./mkwrapper $(OBJS) > $@ .PHONY: $(LIBFILE) $(WRAPSRC) $(SRCS) .SUFFIXES: