#include <sysinit.h> #include <string.h> #include "basic/basic.h" #include "basic/config.h" #include "basic/random.h" #include "lcd/render.h" #include "lcd/display.h" #include "lcd/fonts.h" #include "lcd/fonts/invaders.h" #include "funk/mesh.h" #include "usetable.h" /**************************************************************************/ #define POS_PLAYER_Y 60 #define POS_PLAYER_X RESX/2-3 #define POS_UFO_Y 0 #define ENEMY_ROWS 3 #define ENEMY_COLUMNS 6 #define DISABLED 255 #define UFO_PROB 1024 #define TYPE_PLAYER 1 #define TYPE_ENEMY_A 3 #define TYPE_ENEMY_B 2 #define TYPE_ENEMY_C 4 #define TYPE_UFO 5 #define BUNKERS 3 #define BUNKER_WIDTH 10 static const uint8_t BUNKER_X[] = {15, RESX/2-BUNKER_WIDTH/2,RESX-BUNKER_WIDTH-15}; static const uint8_t ENEMY_WIDTHS[] = {8,10,12}; struct gamestate { char player; char ufo; char shot_x, shot_y; char shots_x[ENEMY_COLUMNS]; char shots_y[ENEMY_COLUMNS]; char alive; int16_t move; char direction, lastcol; bool killed; bool step; uint32_t score; uint16_t level; int8_t rokets; char enemy_x[ENEMY_ROWS][ENEMY_COLUMNS]; char enemy_row_y[ENEMY_ROWS]; uint8_t bunker[BUNKERS][BUNKER_WIDTH]; } game; char key; static bool highscore_set(uint32_t score, char nick[]); static uint32_t highscore_get(char nick[]); static void init_game(); static void init_enemy(); static void check_end(); static void move_ufo(); static void move_shot(); static void move_shots(); static void move_player(); static void move_enemy(); static void draw_score(); static void draw_bunker(); static void draw_player(); static void draw_enemy(); static void draw_shots(); static void draw_sprite(char type, char x, char y); static void draw_ufo(); static bool screen_intro(); static bool screen_gameover(); static void screen_level(); static bool check_bunker(char xpos, char ypos, int8_t shift); void ram(void) { while(1) { if (!screen_intro()) return; game.rokets = 3; game.level = 1; game.score = 0; init_game(); screen_level(); while (game.rokets>=0) { ////checkISP(); lcdFill(0); check_end(); move_ufo(); move_shot(); move_shots(); move_player(); move_enemy(); draw_score(); draw_ufo(); draw_bunker(); draw_player(); draw_enemy(); draw_shots(); // draw_status(); lcdDisplay(); delayms(12); } if (!screen_gameover()) return; } } static bool screen_intro() { uint32_t highscore; char highnick[20]; char key=0; bool step = false; //getInputWaitRelease(); while(key==0) { getInputWaitRelease(); lcdFill(0); font = &Font_Invaders; DoString(28,25,step?"ABC":"abc"); font = &Font_7x8; DoString (28,40,"SPACE"); DoString (18,50,"INVADERS"); highscore = highscore_get(highnick); DoInt(0, 0, highscore); DoString (0, 9, highnick); lcdDisplay(); step = !step; key=getInputWaitTimeout(1000); } //getInputWaitRelease(); return !(key==BTN_LEFT); } static bool screen_gameover() { char key =0; while(key==0) { lcdFill(0); font = &Font_7x8; DoString (14,32, "GAME OVER"); DoInt (0,0, game.score); if (highscore_set(game.score, GLOBAL(nickname))) DoString (0,9,"HIGHSCORE!"); lcdDisplay(); key=getInputWaitTimeout(5000); } //getInputWaitRelease(); return !(key==BTN_LEFT); } static void screen_level() { lcdFill(0); draw_score(); font = &Font_7x8; int dx = DoString(20,32, "Level "); DoInt(dx,32,game.level); lcdDisplay(); delayms_queue(500); } static bool highscore_set(uint32_t score, char nick[]) { MPKT * mpkt= meshGetMessage('i'); if(MO_TIME(mpkt->pkt)>score) return false; MO_TIME_set(mpkt->pkt,score); strcpy((char*)MO_BODY(mpkt->pkt),nick); if(GLOBAL(privacy)==0){ uint32touint8p(GetUUID32(),mpkt->pkt+26); mpkt->pkt[25]=0; }; return true; } static uint32_t highscore_get(char nick[]){ MPKT * mpkt= meshGetMessage('i'); char * packet_nick = (char*)MO_BODY(mpkt->pkt); // the packet crc end is already zeroed if(MAXNICK<MESHPKTSIZE-2-6-1) packet_nick[MAXNICK-1] = 0; strcpy(nick, packet_nick); return MO_TIME(mpkt->pkt); } static void init_game(void) { game.player = POS_PLAYER_X; game.shot_x = DISABLED; game.shot_y = 0; game.alive = ENEMY_ROWS*ENEMY_COLUMNS; game.move = 0; if (getRandom()%2 == 0) { game.direction = -1; game.lastcol = ENEMY_COLUMNS-1; } else { game.direction = 1; game.lastcol = 0; } game.killed = 0; game.step = false; game.ufo = DISABLED; init_enemy(); for (int col=0; col<ENEMY_COLUMNS; col++){ game.shots_x[col] = DISABLED; } for (int b=0; b<BUNKERS; b++){ //for (int slice=0; slice<BUNKER_WIDTH; slice++){ // game.bunker[b][slice] = 255<<2; //} game.bunker[b][0] = 0b00111100; game.bunker[b][1] = 0b01111100; game.bunker[b][2] = 0b11111100; game.bunker[b][3] = 0b11100000; game.bunker[b][4] = 0b11100000; game.bunker[b][5] = 0b11100000; game.bunker[b][6] = 0b11100000; game.bunker[b][7] = 0b11111100; game.bunker[b][8] = 0b01111100; game.bunker[b][9] = 0b00111100; } } static void init_enemy() { for (int row = 0; row<ENEMY_ROWS; row++) { game.enemy_row_y[row] = 10 + (40/ENEMY_ROWS)*row; for (int col = 0; col<ENEMY_COLUMNS; col++) { game.enemy_x[row][col] = 5+(86/ENEMY_COLUMNS)*col+(2-row); } } } static bool check_bunker(char xpos, char ypos, int8_t shift){ for (int b=0; b<BUNKERS; b++) { if (xpos>BUNKER_X[BUNKERS-1-b] && xpos<BUNKER_X[BUNKERS-1-b]+BUNKER_WIDTH && ypos<RESY-8 && ypos>RESY-16) { int offset = BUNKER_WIDTH - (xpos-BUNKER_X[BUNKERS-1-b]); if (game.bunker[b][offset]!=0) { if (shift>0) game.bunker[b][offset]&=game.bunker[b][offset]<<shift; else game.bunker[b][offset]&=game.bunker[b][offset]>>-shift; return true; } } } return false; } static void move_shot() { //No shot, do nothing if(game.shot_x == DISABLED) { return; } //moving out of top, end shot if (game.shot_y <= 0) { game.shot_x = DISABLED; return; } if (check_bunker(game.shot_x,game.shot_y-5,1 )) game.shot_x=DISABLED; //check for collision with enemy, kill enemy if for (int row=0; row<ENEMY_ROWS; row++) { if (game.enemy_row_y[row]+6 >= game.shot_y && game.enemy_row_y[row]+6 < game.shot_y+7) { for(int col = 0; col<ENEMY_COLUMNS; col++) { if(game.shot_x >= game.enemy_x[row][col] && game.shot_x < game.enemy_x[row][col]+ENEMY_WIDTHS[row]) { game.enemy_x[row][col]=DISABLED; game.shot_x = DISABLED; game.alive--; game.score+=(3-row)*10; return; } } } } //check for collision with ufo if (game.ufo != DISABLED && game.shot_x>game.ufo && game.shot_x<game.ufo + 16 && game.shot_y<8) { game.ufo = DISABLED; game.score += 50; } game.shot_y -= 2; } static void move_shots() { for (int col = 0; col<ENEMY_COLUMNS; col++){ //No shot, maybe generate if (game.shots_x[col] == DISABLED) { for (int row = 0; row<ENEMY_ROWS; row++) { if (game.enemy_x[row][col] != DISABLED) { if(getRandom()%(game.alive*20/((game.level/3)+1))==0) { game.shots_x[col] = game.enemy_x[row][col]+5; game.shots_y[col] = game.enemy_row_y[row]+0; } } } continue; } //moving out of bottm, end shot if (game.shots_y[col] >= RESY) { game.shots_x[col] = DISABLED; return; } //check for collision with bunker if (check_bunker(game.shots_x[col],game.shots_y[col],-1)) game.shots_x[col]=DISABLED; //check for collision with player if (game.shots_y[col] >= RESY-13 && game.shots_x[col] > game.player+1 && game.shots_x[col] < game.player+6) { game.killed = true; } //move shots down game.shots_y[col] += 1; } } static void move_ufo() { if (game.ufo == DISABLED) { if ((getRandom()%UFO_PROB)==0) { game.ufo = 0; } return; } if (game.ufo >= RESX){ game.ufo = DISABLED; return; } game.ufo++; } static void move_player() { if(gpioGetValue(RB_BTN0)==0 && game.player > 0 ){ game.player-=1; } if(gpioGetValue(RB_BTN1)==0 && game.player < RESX-8){ game.player+=1; } if(gpioGetValue(RB_BTN4)==0 && game.shot_x == 255){ game.shot_x = game.player+4; game.shot_y = POS_PLAYER_Y; } } static void move_enemy() { if(game.move > 0){ game.move-=game.level/5+1; return; } game.step = !game.step; for (int col = 0; col < ENEMY_COLUMNS; col++) { for (int row = 0; row < ENEMY_ROWS; row++) { char pos = game.enemy_x[row][(game.direction==1)?(ENEMY_COLUMNS-(col+1)):col]; if (pos != DISABLED) { //Check collision with player if((game.enemy_row_y[row]+8 >= POS_PLAYER_Y && pos+8 >= game.player && pos < game.player+8) || game.enemy_row_y[row]+8 >= POS_PLAYER_Y+8) { for(int row=0; row<ENEMY_ROWS; row++) { game.enemy_row_y[row] = 10 + (40/ENEMY_ROWS)*row; } game.killed = true; } check_bunker(pos,game.enemy_row_y[row]+8,-2); //Are we at the beginning or end? Direction change if((pos <=0 && game.direction != 1) || (pos >=RESX-10 && game.direction == 1)){ game.direction = (game.direction==1)?-1:1; for (int r = 0; r<ENEMY_ROWS; r++) { game.enemy_row_y[r]+=game.level>=23?4:2; } return; } game.enemy_x[row][(game.direction==1)?(ENEMY_COLUMNS-(col+1)):col] += game.direction; } } } game.move = game.alive*2-1; } static void draw_player() { draw_sprite(TYPE_PLAYER, game.player, POS_PLAYER_Y); } static void draw_ufo() { if (game.ufo!=DISABLED) draw_sprite(TYPE_UFO, game.ufo, POS_UFO_Y); } static void draw_enemy() { for (int row = 0; row<ENEMY_ROWS; row++) { for (int col = 0; col<ENEMY_COLUMNS; col++) { if (game.enemy_x[row][col] != DISABLED) { draw_sprite(TYPE_ENEMY_C-row,game.enemy_x[row][col],game.enemy_row_y[row]); } } } } static void draw_bunker() { for (int b=0; b<BUNKERS; b++) { memcpy(lcdBuffer+(RESX*1+BUNKER_X[b]),game.bunker+b,BUNKER_WIDTH); } } static void draw_shots() { if (game.shot_x != 255) { for (int length=0; length<=5; length++) { lcdSetPixel(game.shot_x, game.shot_y+length, true); } } for (int col = 0; col < ENEMY_COLUMNS; col++) { if (game.shots_x[col] != DISABLED) { for (int length=0; length<=5; length++) { lcdSetPixel(game.shots_x[col], game.shots_y[col]+length,true); } } } } static void draw_status() { for (int p = 0; p<game.alive; p++){ lcdSetPixel(p+1,1,true); } } static void draw_sprite(char type, char x, char y) { font = &Font_Invaders; switch(type) { case TYPE_PLAYER: DoChar(x,y-1,'P'); break; case TYPE_ENEMY_A: DoChar(x,y-1,game.step?'a':'A'); break; case TYPE_ENEMY_B: DoChar(x,y-1,game.step?'b':'B'); break; case TYPE_ENEMY_C: DoChar(x,y-1,game.step?'c':'C'); break; case TYPE_UFO: DoChar(x,y-1,'U'); break; } } static void draw_score() { font = &Font_7x8; DoInt(0,0,game.score); DoInt(RESX-8,0,game.rokets); font = &Font_Invaders; DoChar(RESX-16, 0, 'P'); } static void check_end() { if (game.killed) { game.rokets--; delayms_queue(500); game.player = POS_PLAYER_X; for(int col=0; col<ENEMY_COLUMNS; col++) { game.shots_x[col] = DISABLED; } game.killed = false; } if (game.alive == 0) { delayms(500); game.level++; init_game(); screen_level(); } } #include "lcd/fonts/invaders.c"