#include <sysinit.h> #include "basic/basic.h" #include "lcd/lcd.h" #include "lcd/display.h" #include "filesystem/ff.h" int lcdLoadImage(char *file) { return readFile(file,(char *)lcdBuffer,RESX*RESY_B); } int lcdSaveImage(char *file) { return writeFile(file,(char *)lcdBuffer,RESX*RESY_B); } uint8_t lcdShowAnim(char *fname, uint32_t framems) { FIL file; /* File object */ int res; UINT readbytes; uint8_t state=0; res=f_open(&file, fname, FA_OPEN_EXISTING|FA_READ); if(res) return 1; getInputWaitRelease(); while(!getInputRaw()){ // lcdFill(0x55); // useless, as it will be overwritten anyway by the next instruction --the_nihilant res = f_read(&file, (char *)lcdBuffer, RESX*RESY_B, &readbytes); if(res) return -1; if(readbytes<RESX*RESY_B){ f_lseek(&file,0); continue; }; lcdDisplay(); if(framems<100){ state=delayms_queue_plus(framems,0); }else{ getInputWaitTimeout(framems); }; } if(state) work_queue(); return 0; };