#include "projectconfig.h" #include "diskio.h" #include "iobase.h" #include "core/ssp/ssp.h" #include "basic/basic.h" /* Opcodes */ #define OP_POWERDOWN (0xB9) #define OP_RESUME (0xAB) #define OP_PAGEREAD (0xD2) #define OP_BUFFER1READ (0xD1) /* Low Frequency (<=33MHz) */ #define OP_BUFFER2READ (0xD3) /* Low Frequency (<=33MHz) */ #define OP_BUFFER1WRITE (0x84) #define OP_BUFFER2WRITE (0x87) #define OP_BUFFER1PROG (0x83) /* with builtin erase */ #define OP_BUFFER2PROG (0x86) /* with builtin erase */ #define OP_STATUSREAD (0xD7) #define OP_DEVICEID (0x9F) #define OP_PAGE2BUFFER1 (0x53) #define OP_PAGE2BUFFER2 (0x55) #define OP_BUFFER1PAGECMP (0x60) #define OP_BUFFER2PAGECMP (0x61) #define OP_AUTOREWRITE1 (0x58) /* Auto Page Rewrite throught Buffer 1 */ #define OP_AUTOREWRITE2 (0x59) /* Auto Page Rewrite throught Buffer 2 */ #define SB_READY (1 << 7) #define SB_COMP (1 << 6) #define SB_PROTECT (1 << 1) #define SB_PAGESIZE (1 << 0) #define MAX_PAGE (2048) #define CS_LOW() gpioSetValue(RB_SPI_CS_DF, 0) #define CS_HIGH() gpioSetValue(RB_SPI_CS_DF, 1) static volatile DSTATUS status = STA_NOINIT; static void wait_for_ready() { BYTE reg_status = 0xFF; CS_LOW(); xmit_spi(OP_STATUSREAD); do { rcvr_spi_m((uint8_t *) ®_status); } while (!(reg_status & SB_READY)); CS_HIGH(); } static void dataflash_powerdown() { CS_LOW(); xmit_spi(OP_POWERDOWN); CS_HIGH(); } static void dataflash_resume() { CS_LOW(); xmit_spi(OP_RESUME); CS_HIGH(); } DSTATUS dataflash_initialize() { sspInit(0, sspClockPolarity_Low, sspClockPhase_RisingEdge); gpioSetDir(RB_SPI_CS_DF, gpioDirection_Output); dataflash_resume(); status &= ~STA_NOINIT; return status; } DSTATUS dataflash_status() { return status; } DRESULT dataflash_read(BYTE *buff, DWORD sector, BYTE count) { if (!count) return RES_PARERR; if (status & STA_NOINIT) return RES_NOTRDY; /* convert sector numbers to page numbers */ sector *= 2; count *= 2; if (sector+count > MAX_PAGE) return RES_PARERR; do { wait_for_ready(); DWORD pageaddr = sector << 9; // lower 9 bits are byte address within the page BYTE remaining = 255; CS_LOW(); xmit_spi(OP_PAGEREAD); xmit_spi((BYTE)(pageaddr >> 16)); xmit_spi((BYTE)(pageaddr >> 8)); xmit_spi((BYTE)pageaddr); xmit_spi(0x00); // follow up with 4 don't care bytes xmit_spi(0x00); xmit_spi(0x00); xmit_spi(0x00); do { rcvr_spi_m(buff++); } while (--remaining); sector++; CS_HIGH(); } while (--count); return count ? RES_ERROR : RES_OK; } #if _READONLY == 0 DRESULT dataflash_write(const BYTE *buff, DWORD sector, BYTE count) { if (!count) return RES_PARERR; if (status & STA_NOINIT) return RES_NOTRDY; /* convert sector numbers to page numbers */ sector *= 2; count *= 2; if (sector+count > MAX_PAGE) return RES_PARERR; do { wait_for_ready(); DWORD pageaddr = sector << 9; // lower 9 bits are byte address within the page BYTE remaining = 255; // write bytes into the dataflash buffer CS_LOW(); xmit_spi(OP_BUFFER1WRITE); xmit_spi(0x00); xmit_spi(0x00); xmit_spi(0x00); do { xmit_spi(*buff++); } while (--remaining); sector++; CS_HIGH(); wait_for_ready(); // compare buffer with target memory page CS_LOW(); xmit_spi(OP_BUFFER1PAGECMP); xmit_spi((BYTE)(pageaddr >> 16)); xmit_spi((BYTE)(pageaddr >> 8)); xmit_spi((BYTE)pageaddr); CS_HIGH(); wait_for_ready(); CS_LOW(); BYTE reg_status = 0xFF; xmit_spi(OP_STATUSREAD); rcvr_spi_m((uint8_t *) ®_status); CS_HIGH(); // trigger program only if data changed if (reg_status & SB_COMP) { CS_LOW(); xmit_spi(OP_BUFFER1PROG); xmit_spi((BYTE)(pageaddr >> 16)); xmit_spi((BYTE)(pageaddr >> 8)); xmit_spi((BYTE)pageaddr); CS_HIGH(); } } while (--count); return count ? RES_ERROR : RES_OK; } #endif /* _READONLY */ #if _USE_IOCTL != 0 DRESULT dataflash_ioctl(BYTE ctrl, void *buff) { DRESULT res; BYTE *ptr = buff; res = RES_ERROR; if (ctrl == CTRL_POWER) { switch (*ptr) { case 0: /* Sub control code == 0 (POWER_OFF) */ dataflash_powerdown(); res = RES_OK; break; case 1: /* Sub control code == 1 (POWER_ON) */ dataflash_resume(); res = RES_OK; break; case 2: /* Sub control code == 2 (POWER_GET) */ // TODO: figure out a way to retrieve the powerstate *(ptr+1) = (BYTE)1; res = RES_OK; break; default : res = RES_PARERR; } } else { if (status & STA_NOINIT) return RES_NOTRDY; switch (ctrl) { case CTRL_SYNC: wait_for_ready(); res = RES_OK; break; case GET_SECTOR_COUNT: // TODO: read from device ID register *(WORD*)buff = MAX_PAGE/2; res = RES_OK; break; case GET_SECTOR_SIZE: *(WORD*)buff = 512; res = RES_OK; break; case GET_BLOCK_SIZE: *(WORD*)buff = 1; res = RES_OK; break; default: res = RES_PARERR; } } return res; } #endif /* _USE_IOCTL != 0 */