mainmenu_option next_comment comment "MH Laufschrift-Borg port setup" choice 'port for the 8 clock lines' \ "PORTA PORTA \ PORTB PORTB \ PORTC PORTC \ PORTD PORTD" \ 'PORTA' CLOCKPORT choice 'port for enable and data line' \ "PORTA PORTA \ PORTB PORTB \ PORTC PORTC \ PORTD PORTD" \ 'PORTA' DATAPORT comment "pin numbers for enable and data" choice 'DATA Pin' \ "Pin0 0 \ Pin1 1 \ Pin2 2 \ Pin3 3 \ Pin4 4 \ Pin5 5 \ Pin6 6 \ Pin7 7" \ 'Pin1' PIN_DATA choice 'LINE_EN Pin' \ "Pin0 0 \ Pin1 1 \ Pin2 2 \ Pin3 3 \ Pin4 4 \ Pin5 5 \ Pin6 6 \ Pin7 7" \ 'Pin0' PIN_ENABLE endmenu