mainmenu_option next_comment comment "small Animations" bool "rowwalk" SMALLANIMATION_ROWWALK int "speed of rowwalk in 10ms" SMALLANIMATION_ROWWALK_SPEED "50" int "count of rowwalk in full cycles" SMALLANIMATION_ROWWALK_COUNT "10" bool "colwalk" SMALLANIMATION_COLWALK int "speed of colwalk in 10ms" SMALLANIMATION_COLWALK_SPEED "50" int "count of colwalk in full cycles" SMALLANIMATION_COLWALK_COUNT "10" bool "rowbounce" SMALLANIMATION_ROWBOUNCE int "speed of rowbounce in 10ms" SMALLANIMATION_ROWBOUNCE_SPEED "50" int "count of rowbounce in full cycles" SMALLANIMATION_ROWBOUNCE_COUNT "10" bool "colbounce" SMALLANIMATION_COLBOUNCE int "speed of colbounce in 10ms" SMALLANIMATION_COLBOUNCE_SPEED "50" int "count of colbounce in full cycles" SMALLANIMATION_COLBOUNCE_COUNT "10" endmenu