/**** RFM 12 library for Atmel AVR Microcontrollers ******* * * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * @author Peter Fuhrmann, Hans-Gert Dahmen, Soeren Heisrath */ /****************************************************** * * * C O N F I G U R A T I O N * * * ******************************************************/ /* Connect the RFM12 to the AVR as follows: RFM12 | AVR ----------------+------------ SDO | MISO nIRQ | INT0 FSK/DATA/nFFS | VCC DCLK/CFIL/FFIT | - CLK | - nRES | - GND | GND ANT | - VDD | VCC GND | GND nINT/VDI | - SDI | MOSI SCK | SCK nSEL | Slave select pin defined below */ #include "../config.h" #include "../makros.h" #include //Pin that the RFM12's slave select is connected to //#define DDR_SS DDRB //#define PORT_SS PORTB //#define BIT_SS PB4 #define DDR_SS DDR(PORT_SS) //SPI port //#define DDR_SPI DDRB #define DDR_SPI DDR(PORT_SPI) //#define PORT_SPI PORTB //#define PIN_SPI PINB //#define BIT_MOSI 5 //#define BIT_MISO 6 //#define BIT_SCK 7 //#define BIT_SPI_SS 4 //this is the hardware SS pin of the AVR - it //needs to be set to output for the spi-interface to work //correctly, independently of the CS pin used for the RFM12 /************************ * RFM12 CONFIGURATION OPTIONS */ //baseband of the module (either RFM12_BAND_433, RFM12_BAND_868 or RFM12_BAND_912) #define RFM12_BASEBAND RFM12_BAND_433 //center frequency to use (+- FSK frequency shift) #define RFM12_FREQUENCY 433000000UL //FSK frequency shift in kHz #define FSK_SHIFT 45000 //Receive RSSI Threshold #define RFM12_RSSI_THRESHOLD RFM12_RXCTRL_RSSI_79 //Receive Filter Bandwidth #define RFM12_FILTER_BW RFM12_RXCTRL_BW_134 //Output power relative to maximum (0dB is maximum) #define RFM12_POWER RFM12_TXCONF_POWER_0 //Receive LNA gain #define RFM12_LNA_GAIN RFM12_RXCTRL_LNA_6 //crystal load capacitance - the frequency can be verified by measuring the //clock output of RFM12 and comparing to 1MHz. //11.5pF seems to be o.k. for RFM12, and 10.5pF for RFM12BP, but this may vary. #define RFM12_XTAL_LOAD RFM12_XTAL_11_5PF //use this for datarates >= 2700 Baud #define DATARATE_VALUE RFM12_DATARATE_CALC_HIGH(9600.0) //use this for 340 Baud < datarate < 2700 Baud //#define DATARATE_VALUE RFM12_DATARATE_CALC_LOW(1200.0) //TX BUFFER SIZE #define RFM12_TX_BUFFER_SIZE 10 //RX BUFFER SIZE (there are going to be 2 Buffers of this size for double_buffering) #define RFM12_RX_BUFFER_SIZE 10 /************************ * INTERRUPT VECTOR * set the name for the interrupt vector here */ //the interrupt vector #define RFM12_INT_VECT (INT0_vect) //the interrupt mask register #ifdef EIMSK #define RFM12_INT_MSK EIMSK #elif defined(GIMSK) #define RFM12_INT_MSK GIMSK #else #define RFM12_INT_MSK GICR #endif //the interrupt bit in the mask register #define RFM12_INT_BIT (INT0) //the interrupt flag register #ifdef EIFR #define RFM12_INT_FLAG EIFR #else #define RFM12_INT_FLAG GIFR #endif //the interrupt bit in the flag register #define RFM12_FLAG_BIT (INTF0) //setup the interrupt to trigger on negative edge #define RFM12_INT_SETUP() MCUCR |= (1 << ISC01) /************************ * FEATURE CONFIGURATION */ #define RFM12_LOW_BATT_DETECTOR 0 #define RFM12_USE_WAKEUP_TIMER 0 #define RFM12_TRANSMIT_ONLY 0 #define RFM12_SPI_SOFTWARE 0 //setup the low battery detector to 2.2v //Vlb = 2.2 + (val * 0.1) //hint: minimum measured supply voltage is 1.98V ! #define RFM12_LBD_VOLTAGE RFM12_LBD_VOLTAGE_2V2 /**** UART DEBUGGING * en- or disable debugging via uart. */ #define RFM12_UART_DEBUG 0