#include "can.h" #include "lap.h" #include "borg_can.h" #include "spi.h" #include "blinken.h" #include #include #include #include #include can_addr myaddr; extern jmp_buf newmode_jmpbuf; void bcan_init() { spi_init(); can_init(); myaddr = eeprom_read_byte(0x00); pdo_message *msg = (pdo_message *)can_buffer_get(); msg->addr_src = myaddr; msg->addr_dst = 0xff; msg->port_src = PORT_BORG; msg->port_dst = PORT_BORG; msg->dlc = 4; msg->cmd = FKT_BORG_INFO; msg->data[0] = NUM_ROWS; msg->data[1] = NUM_COLS; msg->data[2] = NUM_PLANES; can_transmit((can_message *)msg); } void process_mgt_msg(pdo_message *msg) { pdo_message *rmsg; switch(msg->cmd) { case FKT_MGT_RESET: timer0_off(); cli(); while(1); break; case FKT_MGT_PING: rmsg = (pdo_message *)can_buffer_get(); rmsg->addr_dst = msg->addr_src; rmsg->addr_src = myaddr; rmsg->port_dst = msg->port_src; rmsg->port_src = msg->port_dst; rmsg->cmd = FKT_MGT_PONG; rmsg->dlc = 1; can_transmit((can_message *)rmsg); break; } } void process_borg_msg(pdo_message *msg) { unsigned char i, j; switch(msg->cmd) { case FKT_BORG_MODE: longjmp(newmode_jmpbuf, msg->data[0]); break; case FKT_BORG_SCROLLTEXT_RESET: for(i=0; i < msg->dlc-1; i++) { scrolltext_text[i] = msg->data[i]; } scrolltext_text[i] = 0; break; case FKT_BORG_SCROLLTEXT_APPEND: j=0; while(scrolltext_text[j]) j++; for(i=0; i < msg->dlc-1; i++) { scrolltext_text[i+j] = msg->data[i]; } scrolltext_text[i+j] = 0; break; #ifdef Hansi_hat_gelernt_Werte_vorher_zu_definieren //========== blinkenstuff //clear the blinkenbackbuffer to color case FKT_BLINK_CLEARBUF: blink_clearbuf(msg->data[0]); break; //set auto position increment flag case FKT_BLINK_SETAUTOPOS: blink_setautopos(msg->data[0]); break; //set the current blinkenbuffer offset position case FKT_BLINK_SETPOS: blink_setpos(msg->data[0]); break; //puts the current blinkenbuffer to the frontbuffer case FKT_BLINK_SHOW: blink_show(); break; //puts data into the blinkenbuffer case FKT_BLINK_DATA: blink_data(msg->data, msg->dlc - 1); break; #endif } } void bcan_process_messages() { pdo_message *msg = (pdo_message*) can_get_nb(); while(msg) { if (!msg) return; if(msg->addr_dst == myaddr && msg->port_dst == PORT_MGT) process_mgt_msg(msg); if(msg->addr_dst == myaddr && msg->port_dst == PORT_BORG) process_borg_msg(msg); msg = (pdo_message*) can_get_nb(); }; }